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03/23/07 00:02 AM
Crazy mixed-up shipping address  

I shipped some books via Media Mail in February. Buyer wrote wondering were they are. I checked and discovered the shipping address didn't match the Paypal address (in the email notification).

This is a bit complicated, so please bear with me.

The shipping label has the buyer's correct name and zip code (in NY), but everything else -- the street, the city, and the state (in Iowa) -- are wrong.

At first, I thought I had somehow mixed his address with that of some other buyer, but when I filtered for All Invoices and ran Record:Finds on the street name and city, nothing other than this transaction came up. Then he informed me the street, city, and state on the address label were his former address -- a house that burned down in 2003!

Now we are just waiting so see if this package gets returned to me (the Post Office doesn't seem to be willing to say whether the pkg would go to the zip code or to the street/city/state, and I sure do wish the clerk had noticed the disconnect, but we were probably both chatting away), but I'm curious to know how you think this could have happened.

The buyer claims he updated his eBay and Paypal contact info years ago, and the auction page does indeed show his current NY zip code. I'm mystified as to why I didn't capture the address from the Paypal notification like I always do! Did he email an address -- maybe with an old signature file -- and I used that, then deleted that email?? I cannot find any email that supports this mixed-up address. And even if I could, how would I get the zip code right and all the rest wrong (I virtually never just type addresses into the fields -- always copy-paste)?

So I thought perhaps he had bought something from me before, and when I got the Paypal notification, highlighted the address, clicked to save it, got the pop-up asking if I wanted to replace the existing address (existing because he was a customer once before), I said No.......but if that's what happened, the whole address would have been his old one, including the zip code. And besides, I purged records about 6 months ago, long after he says his house burned down, so AW would not have even recognized him as a previous customer, right?

Does anyone have any idea how this could happen? I mean I know how it could happen if the buyer sent me the mixed-up address, but is there some way it could happen by AW program error or Paypal glitch? I just can't fathom how on earth I would have his 4-years-outdated street, city, and state if the buyer didn't give them to me!

Thanks, Sue

(old hand)
03/23/07 02:16 AM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


My word, that is a mess indeed.

AW2K remembers buyers even if records are archived. The tables that store buyer information are not the ones that are archived. So it is completely possible the buyer's old information pulled up when you generated invoices. Then if you copy and paste, maybe everything but the zip code were changed. If you are like me, If I have an interruption during a task, sometimes I dont remember where I left off.

The package will probably come back to you. Or you will get a dead package notice. I wonder if your Post Master would contact the Post Office in both towns and see if the package has come through.

How do you make up shipping labels? Do you process them using Endicia, etc? Or print them from AW2K? Or hand do them? As it is possible, if you use Endica, or, even Paypal to process labels and you copy/paste info or type information, maybe you looked at the AW2K records for the name, addy and when you got to the zip code you looked at the Paypal payment for that?

If you don't use Endicia or something else that verifies addresses, you might consider running all addresses through the UPS find zip. At least you'll know the full address for the buyer is really a real address.

I sure hope the package shows up. Let us all know!


03/23/07 11:00 AM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: bluepennylady]  

I think you've got this figured out. I had no idea AW could "remember" an archived shipping address. So he must have purchased something four years ago. Now, I have to fes up to him -- aaarrrrrghhhhh. I was so hoping this was his fault.

I get the zip codes from the eBay auction page (for the sake of taxable/non-taxable and to figure the total due if it's going to be calculated shipping), and I get the addresses from the Paypal email or from the buyer's email. I must have done exactly what you suggested -- copied/pasted all but the zip.

I use AW to generate & print the labels (also use Click'n'Ship, but only for Priority).

"I wonder if your Post Master would contact the Post Office in both towns and see if the package has come through."

I'll ask him. Already spoke to someone at the Iowa PO. The buyer tells me his town is so tiny that his own PO in NY would definitely have contacted him had they seen this mixed-up address.

Thanks, Judy, for figuring this out. Now, can you also get me out of the hot water I'm in? I think it's time to eat some crow and offer a refund.

P.S. It occurs to me I shoulda known AW doesn't "forget" archived addresses, because occasionally, an email and shipping address pop into the Buyer fields after an Update, and I think, "Oh, repeat buyer!" I try to find what they earlier bought from me to no avail. So I guess the rest of the transaction data is archived, but the email/shipping is still there.

