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05/29/09 01:09 PM
Description went wacky  

I was editing an old description (changed font, spacing, wording, alignment), and when I selected a category (the old category field was blank -- former category no longer exists), the description suddenly looked like this:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Maiandra GD;}{\f1\froman Georgia;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\f0\fs28 My description My description My description\par
My description\par
My description\par
My description

I am good at saving changes (hitting that crucial checkmark) when I'm about to change the Auction Profile, for example, but I've never had this happen when selecting a category. I realize I could have saved my changes before going to the category list, but I'm curious about the not-quite-HTML code it changed to. What exactly is \par and \rtf1 and \ansicpg, and why did my description change to this language?


(Carpal Tunnel)
05/29/09 03:41 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Restart your computer. It wouldn't hurt to do a defrag either.

See if that has any affect. Let me know


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05/29/09 04:39 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

Yes, I'll do that, but I'm pretty sure this was just an odd, one-time glitch. In fact, I did a Rebuild this morning, so the database should be fine. I'm just curious about the code/language this is. I Googled on some of the phrases, but nothing looked particularly related. It's just weird that switching from Georgia to Maiandra is even included in that code. If you search on deflang1033, for example, a bunch of strange things come up -- well, they're strange only because I don't understand them.


(Carpal Tunnel)
05/29/09 08:00 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Sorry I was so slow, My husband took me to eat dinner tonight. Just got home.

IF the restart doesn't clean up the description the only thing to do is to edit the description.

It is really weird though. Just a thought. Have you recently updated your browser to IE8???

I ask because after updating my computers, 2 computers had totally weird things happen on being font. I ended up uninstalling the update and then reinstalling IE8 again. The second time everything was fine.


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05/30/09 00:50 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

I'm not trying to fix the wacky description. I scrapped it and started over -- no big deal. I was just curious about that strange code that appeared out of nowhere.

No, I haven't updated to IE8; still using ver 7.


(Carpal Tunnel)
05/30/09 05:13 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I have had my description field do that a time or two before. Just went bonkers for no apparent reason.

One time we figured out the staff had pasted in text from a website without first putting it into Notepad. When we changed font and formatting within AW2K description field, it just went totally weird on us.

Maybe a gremlin came through and was putting gremlin cookies in your description It's a thought!


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(stranger )
05/31/09 02:24 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

I have this happen to me often enough to be quite infuriating. I now have Word running in the background just so I can cut and paste my descriptions from AW2000 as a back up for when AW corrupts everything I wrote. It happens when I leave the description field for most any reason. Not every time mind you. I'd say about 10 or 15% of the time. And it always seems to do it on the new item that I forgot to make a copy of.

Or a similar thing is it will revert back to the inventory item that I copied it from. I copy an inventory item. Make my changes in the description, switch to a different view and loss all my modifications.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
05/31/09 03:30 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Remember to always Post Changes prior to leaving the description field and moving to another tab. That will eliminate losing data.

Be sure to run database backup and a rebuild frequently to keep the database clean and up to snuff.


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(stranger )
05/31/09 03:38 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


Thanks Judy. I will try that. I never noticed the Post under record before.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
05/31/09 04:02 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I have had the same thing happen to me with Shipping options. Configure them and not Post Changes leave the Auction lot, return and find the options gone.

Posting Changes totally eliminated the issue.

Let me know if that helps or not.


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(stranger )
06/03/09 03:58 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Oh well. Just happened to me again. This time when I clicked on "Post" I lost everything and it went back to the same text as the inventory item I copied it from.

And i was thinking "Boy I had better click "Post" so I don't lose what I just typed", not knowing that would cause the exact thing I was trying to avoid.

Looks like I will still have to save everything I type in another ap because of this bug unless some one another idea.

My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 04:07 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I will have to say, we do not lose data like this. And there are five of us entering in descriptions, images and editing auction lots all day long 5 days a week.

How long has it been since you rebuilt your database?


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(stranger )
06/03/09 04:11 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

I rebuilt a couple weeks ago.

It has been happening for a year at least.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 04:13 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I am so sorry. That is frustrating... Let me think about this for a bit... We use to lose data from the description field but it ended up being user related. How we saved (posted) changes.

