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12/20/06 04:28 PM

Where do Final Value and PayPal Fees show up in AW2K or where do you input these values. I notice where insertion fee are but not the others

(old hand)
12/20/06 04:42 PM
Re: Fees new [re: Two_Knight]  


Final value fees are stored on each individual Auction lot. Look in the "Additional fields" tab. In the lower right hand corner there is the "Auction fees" field. You can add or delete fees there as well. For instance, heaven forbid, you have a Non paying bidder and the Final Value fee was granted. Prior to relisting the Auction lot, you can delete the old Final Value fee so the fees stored are accurate.

Now Paypal fees are a bit different. You can store those fees when recording a payment. There is a place right below the date payment is recorded for entering in the payment service fee.

There is a "fee" tab several tabs to the right of a Buyer's name in the INvoice tab as well that can be used for recording fees. Actual shipping and insurance fees go there. Very useful for figuring profit/loss on shipping.


12/21/06 07:21 AM
Re: Fees new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy

"There is a "fee" tab several tabs to the right of a Buyer's name in the INvoice tab as well that can be used for recording fees. Actual shipping and insurance fees go there. Very useful for figuring profit/loss on shipping."
Judy the field "Payment Service Fees" is grayed out, so I assume you have to enter value someplace else?

(old hand)
12/21/06 07:29 AM
Re: Fees new [re: Two_Knight]  


Yes. The payment services fees are recorded when payments are recorded. You can record the payment by clicking on the green "$" on the toolbar. That opens up the "Add Invoice Income" dialog box. The 3rd field down is where you record the payment service fee.

The "Add Invoice Income" is also where you enter in the shipping date, Ship via, amount paid as well as the email notification sent. When setting up your Auction profile(s), you determined which default payment received email you wanted to send out. The "Email template" field displays that email template.

But let's say, a buyer pays today using a personal check and you hold all items paid with a personal check for 10 days. You enter in a ship date 10 days from today and then you can manually select the email template for "Check held". As you would not want to send out the payment received and we are going to ship today email. Does that make sense?


12/21/06 07:45 AM
Re: Fees new [re: bluepennylady]  

Thanks Judy
It is all starting to gell!!

(old hand)
12/21/06 07:49 AM
Re: Fees new [re: Two_Knight]  

Excellent! I am glad.

You might want to consider duplicating and customizing different email templates for the different payment methods. It is certainly easier to respond to buyers when you do not have to re-type the same information over and over again as you can simply hit the "Reply usingTemplate" button on any opened email. And you can select a different email template inside the Add Invoice Income dialog box when needed.


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