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03/23/07 08:48 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Great, I'm glad you found it. I think you'll like it. It is fast and easy and darn accurate also. It will correct those miss typed addresses - so far I haven't found it gagging on anything. Now it would have gagged on the address you used because there was no such address. But it would have given you a fighting chance to see what was wrong rather than just go and mail the package.

Good luck on your help from the Post Office - they should be able to tell you what's happening. Maybe, just maybe, they will get it to your customer.


03/25/07 02:25 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: AquilaStamps]  

Just a brief critique of Dymo's Address Fixer.

I tried it on two addresses, one a current buyer who included a lot of punctuation, and the other the mixed-up address that started this discussion.


B. Buyer
68-64 Yellowstone Blvd, Apt A-20
Forest Hills, NY 11375


B. Buyer
6864 Yellowstone Blvd Apt A20
Forest Hills, NY 11375-3385

As you can see, the Fixer removed the hyphen in this person's street address, which is a problem, it seems to me. 68-64 (I wonder why it's not 64-68) is a range of addresses, like when two or three row houses get remodeled into one (?), whereas 6864 would be hundreds of blocks away.

When I entered the crazy mixed-up address, the Fixer replaced the New York zip code with the correct one in Iowa but did not detect that the address, according to the buyer, doesn't exist (burned down in 2003).

So the jury is still out on Address Fixer. Do you trust it in every case, Garry?

I'm going to try Judy's suggestion of the UPS address checker when I have a chance.


(old hand)
03/25/07 03:20 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


You know, it is totally possible that the buyer's address from the burned down place does have a building or residence on it now. After 4 years, more than likely someone has built on it. So the address could be valid. Just a thought.

Let me know how the USPS zip code checker thing works out for you. I can tell you that Endicia moves the addresses around like what you have described in the example


03/25/07 04:56 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: moonstruck22]  

Hi Marty,

For some reason I didn't get the email notice of your post, so I'm glad I came back and read the two recent ones.

I loved your story. I've had many similar situations where people have been more patient and understanding than you come to expect from all the nasties.

My buyer seems to be one of the good guys, so I don't think I'm cruisin' for a bruisin'.

Interesting about Paypal giving the wrong address. Good to know it's possible. I wonder if they were updating the site and sent erroneous/old info for a while.


03/25/07 04:59 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: bluepennylady]  

You're absolutely right. I just took the buyer's word that there was no such address (like maybe he's still in touch with his old neighbors), but maybe he is just assuming.

Ok, in your first reply, you said the UPS zip code checker. Was that a typo? I thought you were using some address checker at UPS, not USPS. Do you just mean the USPS page where you put in a zip code and it gives you the city and state?


(old hand)
03/25/07 05:33 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Yes it was a typo. Geez I am so sorry.


03/25/07 06:11 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: bluepennylady]  

Oh, Judy. You don't need to aplogize. It was no big deal.
You help people on this board so often and so well, you'd have to make a gazillion typos and foobars for anyone to get mad at you.

(old hand)
03/25/07 06:17 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Gee. Thank you very much. How kind.

BUT-- I really am sorry


03/27/07 01:03 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  

What you are experiencing with Address Fixer is what eveyone else does at first. Address FIXER fixes the address to the Standardized USPS Addressing System. I'm thinking that 6468 is the correct street address where 64-68 is a typo. If it is a large apt. building then there would be an apt number after it and in this case there is A20. BUT if they don't want a "-" in an address it is removed. The rational is that the addresses for appartments etc will all be formatted the same A20 not A 20 or or Apt # A 20 or A-20 well you get the idea.

If a place has burned down, it still has an address. Sorry that's not meant to be a smart comment - but as far as the postal service is concerned when you build a new business house there it is the same address. So that's why the local post office doesn't report that info to a national database.

I've used that database a lot of years and have yet to have a problem - so yea, I do trust it every time. It hasn't let me down yet. What Judy was refering to is using the same database and should make the exact same changes. The Dymo thingie just puts a front end on it that can be used.

Hope it helps - let me know how your tests go


03/27/07 01:09 PM
Re: Crazy mixed-up shipping address new [re: bluepennylady]  

Judy & Sue:

Not to worry I had a customer that sent back an irate email to me replying to the invoice I had sent - they demanded why I wasn't shipping to them UPPS. Everyone she buys from uses that because it is less expensive and if I am trying to rip her off she will report me to eBay.

After several back and forth emails I finally got the bright idea to type out USPS in words and she said "well, sir, yes that is what I wanted and if you typed it correctly in your first email this wouldn't have happened". I guess she always thought the Postal Service was UPPS.


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