DEALS2000 (newbie)
05/07/07 05:54 AM
FeedBack Link
Cal someone tell me a good way to direct my buyers to the feedback link so they can leave me feedback.
Some people ask how to leave feedback and I would like to have a link to send they there.
bluepennylady (old hand)
05/07/07 05:57 AM
The buyers can go directly to their "Won" items page, click the link on the far right of the won item. The link is a "Leave Feedback" link.
OR you could give them the link to the feedback forum. You can find that link by going to the Site Map | Community Topic | feedback | feedback forum
Does that help?
ehlmann (stranger
10/31/07 11:45 PM
Here is what you can put into the central invoice item info part for feedback:
<#AuctionSiteName> #<#AuctionID> - <#Title><#AuctionID>&UserIDto=<SellerUserID>
I don't know why that blue penny oldtimer did not know it.
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
11/02/07 10:12 AM
Thanks for joining in! And the information for the URL.
Actually I did know how to include the URL in a listing template but I didn't have the URL memorized and didn't have any information with me when Steve asked about it. That's why I just told him to navigate to the feedback forum. And he could copy the URL from the browser address bar.
I provided instructions for directing a buyer in how to submit feedback from their My eBay page is for a couple of reasons. Following the URL does not always change the buyer's "Won" items settings from "leave feedback" to "Marked as shipped" Or "closed". So if the buyer uses the My eBay to submit feedback for the seller, then the settings change and the buyer thinks the world is a happier place 
The second reason that I choose to simply supply feedback instructions is the URL repeats for each Invoice Item on the buyer's invoice. So if the buyer has 10 items or so, there are 10 URL's displayed often making the email overwhelming to ready. Less scrolling makes for a better world, don't ya think! 
Visit my eBay store! Visit our website too!
ehlmann (stranger
11/02/07 10:51 AM
I agree with you about less scrolling but the last time a buyer got 10 items from me - my items are the type that a bidder wants to see a LOT of everything for their money. A giant list of feedbacks to provide is par for the course. My items are glitz and glitter.