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(stranger )
08/31/07 05:22 PM
Auction Wizard and Paypal  

Hi, I'm a newbie...ebay powerseller looking for mgmt solution.
Last season, avgd 150 listings/wk - intend to double/triple that this season, but need automation beyond TurboLister - this is, thusfar, a one-person (one very tired person) operation!

I'm down to Auction Wizard & AuctionSage.
I'd so appreciate if you all could compare the two in terms of features?

I primarily sell vintage jewelry on ebay (mostly one-of-a-kind items) and beginning to include contemporary jewelry (multiples on items).

I just completed a website. I also have a couple of ebay id's...thinking about ebay store too.
I need free scheduled listing, would like a photo gallery for each page - trying to get everything in one 'solution' = quickly/efficiently.

Also, I use Paypal for payments and it integrated? Do I need it integrated?

Thanks in advance for your comments and thoughts...

Have a great day,


08/31/07 06:55 PM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: astor]  


First let me say Welcome! So glad you have registered and are checking out AW2000. There is not a finer Auction management software program out there anywhere.

I will be honest, it has been a while since I took a gammat through AuctionSage so the details are a bit foggy. So instead of poking at foggy details with my over 50 mind, I'll just stick with AW2000 features and functions.

AW2K is full management from one end to the other. Inventory, regardless of whether it is one of a kind or qty,
Auction lot management

I am also a Power seller on eBay. I am currently running a tad over 2000 listings. And I could not do it if I was not using AW2000.

You mentioned your website. AW2000 has the unique ability to upload thumbnail pages to your website which include links back to your eBay store or Auction style listings. If you take a look at my website, all the hyperlinks on the pages such as "Collectibles or on the "building supplies" pages go to AW2K thumbnail pages which have links back to eBay. Currently as many buyers enter my auctions through those links each month as those that find me in a MSN search.

AW2K can manage as many user id's as you want. You can list Auction style, Fixed price, Dutch auction and Store listings. There is a good selection of Listing templates which can all be duplicated and customized to fit your needs. Including adding your own logos, colors, fonts, etc.

Gallery images can be added to every auction if you so choose. That option is available on the LIster window prior to listing Auction lots.

I use Paypal as well. I do not use Paypal to process my shipping. I use Endicia instead. So someone who is currently using Paypal for shipping will need to address the fine points. I use Paypal PayNow URL links on all my AW2K invoices which the buyer clicks, directs them to Paypal and all the information is autocompleted for them.

If the buyer elects to simply checkout through the Ebay checkout and submit payment using the Shipping calculator to obtain a shipping charge, buyer's names, addresses, shipping charges and ship via are easily stored on the buyer's invoice.

AW2K includes email templates which are also easily duplicated, renamed or whatever you want. You can even create your own as the ability to add field tags is included. Email templates are also customizable as well.

Auction Wizard is also scalable. The software can be networked so you can grow. I am currently running 8 computers all networked together with a server. And AW20000 runs like a top! Believe me, if anyone can push to threshold or break something, it is me

The tech support for Auction Wizard 2000 is absolutely unsurpassed. They are just flat out good and know what they are doing. If you should have technical problems, they are addressed quickly. I cannot say that about the other software programs I have used and evaluated.

I hope I have given you at least a bit of insight to the power under the hood and functionality behind AW2000

If you have other questions. please don't hesitate to ask. Someone will be happy to help you!!


Visit my eBay store!

08/31/07 09:16 PM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: bluepennylady]  

I was just reading your answer to this post.
How do I get the PayPal PayNow URL links? Can this be put into my "You've Won" emails?

(stranger )
09/01/07 04:50 AM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: astor]  

Thank you so much for your VERY quick response!
Are you just sitting there waiting...?! ;)

My brain is over 50 too (56 on 9/29, oh my goodness, yet another crisis!). Anyway, this set-up part is all very trying! I'm, so far, a one-person operation; make that one 'very exhausted' person!

Judy, it sounds like you really do understand...I want to be able to scale this business at some point and don't want to have to switch mgmt programs down the road, it's as simple as that. I want to be able to focus on marketing at that point. At the same time, I don't want high fees which equal yet ANOTHER partner besides ebay, paypal and the USPS! So I narrowed it down to these AuctionWizard & AuctionSage.

