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01/18/08 06:01 PM
Woe is me......  

What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, my computer wouldn't boot up. Windows wouldn't start. Today, I have a new hard drive and $600.00 less in my checking account (tech guy was here for 5 hours!).

Thankfully, I've got copies of all or most of my files/data created by Karen's Replicator as recently as yesterday and a full-image backup (Acronis) from three days ago all on an exterior drive.

So anyway....................I have to get AW onto my new drive (new Windows installation). Which is the better way to go: download it from the web site and move the backup data into the new directory, or just move the backup folders into a new folder I can create on the new HD? Does just moving all the folders to a new drive and then double-clicking the .exe file work the same as downloading the program? Should I ask Thom about this?

I'm off to read my mail online (haven't reinstalled Outlook yet) and see if I've got any irate buyers.

Thanks, Sue

01/18/08 07:02 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I am sooooooo sorry! That is horrible. But on the upside at least you have a backup. Do you just a backup of the database? Or of the entire AW2000 folder?

If you have a copy of the entire AW2000 folder, just insert the removable media into the appropriate port,, USB, etc. Copy the entire AW2000 folder from the removable media to the root of the C drive. Just like it was installed on your old computer.

Then download AW2000 from the website over the top of the copy. That will get all your settings and etc moved as well as the program installed properly.

Now if you do not have a copy of the entire AW2000 folder, you can still just copy the database from the removable media to the root of the C drive and then download AW2000. But your registration code nor your settings will be moved. So you'll have to re-do your settings and enter in your registration code. But your database will be intact.

I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know and I'll try again.


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01/18/08 07:20 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

I've been sitting here slurping soup and watching for replies. It's very gratifying to know I can rely on you to provide help. Thank you very much.

The backup is of the entire AW folder (on an exterior hard drive, not a CD). I'll copy it to the root directory on the new drive and then download the program from the web. Will be back if I have problems.

Thanks again, Sue

01/18/08 07:25 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


You will be good to go. This is just one of the reasons it is a very good idea to make a backup of the entire AW2000 folder from time to time. The database backup works fine except if you have to move the AW2000 program to another computer. Then the whole folder is just the ticket.

You are most welcome. Soup,,,sounds so good! I had Mexican for dinner. Dale is in Ohio and I went to eat with friends. Now I have to get brave, don my coveralls and go do all the chores. It is so stinking cold here! I hate to even think about going back outside but the critters must be fed

Let me know if you need help. But I bet you'll not have a single hitch.

Happy soup slurping!


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01/18/08 09:41 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: bluepennylady]  

Well, I got AW installed, and there's data, and the email works,...... but things are kinda messed up. I always print out copies of invoices to save for my records, so I know what numbers go to what Lots, but I'm finding many missing invoices (the number I have on the hard copy is not found in AW's database), missing Lots (Lots that sold and were associated with shipped Invoices), and I've even got one Store item that I updated on January 11 and sent a Congrats email to the "buyer" that now shows as unsold (on eBay, too). Very weird, because that was at least 5 days before the hard drive failure. I have no email records for that Invoice, so there's no way I can find out who on earth got the notification for the Store Lot that didn't really sell. AW definitely updated this Lot and generated an Invoice but at eBay it says it didn't sell.

And now I've checked a few other things, and I see I've got a huge mess on my hands. For example, filtering for Waiting for Payment shows me two Invoices, both of which are actually Closed (both were shipped in October; I do have the emails for them). And in reality, there are two completely other Invoices that are Waiting for Payment.

Filtering for Buyer Not Contacted (everyone's been contacted) shows four Invoices. In reality, these items all should have different Statuses. The buyer info is all missing except for the User Ids, plus they all have the same Invoice dates and Payment Due dates, and that's totally wrong. AW shows three items Waiting to Ship, but actually there's only one, and it's not even on the list. So deep doo-doo. I'll try to contact Thom tomorrow, but it's the weekend, so I'll have to just wing it for my Sunday auctions, I guess. It looks like everything just got totally shuffled around when I brought it in from the backup.

My only other option is to bring the disk image in, but that is indiscriminate – I can't just copy the AW folders. It would overwrite (??) all the stuff that was done by the tech guy today as well as what I've done this evening. So I'm still in Woe-is-Me condition.