So you are telling me, you were typing merrily along and clicked the Post change button which is the checkmark not the "x" and it disappeared? Are you sure you didn't click the x accidentally.

Have you tried using the Refresh tool instead./?


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(stranger )
06/03/09 04:30 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


You know I might wonder if I had clicked x accidentally if it had not been doing this same thing even before I knew that "Post" was up on the menu. It would do this when I tied to go to another screen. Besides I am 99% sure I clicked post.

It has happened many times over the last year or more. Numerous times I didn't even notice that it changed everything back and ended up listing an item with a totally inappropriate description.

It does this (converts back to the old text) or gives me html gibberish of the previous description.

Wish I know how to avoid this somehow.

My eBay Store

Edited by SensualWorld on 06/03/09 04:38 PM (server time).

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 04:37 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I will work on it and see what I can come up with.

I know it is happening to you. That I don't doubt. And there has to be a reason.

You are not pasting in information from a website or Word correct?? You are manually typing in text into the description field??


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(stranger )
06/03/09 04:40 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


I posted a string of 5 words I got from a website in this particular description. The rest was me typing both before and after the paste.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 04:44 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


So it is not normal for you to copy/paste text from a website into the description field, correct?

Do you paste in text from Word??

I am looking for what could be causing the weird HTMl characters.... Word as well as website text can both cause that issue.


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(stranger )
06/03/09 05:07 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


When it gives me the html, it is html from the inventory item I copied it from on AW2000. So the html is from something old that is already in AW not from something new that I typed in or pasted from a web site etc.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 06:05 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Okay, I am a bit confused. Why is there HTML in the Inventory Item description field?

What do you mean you copied it from on AW2000? I am sorry but I am not tracking with you.


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(stranger )
06/03/09 07:36 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


My point exactly, why is there html in the description field?!

I'll give you a step by step to help clarify.

When I have something new to list I usually find something in my inventory that was similar (Let's say it is inventory record #100)

I then duplicate inventory record #100 and it becomes inventory record #200. I will then modify #200 so that it describes my new item. Note that there is no HTML code in the description field of either inventory record. Just text with various formating like center, bold, and different font size etc.

After I finish modifying the description of inventory record #200, I might then do any of the following. Create an auction lot, click spell check, goto shipping details, move to the next or previous record etc.

Sometimes when I do this one of two things happen.

1.) I lose all the modifications I made to the description field of inventory record #200 so that it once again looks exactly like inventory record #100. or more often it does 2.

2.) The text in the description field of record #200 becomes some HTML jumbled version of the description field of inventory record #100.

I will cut and past the html code I get next time it happens so you can see what I end up with in the description field.

In both cases I lose all the modifications I made to the description field.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 08:05 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Do you use the AW2k templates? Or do you use HTML to develop your templates?

Has the Inventory Item description fields always had this HTML thing going on??

My pea brain is whirling here. Thanks for taking the time to describe what is going on.... I may get hold of tech on this one .. after I think on it for a bit here... that could be dangerous though.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/03/09 08:20 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Another question. Have you ever copied/pasted text from Word or a website into the description fields of the older Inventory Items? The ones you are using to duplicate?


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(stranger )
06/04/09 10:39 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


I don't do anything that unusual in my templates. I don't code them in html for instance. I have a couple links in there to my store, the PayPal logo check out code etc.

The Inventory Item description fields have been doing this a long time. More than a year. I couldn't tell you exactly when it started.


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(stranger )
06/04/09 10:45 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


Yes, I have cut and pasted text from both word and the web in the past, most likely on some of the old descriptions but definitely not all and I don't think this is something that always occurred beforehand when the problem arises. . When I cut and paste it pastes text not html code. I don't see how that is relevant really.


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/05/09 04:03 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I am sorry I didnt get back with you last night.

The paypal logos wouldn't cause it. Website text and pasting text in from Word can. It sounds like you have RTF in the Inventory item description fields. Duplicating an Inventory Item also duplicates teh RTF too.

The only way to get rid of it, is to
a) totally delete all of the description field text and Post changes prior to duplicating an old Inventory item
b). strip out the RTF prior to duplicating. Meaning to go through the description field and delete all the slashes and other code you can see, post changes and then duplicate

It is preferrable to do the first option. Once you fix it by removing the RTF from the description field, the problem should stop.

