Haven't been here in ages as usually correspond with Thom directly. Need to know if any ebay sellers that use ebay have incorrect category/item specific information. Meaning, ebay having a major problem since October 15 when they instituted this new category/item specific fiasco.
I think Thom did do 2 updates since October 15. My program now is so messed up I have no clue on how to fix it. I have asked Thom to see if ebay data possibly corrupted. Waiting to hear back from him. As an example: in Mens Clothing, the AW Brand box shuts down at the end of the Bs. In ebay the Brands go from A to Z. So in my AW Brand drop down box does not match the eBay Brand drop down box. Hope am explaining this correctly.
Bottom line, what kind of data are you seeing in your AW? I have used AW since almost its inception and have never had this kind of mess. Just looking for some help. I sell mostly vintage clothing and pottery on ebay: abfabvintage.