By the way, my hard drive (Western Digital SATA) was four and a half years old and showed no hint it was about to go bad, at least no hint I could detect. One day it worked; next day, it didn't, and Windows wouldn't load (even using the Recovery Console). The tech said he recommends replacing hard drives when they are 3 or 4 years old even if they seem fine.


01/19/08 02:05 AM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Bless your heart... I am so sorry.

Instead of using the disk image, try just restoring your AW2000 database from the external backup you used. You can use "Restore database" and select just the database from your external hard drive backup. Be sure you use your most current backup

Rebuild your database after your restore just to be sure you don't have corrupted tables anywhere.

About the one auction that shows as unsold on eBay, did the buyer's transaction get cancelled by eBay? That would change how it appears. I have had that happen before. Actually just today. eBay cancelled the bid of a buyer on one of my auctions. Administrative cancellation. And it changed the status of the auction lot.

The two invoices "Waiting for payment" that should be closed, did you check your Ledger to see if the payments are recorded? And the two other invoices that should be "Waiting for payment" are those two invoices actually there in the Invoices? Or are they AWOL? If they are, are the related auction lots status' online or "Sold not Shipped"?

Are all your Auction lot status' correct and you have the correct number? Have you tried updating the Auction lots. And your Listing templates as well as Email templates are all fine??

Regardless of whether a restore works or not, contacting Thom is a good idea. Even though it is the weekend, ..

Let me know what happens.. and if you try the restore how that goes.


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01/19/08 11:48 AM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: bluepennylady]  

In reply to:

Instead of using the disk image, try just restoring your AW2000 database from the external backup you used.

That's what I did use. Karen's Replicator (free program; just makes copies of everything) has a problem with long file names and just skips them, I think.

With the copies pasted into the AW folder on the new hard drive, it seems like a whole bunch of invoice numbers have gone missing, so for example, a recent invoice numbered 3570 is now numbered 3448 (have buyer's info & sale price, but Status is Not Contacted, and the email I sent is missing, no shipping info, so it's as if the Lot just got updated).

In reply to:

You can use "Restore database" and select just the database from your external hard drive backup. Be sure you use your most current backup

Ok, I'll try that. Can I do it "on top of" the restore I've already attempted?

In reply to:

Rebuild your database after your restore just to be sure you don't have corrupted tables anywhere.

I didn't do a Rebuild. I was afraid with so much missing, it would mess things up further, but I guess it wouldn't matter. The backup files won't change, so I could just start over, so to speak.

In reply to:

About the one auction that shows as unsold on eBay, did the buyer's transaction get cancelled by eBay? That would change how it appears.

Either I'm losing my mind (very possible) or eBay had a glitch. I checked this auction again just now, and it did sell. I swear I was on that same page last night (it's for an old mag ad; saw the photo of the lady in her kitchen), and it said Sorry your item did not sell. Anyway, the Lot is Status Offline, but there is no Invoice for it, and it was updated over a week ago. My backup data is more recent than that, so I have no clue. I know I can generate a new invoice for it, but I'll wait till I figure out just what I'm going to do for the big picture.

In reply to:

The two invoices "Waiting for payment" that should be closed, did you check your Ledger to see if the payments are recorded?

There are no payments recorded in the Ledger since October. Two of the three items were shipped in October. One thing was sent to England on Oct. 25th, but there is no record of that payment or the email confirming shipment. Just one example of many.

This is off-topic, but here's something that makes my stomach Excel spreadsheets are just as bad. When I open my shop inventory record, it's missing an entire year's worth of data. I have no idea how I'm going to do my taxes (let alone find numerous other financial and business records). Well, at least my entire house didn't burn down last October (we were supposed to evacuate -- San Diego fires -- but we stayed and were ok), so I guess I can't really complain about much.

In reply to:

And the two other invoices that should be "Waiting for payment" are those two invoices actually there in the Invoices? Or are they AWOL? If they are, are the related auction lots status' online or "Sold not Shipped"?