We had this same thing happen to us once. It was maddening until we figured it out.


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(stranger )
06/05/09 09:51 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


If I delete all the text before duplicating, it wouldn't make too much sense to duplicate it for me, as a lot of what I want is the text.

I am not sure what you mean by deleting the RTF. There are no slashes or other code in the text I am duplicating.


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(stranger )
06/05/09 10:04 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Oh, No problem about getting back to me. I don't expect you to be watching for what I type 24 hours a day :) We all have other stuff to do right?

My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/05/09 01:57 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Copy and then paste the description text into Notepad before deleting it. That way the information itself is saved.

Then you can delete all the information in the description field, Post changes and then paste the text from Notepad back into the description field.

You said when you duplicated the Inventory Items that the HTML was showing ??? Did I misunderstand?


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(Carpal Tunnel)
06/05/09 02:04 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Well normally I keep better tabs on the board. But the last 2 weeks have been more than challenging here at work. I have 2 people gone on medical leave. Why everyone decided to have emergency surgeries all at the same time is beyond me

Thank you for being understanding.


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(stranger )
06/06/09 07:40 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

"You said when you duplicated the Inventory Items that the HTML was showing ??? Did I misunderstand?"

Yes. I must not be explaining it clearly I guess.

There is no html code in the description field of the items I am duplicating. When the ERROR/BUG occurs, it converts the text (of the old inventory item) into html gobbldygook.

AW2000 converts what ever you type in the description field into html for your listing in eBay. I assume when I get garrbage this is what AW is spitting back out to me.

As I said it does one of thwo things. It either completely replaces what I typed with the description I field contents of the item I copied the new inventory item from. Or...

It replaces what I typed with an html version of the description field of the item I copied the new invertory item from.

The old item did not have html. AW is giving that to me all on its own.

My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/06/09 07:52 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


It isn't you, it is me not communicating effectively.

I understand the RTF is not appearing in the original Inventory Item and only appears when you duplicate. And the RTF is appearing on the newly duplicated Inventory item not the original Inventory Item.

But that doesn't mean the RTF or text that is causing the issue isn't in the description field. It is or the RTF would not be appearing on the duplicated Inventory ITem

The RTF appearing actually isn't an AW2000 issue but rather a Windows issue. It can happen when text is copied and pasted into any HTML enabled editor directly from a website or Microsoft Word. There are other things that can cause it but those are the most common.

The only way to get rid of it is to
a. if you can see it the delete the RTF formatting and reformat the description field.

b. delete the description field and start over.

The description field text can be pasted into Notepad so you have the information. Then after you have deleted the description field completely and Posted changes, then you can paste the text back in from Notepad and format it again.

I hope that is clearer


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(stranger )
06/06/09 08:41 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Judy, I think you still aren't getting it.

"I understand the RTF is not appearing in the original Inventory Item "


"and only appears when you duplicate."

No. It does not appear when I dupicate it. When I duplicate it has no html or rft. It is only when the error occurs that it happens. Or is that what you actually meant?

My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/07/09 04:40 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


That is what I mean,

When that happens, it must be cleaned up or it will continue. It isn't a bug in AW2000. It is a Windows issue.

one other thing, has this copy of AW2000 been moved to a new computer since the original Inventory Items were created?


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(stranger )
06/26/09 05:09 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

I'm back late to this thread because I figured I was going to get an answer like this and I didn't want to get more frustrated.

How is that a windows issue and not a AW2000 bug? You can't cut and paste from the web or a word processor into AG2000? That is a bug in my book. I don't think there is anyway you can convince me otherwise.

This should be basic functionality of any windows program. I can cut text from Word to the web. I can cut from the web into word. I can cut text between dozens of programs without an issue but for AW2000 it causes blow ups somewhere down the line.

AW2000 should be able to save text pasted into it without issue. I copy text from the web and paste to AW2000 and it uses the current format being used in AW2000 including font and bold etc. It saves it with no apparent glitches but then when you try and duplicate it, it blows up. That is a bug.

