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(stranger )
09/28/07 02:22 PM
Scheduled Listings  

Hi all,
I just went to try my first listing and, when scheduling it 10 minutes ahead, realized it was simply sent to ebay's Scheduled Listing service which costs .10c per scheduled item-which costs hundreds in the long run...something I've been determined to avoid...more ebay fees. I thought that the program systematically listed them. That's what 'scheduled listing' is, correct?
I'm in tears at the moment...maybe I missed something...
sure hope so...

09/28/07 02:34 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: astor]  


That is what eBay calls scheduled listings. And unfortunately most everyone charges for that service. AW2000 allows you to Queue your Auction lots for days, weeks, months or even years in Advance. However, you must submit the listings when you want them to list.

The Auction lots have to go somewhere to sit until they go live. And they are sitting on eBay's server waiting to go live which costs.

There is another option if you need to list later in the day from home or something. Lots of us use to access our computers if we have to be away when we want to list. Works great. That is what I do. I leave the computers I need on at work. head home. And I log into my company network from home later in the evening to list. Logmein has a completely free version that works like a charm. My daughter in law manages her auctions and another company's auctions using Just something to consider.

Do you list from your computer at work? Or are you listing from home?


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(stranger )
09/28/07 05:25 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: bluepennylady]  

I list from my desktop - but I'm not always there - or able to access a laptop. Nor do I want to HAVE to be able to list- it makes no sense and leaves no personal life. I assumed the scheduled listings allowed the program to upload the listings as needed, as long as the internet connection was live...but obviously, I was very, very wrong. not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last.

09/28/07 07:06 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: astor]  


I am so sorry. I do know the ability for a "clock" if that is a good term has been made so that you could tell AW2000 to list the Auctions at say---10:00 pm tonight and as long as you left the computer running the auctions would list. I am not sure the exact correct terminology for it but the suggestion has been made.


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(stranger )
09/29/07 10:30 AM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: bluepennylady]  

<< I do know the ability for a "clock" if that is a good term has been made so that you could tell AW2000 to list the Auctions at say--->>


again Judy, thanks!!!


09/29/07 02:06 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: astor]  


The suggestion has been made to the AW2000 tech team about adding the "clock" ability. At this time it can't be done. You can Queue Auction lots to be listed at the time frames I described earlier, days, weeks, months or even years in advance. However, you must hit the "List lots" button in AW2K for the Auctions to launch.


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(stranger )
09/29/07 02:08 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: astor]  

The "clock" would be a great idea, but I do believe it is only an idea at this point, not a functioning service. I work nights and would love to be able to set up My system to load auctions at a later time but that is not available at this time I don't think. I take it you are single and live alone. I atleast have someone here that I can leave the system set up and have them push the buttons at the correct time for me. Don't get frustrated, where there is a will, there is a way.

Salvage Hound
Ruff Ruff, I smell deals about..

09/29/07 02:23 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: Salvage_Hound]  

Hi, Karl and all,

You can also, as posted before, use or other remote access software to list at times when you cannot be in front of your computer. Works out just pretty good--at least for me it does anyway.

Karl is right, don't get frustrated, there is a way to manage your listing times.


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(stranger )
09/29/07 06:35 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: bluepennylady]  

Not sure what to do...It's my birthday today...56...jeez, I should be dead...but, I'm here...and I'll find a way.

Can't this be programmed somehow? Maybe even using an outside program. Where are all the hackers when you need them! ;)
I'm just really upset; been working on this for weeks and to do my first listing only to find out they can't be scheduled...ugh Seems like it would be the main part of any auction mgmt program...oh well...again, not sure what to do now...
poor me - ah, a pity party! I'll regroup tomorrow...
thanks for any and all advice guys!
any comments are appreciated...

09/29/07 07:23 PM
Re: Scheduled Listings new [re: astor]  


Happy birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you!! Happy birthday DEAAAARRRRR Claire! Happy Birthday to you!!

How's that Keep on truckin there girl. You'll get it done.

Scheduling is actually electing what day of the week you want the auctions to list. The ability to have the software have a clock and it list all on its own according to the clock settings is a bit different option. There are pros and cons to having set auctions that are listed according to a timer.

If the "timer" goes haywire, you can end up with a huge mess. Auctions listing at incorrect times. Or submitting auction lots repeatedly. It is not always easy to remove auction lots from the scheduled batches and/or re-occurring batches. Hence you can in reality have auction lots launching for product you no longer actually have on hand.

The repeated auction launching is the biggest single problem I have seen occur. And I have seen it happen over and over again. No auction site refunds the fees for auctions listed in error. Which if you should have a major error with the timer such as a power failure, internal clock problem on your computer or any number of other factors, will completely mess up the settings. And if there are listing errors and warnings, you are not around to see what those errors are. It can be a really bad thing.

A few months ago while participating in testing group for another auction management software, the "timer" had a major glitch. It was an absolute mess. Sellers had auctions launching over and over again. And since the timer was haywire, the auctions were launched at times of the day (which was middle of the night) and no one caught it. By the time someone noticed, there were literally hundreds of auctions online and the launcher was simply repeating the same auctions over and over again. It wasn't the only incident with that software or others I have participated in the testing groups.

I am not opposed to the timers. It is just that there are issues that can and do occur folks need to be aware of. They can be quite serious issues.

I don't know of any outside program to manage the timer thing. But like I said before, I do know the suggestion has been made for the timed auctions. I know without asking but have you considered perhaps listing at a different time of the day when you can be there to list your auctions. Maybe earlier in the day or later. Just a thought. I am just full of "thoughts" and "ideeeesss"


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