You can create email templates easily in AW2000.. You can duplicate current templates, rename and edit them as well.. However, AW2000 does not have the capabilities for mass email list mailings.. I do know that idea has been suggested as an add-on module to AW2000 where Buyers info could be exported into a stand alone email program programmed just for mass emailing..
BUT -- what several of us do is use other email program software or services for mass emailing.. Keep in mind, you only want to email those buyers who specifically want to be emailed.. Some folks use Constant contact..
I use Mail Bomber.. Super easy to use. No bells or whistles just a solid email program..And I can have umpteen lists for different interests, businesses etc... Which I do..
My AW2000 shipping notice as well as the Feedback Thanks email template has been edited to include a blurp about my private email list.. So that is something you might consider.
Constant Contact provides a good service although you have to pay for it either by the year ( more cost effective) or by the month.. They provide you with graphics for your websites and blogs for a sign up for the email list..
Just a couple of things you might consider.
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