It AW2000 wants to look away and say "hey it's not our problem," I don't really buy it. I've got near ten thousand items in my inventory. I have no idea which ones might have some pasted text in them. It is not practical and in my opinion should not be necessary to somehow redo all of these items.

Regarding your last question. No this copy of AW2000 has not been moved to a new computer since the original Inventory Items were created.

I want to apologize if I am coming off as snippy or antagonistic. I am really trying not to be that way. I would just like my problem to be fixed.

It gets frustrating when I get what appears to be a customer support finger pointing shell game. I am not just talking about this thread either. Thom has been excellent overall any time I had a problem. Problems and issues are almost always handled quickly etc. But a few times I have gotten answers that are annoying. For instance.

Another recurrent issue I've had for years is copying text from one field in AW2000 to another field in AW2000. I won't bother starting a new thread because maybe this is the same "windows issue". Sometimes I might want to copy text from an auction lot description into an inventory item description. I copy the text, go to my destination but when I paste I get a blank line or only part of what I copied.

Now if I use the same copy and paste into any others windows application, all the text shows up.

Now here is the kicker. If I use cut instead of copy, with the same text still highlighted, it will work.

I sent this issue in as a bug once and got the answer that I need to defrag my hard drive and some other, completely irrelevant (to me of course) technical waste of time.

What is that? Yea, do I need to reinstall windows too? Those are the times when the support I've gotten has frustrated me.

But no marriage is made in heaven. Overall I have been very happy with AW2000 so I have just dealt with these issues and stuck with AW2000 over the years.

OK very long post. I will stop now.

My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/26/09 07:15 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I am sorry you are frustrated. I am not a AW2000 tech support personnel pointing a finger at anyone. But I can tell you from working on other forums your assumption that you can copy/paste from Word into an HTML enabled editor without issues is not true.

This week alone on other sites that I work on, I have had to "fix" at least 25 sellers listing who thought it was okay to copy/paste from Word into the HTML enabled editor. And all they got was a bunch of strange invalid characters whose encoding was incorrect. Once the text had been pasted into Notepad, saved and then pasted into the HTML enabled editor the encoding and strange character sets errors were eliminated.

It is not a bug issue with the software applications but rather the extraneous text the human eye cannot see in the background. And once pasted into the HTML enabled editor, it can create strange character sets.

some combinations of letters/characters/numbers create not only RTF issues but also HTML issues. It just works that way.

I only shared what I know causes the issues to help you pinpoint the problem. Not to create any conflict.

I am truly sorry that what I had to offer was not helpful and all it did was frustrate you.


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06/28/09 09:26 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Ain't that the truth!

I've done a lot of HTML programming, and used a lot of different HTML editors, and they all have their quirks. Word is probably the worst HTML editor on god's good earth. If you ever want to create an uneditable, error-ridden web page, save a Word document as a "web page". There will be hundreds - or even thousands - of extraneous codes on your web page.

Most HTML editors will have a problem with a Word cut/paste because it will attempt to "fix" the bad code. Sometimes it'll seem fine until you edit it - even just deleting a single space can garble the whole thing.

Word, for example, will put seperate "font" commands on every line, making it nearly impossible to edit HTML appearance. As Judy the text in notepad is the best solution

I think what throws AW2K users is that they approach the item description area as if it's a clean text area. It's not. It's an interpretive HTML editor that hides it's own formatting codes. This means that if you start injecting actual HTML code into it, you have no way of knowing (or editing) it's interaction with the hidden HTML code produced by AW2K itself. AW2K will also attempt - like every other interpretive HTML editor - to "fix" the html code so it makes sense. Often this just creates a mess.

The solution is to use clean text (like from notepad) and use AW2K's built-in formatting as much as possible. This is particularly true of commands affecting appearance. The only html code I ever add to a description is a link.

Everything else should be done in the templates - which does allow for straight HTML code. The "dscription text block" is just an element that's used in the template. IMHO, it should never contain any of it's own format commands (except those created by the AW2K itself) since it is implied that the web format is done through a template.

This is why the description area has only a small number of formatting commands to begin with. It's designed that way for a reason that has to do with it's function.

(Carpal Tunnel)
06/28/09 06:35 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: Tradeguy]  


Thank you ... You explained what I have been trying to say PERFECTLY... Thanks!!!!!!!!!


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