Those two are there, but they have changed/new Invoice numbers (about 120 lower than original -- probably that means 120 Invoices are AWOL), and they show up only because I recreated them from the paper copies I'd made, and I did change the Lot Statuses. So they are currently correct, but I'm betting the "new" Invoice numbers rightfully belong to totally other transactions. Also one of the Store Lots (a multi-item transaction) is missing its photo and description. The other Invoice is Status Buyer not Contacted, but the buyer was contacted (no email record, but do have my print-out), and its Lot has the HTML description because, Yes, I did import auctions for the last 7 days. That item was shipped yesterday, but I haven't closed the Lot yet. Seem there's not much point in entering new data just yet.

In reply to:

Are all your Auction lot status' correct and you have the correct number? Have you tried updating the Auction lots.

I can't check all the Store items, but I checked the Auction Lots. There are three items that have been shipped recently that show as Sold Not Shipped, but there are many, many items that have Status Online that were shipped months ago. Those are maybe the 120 AWOL Invoices -- ??

In reply to:

And your Listing templates as well as Email templates are all fine??

Templates seem to be fine, as are Profiles and other settings.

In reply to:

Regardless of whether a restore works or not, contacting Thom is a good idea. Even though it is the weekend, ..

Yeah, I'll compose some sort of entreaty to him. It's really hard to know where to begin. The tech guy that was here installed a program that allows him to remotely control my computer (have to enter two passwords for security). Wish Thom could do that.

In reply to:

Let me know what happens.. and if you try the restore how that goes.

I will. Thanks again Judy.


01/19/08 02:07 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


That was my next question. Have you checked other data programs on the new hard drive? If the other data programs such as Excel are not right, then something is possibly not right with the way the technician moved files to your new computer. I have had that happen to me before. Meaning a technician did not correctly move programs and files to a new hard drive, creating a huge mess.

I even had a technician years ago move AW2000 for me. He decided he didn't like the way AW2000 was installed so he re-did it. And shut me down for almost a week. Thom and I like to never figure out what he did. And when we did, the company got a call and they even refunded money back to me because the tech had made such a mess.

I am not saying the tech did anything incorrectly, however, if the other programs and files such as Excel are messed up, you might certainly want to check and see.

You can restore the newest backup database. I strongly recommend using the "Restore" utility in AW2000 instead of another software. The Restore utility in Aw2000 works wonderfully and will restore the data into the correct place for you. That way you know for sure at least the restore was done correctly.

Since other programs and files are not correct, it just reeks of something being wrong with the data transfer instead of just something amiss with AW2000. If it was only AW2000, then only the data in Aw2000 would be messed up. But that is not the case.

Did the technician manage to pull any information from your old hard drive?

I have had the same thing happen at eBay recently,,meaning something showed up as Not sold when it really was. Then later the Auction moved to the correct place---Sold.

Emailing Thom for the best solution to missing data is a good idea. IF the restore works and all your data appears and is in order, you might ought to burn a DVD as well as use your external hard drive. but I would still contact Thom. That way, if you find something haywire even next week, he will already know what is up and can better assist you.

Glad your settings and Listing templates are intact. That is good news.

Keep your chin up. Try the restore... And let me know what happens.


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01/19/08 05:56 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: bluepennylady]  

In reply to:

About the one auction that shows as unsold on eBay, did the buyer's transaction get cancelled by eBay?

Just wanted to say I figured this one out. The Lot was originally listed last November. It didn't sell. That Lot is still in AW's database (Status Offline). I had located it in AW with a Title search and didn't realize it was not the same Lot that had sold on a relist, well, not actually a relist, because for some reason (??), there are two different auction IDs for the same eBay Stores item (that's why I saw it on eBay as sold once and unsold the next time I checked). I notified the buyer, but AW doesn't have that info, because I imported 7 days' of data, and the Lot ended 8 days ago (and because my backup data is incomplete or defective).

After I got the external backup drive a few years ago, my husband asked, "Well, is it working?" I knew he meant was it working for backup, not just is the drive functional. And I had to say, "Well, how would I know?" You never know for sure if your backup systems are any good until it's too late to change your plan.


01/19/08 07:54 PM
Re: Woe is me...... new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I'm glad you figured out the Auction lot thing. That's a relief.

Are you using AW2000's built in backup database to do the backup?


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