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05/29/09 01:09 PM
Description went wacky  

I was editing an old description (changed font, spacing, wording, alignment), and when I selected a category (the old category field was blank -- former category no longer exists), the description suddenly looked like this:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Maiandra GD;}{\f1\froman Georgia;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\f0\fs28 My description My description My description\par
My description\par
My description\par
My description

I am good at saving changes (hitting that crucial checkmark) when I'm about to change the Auction Profile, for example, but I've never had this happen when selecting a category. I realize I could have saved my changes before going to the category list, but I'm curious about the not-quite-HTML code it changed to. What exactly is \par and \rtf1 and \ansicpg, and why did my description change to this language?


(Carpal Tunnel)
05/29/09 03:41 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Restart your computer. It wouldn't hurt to do a defrag either.

See if that has any affect. Let me know


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05/29/09 04:39 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

Yes, I'll do that, but I'm pretty sure this was just an odd, one-time glitch. In fact, I did a Rebuild this morning, so the database should be fine. I'm just curious about the code/language this is. I Googled on some of the phrases, but nothing looked particularly related. It's just weird that switching from Georgia to Maiandra is even included in that code. If you search on deflang1033, for example, a bunch of strange things come up -- well, they're strange only because I don't understand them.


(Carpal Tunnel)
05/29/09 08:00 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Sorry I was so slow, My husband took me to eat dinner tonight. Just got home.

IF the restart doesn't clean up the description the only thing to do is to edit the description.

It is really weird though. Just a thought. Have you recently updated your browser to IE8???

I ask because after updating my computers, 2 computers had totally weird things happen on being font. I ended up uninstalling the update and then reinstalling IE8 again. The second time everything was fine.


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05/30/09 00:50 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

I'm not trying to fix the wacky description. I scrapped it and started over -- no big deal. I was just curious about that strange code that appeared out of nowhere.

No, I haven't updated to IE8; still using ver 7.


(Carpal Tunnel)
05/30/09 05:13 AM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I have had my description field do that a time or two before. Just went bonkers for no apparent reason.

One time we figured out the staff had pasted in text from a website without first putting it into Notepad. When we changed font and formatting within AW2K description field, it just went totally weird on us.

Maybe a gremlin came through and was putting gremlin cookies in your description It's a thought!


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(stranger )
05/31/09 02:24 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  

I have this happen to me often enough to be quite infuriating. I now have Word running in the background just so I can cut and paste my descriptions from AW2000 as a back up for when AW corrupts everything I wrote. It happens when I leave the description field for most any reason. Not every time mind you. I'd say about 10 or 15% of the time. And it always seems to do it on the new item that I forgot to make a copy of.

Or a similar thing is it will revert back to the inventory item that I copied it from. I copy an inventory item. Make my changes in the description, switch to a different view and loss all my modifications.


My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
05/31/09 03:30 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


Remember to always Post Changes prior to leaving the description field and moving to another tab. That will eliminate losing data.

Be sure to run database backup and a rebuild frequently to keep the database clean and up to snuff.


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(stranger )
05/31/09 03:38 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: bluepennylady]  


Thanks Judy. I will try that. I never noticed the Post under record before.


My eBay Store

(Carpal Tunnel)
05/31/09 04:02 PM
Re: Description went wacky new [re: SensualWorld]  


I have had the same thing happen to me with Shipping options. Configure them and not Post Changes leave the Auction lot, return and find the options gone.

Posting Changes totally eliminated the issue.

Let me know if that helps or not.


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