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12/14/14 07:08 AM
AW won't load [re: ]  

Major help needed please!

I use Windows 8 (ugh). I have turned off the auto-updates but yesterday it did something and restarted my machine.

Then I could not start AW. The logo appears and starts loading but then the dialogue box appears: "Auction Wizard 2000 has stopped working"

Tried everything including uninstalling/re-installing. When I re-installed the program started! Hooray! However, all of my data was gone so I performed a "restore database". Then the program stopped working again.

Then I did a rebuild database but 100 tables rebuilt unsuccessfully.

Before I bother Thom, any suggestions?

Thank you so much for any help!

12/14/14 02:46 PM
Re: AW won't load new [re: onlynancydrew]  

There is a startuplog.txt file in the Aw2000 directory. Open it up, that should give you some clue on what's happening. You can post the contents here on the forum.

12/14/14 03:40 PM
Re: AW won't load new [re: alsorts]  

Thank you for the hint, alsorts!

Here is the content of the file:

Log Opened - 12/14/2014 11:02 am
Windows 8
Configuring Network Settings...
Connecting To Database C:\Aw2000\Database\
Activating Main Form Tables...
---ConnectDatabase Completed---
Loading Forms...
Corrupt table/index header.
File: C:\Aw2000\Database\BuyerID.DB

I can see, where the problem lies. Do you have any idea how I can solve it?

Lol, I am pretty good at USING AW but that is where my knowledge ends ;)


12/15/14 06:18 AM
Re: AW won't load new [re: onlynancydrew]  

Hi Barb,

I would think rebuild would fix the problem, but apparently not. Probably send it to Thom to fix. Just a suggestion to save some time, send him the startuplog.txt and the BuyerID.DB file. If he needs something else he'll let you know.

Sorry I wasn't much help.


12/15/14 06:37 AM
Re: AW won't load new [re: alsorts]  

Oh, Bob, you WERE a big help! Thank you so much. At least, now I know where the problem lies and I can give Thom what he will need to help me.

LOL, I am doing packages this morning (wouldn't you just know I would get a problem right at Christmas) and I am lost! I sell on several venues and Auction Wizard is my Complete guru to control it.

Thanks again and I will get an email off to Thom.


12/15/14 08:37 AM
Re: AW won't load new [re: onlynancydrew]  

I've been a complete stand-still because of 1 little problem. Hopefully Thom will get you up and going in no time.


12/15/14 09:50 AM
Re: AW won't load new [re: alsorts]  

I'm sure Thom will fix you right up, but my first thought was that you have a database version mis-match. Many of the AW updates modify the database structure, so your backed up data needs to be the same version as the program you use to rebuild it.

For me the best AW2K backup is a complete backup - the entire AW directory - programs and data and archives - so everything matches - data and program. And I backup often - every day - at least 2 sets of backups.

12/15/14 04:04 PM
Re: AW won't load new [re: Tradeguy]  

Thank you both for your replies. I did email Thom and we struggled with it but it turns out that windows wasn't allowing the Rebuild Database Utility access to the AW2000 database files.

I use Windows 8 and have been running AW2000 just fine until some update Windows did on Sunday (after instructions to NOT allow automatic updates :( ).

What Thom said got me thinking, ok, compatibility issue? So I ran the Windows Compatibility Troubleshooter on AW2000 but still no success to starting AW. But also what he said was the access not being allowing to the Rebuild Utility. So I ran the troubleshooter on that and when I tested, it rebuilt all tables successfully!

I said "save those settings" and then fired up AW2000 to almost perfect success.

I am posting this in case anyone else has Windows 8 issues. It is certainly worth a try to see if it is a compatibility problem.

When I said "almost" above...does anyone get "access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000. during email functions? This has been happening for awhile but I just close it and move on.

However, as you can imagine, it is annoying.


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