Oh, Judy, yes, all of my profiles show there but I unchecked all but onlypollypocket. The queued lot still appeared with just onlypollypocket checked.Is that what you mean?Cheersb
BarbaraOkie dokieThis is going to require some changes that tech has the files for..email info@auctionwizard2000.comThom is expecting your email as I took the liberty of notifying him about the issue Judy OglesbyJudy/bluebluepennyladyVisit my eBay store! http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=storeVisit our website too!http://www.pennyworthsales.comVisit me at Bonanza!http://www.bonanza.com/bluepennyladyhttp://twitter.com/bluepennyladyhttp://bluepennyladyblog.blogspot.com
Thanks soooooooooo much, Judy, really appreciate your help and will contact Thom :)CheersBarbara
BarbaraMy pleasureLet us know how it goes...Judy OglesbyJudy/bluebluepennyladyVisit my eBay store! http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=storeVisit our website too!http://www.pennyworthsales.comVisit me at Bonanza!http://www.bonanza.com/bluepennyladyhttp://twitter.com/bluepennyladyhttp://bluepennyladyblog.blogspot.com