Thanks again, Sue

(old hand)
03/23/07 11:13 AM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Yep AW2000 remembers buyers forever Which I like real well. Buyers think I have such a good memory. Little do they know it isn't me, but Aw2K! And I am not telling

Have you considered checking or verifying addresses prior to printing labels at the USPS? The zip code locator will give you the address that is registered with the USPS so at least you have one leg to stand on.

Well, I am not sure I would jump right into refund yet. I would contact the Post Offices in both town first and see if anyone has seen the package. Your Post Master should be able to assist you a bit.

However, in the end if the package doesn't show up, you might have to give him his money back. Bites doesn't it!!


03/23/07 11:33 AM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Wow, you sure have a head scratcher there. I too usually cut and paste and so far haven't had a similar problem. I use a Dymo LabelWriter to print addresses. But before I print any address even one that is a repeat address I run it through a program called Address Fixer - something Judy talked about.

I've tried to fool it and so far haven't been able to do it. If the address isn't correct it won't come back to you. It will come up as an Invalid Address. The other thing that it does is make sure every line in the address is correct. If someone gives you something like 7 elm sTrEEt lot 15 the program will change it to 7 Elm St Trl 15. It also changes to the proper upper or lower case on a name or city. Once you get the correct or corrected address it has a button where you click to copy to clipboard and then it's easy to paste where ever you need it.

The tiny program is a stand alone program and I just have it in my tray waiting to use it. It came with a Dymo Labelwriter. Let me know if you're interested and I'll try to find where you can download it.

Let's hope you don't have to give a refund. Have you though of trying to trace the package on line? Or didn't it have delivery confirmation? Most Postal Employees will try however, to work with you to find the package. I've had their help a few times especially on packages going to Europe. Maybe there's not a lot that can be done but they will try.
Have you thought of calling the Post Office in Iowa?

Good luck


03/23/07 01:33 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: AquilaStamps]  

Hi Garry,

I just downloaded Address Fixer (free from the Dymo site). Will install later. Thanks for the tip.

I filed a "document" by phone yesterday and got a call from the Iowa PO, but the guy said the report was wrong (had me as the intended recipient), and that I was supposed to be contacted by my local PO. I called them and was told I'd have to wait at least another couple weeks before I could submit Form 1510 (because Media Mail is so slow). And no, there was no tracking added to the package. I leave that up to the buyer unless it's Priority and I'm getting the DC free via Click'n'Ship.

Maybe the Address Fixer will also help with addresses Click'n'Ship gags on. Happens about 1 in 10 times -- just doesn't like some way the street address is written and I can't proceed without calling the 800 number (usually when I've got 10 minutes to get to the PO!).

Thanks, Sue

03/23/07 01:37 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: bluepennylady]  

Yes, bites. But at least this buyer doesn't seem to be flying off the handle.....yet.


(old hand)
03/23/07 02:44 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I use Endicia to process postage. And we really like the address verification. Has been quite handy. But we used the Address verifier before that. I really liked it. I bet you will be downright pleased with it as well as finding it very helpful.

Let us all know how it works out. I am going to ask my shipping clerk for some ideas. She is a whizz at finding packages in the USPS system.


03/23/07 04:52 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: bluepennylady]  

I don't have any answers but I wanted to give you some encouragement from a past transaction. Years ago I sold a book, sent it media mail and the buyer never got it. We jumped through as many loops as possible and never located the book. Weeks after I received the "packaging" back in the mail. No book. I had to explain to the customer what was going on and asked them how they wanted the refund. Get this, their reply was there is no need for the refund, thanks for the great customer service, your effort is to be commeded!!! And to top it off they gave me positive feedback!
So there is hope and not every soul out there goes ballistic!

It was kind of like someone giving me a test to see what I would do in the situation.

Sometimes every thing works out and I hope it does for you too!

On another note, just last week Paypal had messed with a buyers address and gave me an old address. Fortunately the buyer realized this before I shipped the item. So maybe it did come from PayPal.

Anyway, hang in there and maybe you will have a GREAT story to tell!


(old hand)
03/23/07 06:43 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: moonstruck22]  


That is a great story!!! And I am glad you shared it with all of us. It's a reminder that not all buyers are ugly acting.


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