   >> Email Templates
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05/28/07 12:14 PM
How is a template associated with an email acct? new  

I have several email accounts that AW monitors. Some are intended only for receiving, some for sending/receiving. eBay sends all messages, including end-of-auction, to "". PayPal payments come in on--you guessed it--"". And then there's my general sales address, "".

OK, so I'm constructing an email template to handle merged invoices (combining shipments). Template works just fine, but then I notice that the From field is Whoops. Want that to be "sales" instead. Uh-oh. The From field is gray and unchangeable. Could not find any way to change the From address.

I won't detail everything I tried, but in my last attempt, I went to File/Email Accounts and moved sales above ebay, restarted AW2K, created a NEW invoice mail template, and still the preview shows it as From ebay.

Wait a minute. You have to choose an invoice to do the preview. And each invoice is associated with an Auction Profile. Part of the AP is an email address. Maybe that's controlling it.

So I make a new Auction profile, with an email address of "". And I create a new manual invoice. And I create a new template. And when I preview it, it still says "ebay" not "sales".

What do I have to do to control the From field of email templates?


05/28/07 12:34 PM
Re: How is a template associated with an email acc new [re: Ned]  

This just in...

You can change the From address of email leaving AW2K by dragging the queued message from one Out Box to another, and then sending the message from the second Out Box.

Nice, but I'd still like to change the default From for a template.


05/28/07 12:48 PM
Re: How is a template associated with an email acc new [re: Ned]  


The email account that appears in the "From" field is determined by the account which is selected in that particular Auction profile email account.

Go to File | Auction Profile
click on the auction profile you are wanting to change the email account on.

In the "Email" field click the drop down and select the email account you are wanting.

Does that help?


05/28/07 01:06 PM
Re: How is a template associated with an email acc new [re: bluepennylady]  

I think what you're saying agrees with what I'm seeing.

An Auction Lot is "owned" by a particular Auction Profile. That profile's email address (and there's only one per profile) is used for email associated with that Auction Lot. Invoices are also "owned" by an Auction Profile, so same behavior there.

Until I'm way busier than I am now, I can work around this by manually moving the queued messages.


05/28/07 02:35 PM
Re: How is a template associated with an email acc new [re: Ned]  


You can change the "Reply to" email address on each Auction profile. That field is the third field in the email tab | Auction Profile Settings.

I guess I am not following what the problem is. Or what you are trying to accomplish. It appears you are receiving email from one account for End of Auction. but when the Invoices are generated, you want to the From to be "sales" instead of the "ebay".

If that is the case, why not change the Auction profile default email account to the "sales" email. Aw2000 will still check email for the "ebay" and the "paypal" email accounts. Would that work??


05/28/07 02:51 PM
Re: How is a template associated with an email acc [re: bluepennylady]  

In reply to:

You can change the "Reply to" email address on each Auction profile. That field is the third field in the email tab | Auction Profile Settings.

Did that. But if the buyer's using a kinda dumb spam filter, such that he can't allow, say, everyone at in, but instead has to authorize complete email addresses individually, then he's got to let "" through and then later "". I'd rather he only have to do it once, so I'd rather all the mail be from "sales" all along.

In reply to:

It appears you are receiving email from one account for End of Auction. but when the Invoices are generated, you want to the From to be "sales" instead of the "ebay".

You understand perfectly.

In reply to:

If that is the case, why not change the Auction profile default email account to the "sales" email. Aw2000 will still check email for the "ebay" and the "paypal" email accounts. Would that work??

That would work perfectly. Incoming mail will be handled properly. Outgoing mail will be addressed properly. And if I'd thought of that, I would have been past this problem hours ago.

Oh well, I hope that discovery that you can easily change the sender by dragging to another Out Box will help somebody.


05/28/07 03:44 PM
Re: How is a template associated with an email acc new [re: Ned]  


You are so funny!! Digging through everything, getting ideas from each other is what makes this so much fun!!

and it will help, about the dragging and dropping thing. Someone will need to know that.


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