The only difference I can see thusfar is that AuctionSage has Paypal integration, caluculating Paypal fees etc. But this may not be a big deal. May I ask how you handle the bookkeeping end of your biz?

AuctionWizard seems to have site integration - but is showing your ebay auctions the only option? I mean, when I post a listing, can I just have the same item on my site? making any sense here? it's late, i'm old - not a good combo!

Next, I go from my apartment to my house on weekends with my Laptop in hand. But use my Desktop set-up all week. Can I put AucWiz on both Desktop & Laptop or do they get you there? Or is it just a matter of copying my data files from the desktop to the laptop when traveling?

Also, were you guys at ebay live/Boston this year?

And I must say, your quick response is encouraging...I take it you work for AucWiz also - in addition to your business?

Anyway, thank you again for your input - sitting here alone, left to my own devices, Lord knows what I'd manage to mess up! ;))

09/01/07 06:08 AM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: mouse]  


Yep sure can. When I get into town and have better Internet connection, I can send you the How to. Email me directly so I will have your email address to send the How to back to you.


Visit my eBay store!

09/01/07 06:25 AM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: astor]  


Well, I check the boards frequently. I am not an AW2000 employee. Just a nutty lady that like to work the boards And I am completely sold on AW2000. I evaluate software and to BETA testing for software. I have never found anything that comes close to AW2000. Not a single software in terms of features, functions, user interface, scalablity, tech support to name a few.

I am in the mountains right now and do not have good Internet connection. My card keeps kicking me off line :o( When I get into town I will have better internet so I can answer all your questions.

SEt up is the most challenging in any software. REgardless of what it is. You are not familiar with terms, how to navigate, etc. So it just takes a bit more time. once setup is completed, it gets much easier. The workflow is very logical.

I'll get back later when the Internet is better


Visit my eBay store!

09/01/07 07:20 AM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: astor]  


Well, I temporarily have good signal and my husband's 4 wheeler is down. So the guys are working on a fan and I am typing online

As far as working on AW2000 using your laptop. I use to access my network. has a free version. As long as the server is on at work, I can log in anytime I want and work. Which I do. In fact, yesterday while driving here, I was online all day (I have a VErizon internet card) and I worked on AW2000 in my company office using my laptop while on the Interstate. Works slick as a whistle.

That way you don't have to move databases etc. Just leave on the main computer when you leave and access it using the Internet and your laptop.

THe Paypal integration thing I don't see as an issue. I can extract names, addresses, ship via or whatever I want from the Paypal payments. And I use Endicia instead of Paypal for processing labels. Endicia labels look like UPS labels, The postage is stealth, meaning the postage cost does not show up on the label. So the only thing I use Paypal for, is for payments or sending funds. No shipping, etc.

Ihear you on the over 50 mind and being tired. Geez, some days I wonder about myself.

I'll try to answer your other questions later on. I hope I am not seeming to string you out too long. The internet is just not too whoopy here


Visit my eBay store!

09/01/07 07:29 PM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: astor]  


You asked how I handle the business end of my business. I am presuming you mean the reporting?

I have a bank account for all online income. I use a customized report from AW2000 for monthly report as far as sales, shipping costs and other related costs. I use an Excel spreadsheet for my accountant which has columns for the Retails sales in my brick/mortar store and Internet sales as well. Not a complicated spreadsheet at all.

Does that help?


Visit my eBay store!

(stranger )
09/01/07 07:33 PM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: bluepennylady]  

Question, I use Paypal for all my shipping. How can I 'account' for s/h fees? again, thanks for your quick responses! impressive! ;)) (and I'm sure, tiring!)

09/01/07 07:49 PM
Re: Auction Wizard and Paypal new [re: astor]  


Not tiring at all. Except the silly verizon card keeps kicking me offline. I love meeting everyone and answering their questions. Or maybe I should say trying to answer their questions.

To account for shipping handling fees, no sweat.

In the Invoices there is a tab for payment fees. When you click that button you can enter in the actual shipping cost, insurance cost. When you record the payment in the "Record income" dialog box, there is a field to enter in the Payment fee. So that fee also appears in the payment services tab on the Invoice. You can run a report for shipping costs, insurance costs, payment services, etc.

Does that help?


Visit my eBay store!

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