tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
04/12/07 01:14 PM
Can't print invoices
I'm teaching my daughter to ebay using AW (she lives about 2000 miles away). We're having a problem enabling her to print invoices. In the main Invoices screen, when she hits Invoice:Print, she gets this error:
TableReports: field folder number not found.
When she hits File:Printer Setup, the normal dialog box for her default printer pops up, so that seems to be configured right.
Her copy of AW is current and updated.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Sue
bluepennylady (old hand)
04/12/07 02:21 PM
Can she print anything at all? For instance, have her pull up any email template in an Invoice window and see if that will print. A followup with Total amount due. Or a shipping notice.
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
04/12/07 06:49 PM
Just heard back from her on that question.
She can print other things. She printed an email I sent to her AW email address.
Thanks, Sue
bluepennylady (old hand)
04/12/07 07:01 PM
hummm, now that is strange indeed. that she can print other stuff but not the printed invoices.
Be sure and let us know what Thom says the problem/fix is.
In the meantime, when you say she can't print the Printed Invoices, is she using Tasks | Print shipping labels and Invoices, leaving the checkbox checked for "Print Invoices" in the dialog box. So the printer Properties and selection box appears and instead of the "Invoices will not be printed" box, she receives that error?
bluepennylady (old hand)
04/12/07 07:06 PM
I just had a thought. Wouldn't you know it
have her go to Tools | Reports. Select Printed Invoices | Standard report | Invoices. On the filter on the right hand side have her use just one Invoice number. So is she is working on Invoice 1000 the range to print would be 1000 to 1000. Have her go ahead and edit the return address. And try to print from there. If she has the output selected to "Screen" it will display in her screen first then she can hit the little printer icon on the task bar. See if it will print.
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
04/12/07 07:18 PM
She's just trying to print them one at a time, using Invoice:Print. I'll have her try the other method and let you know what happens.
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
04/12/07 07:21 PM
Good idea, Judy.
I've emailed her to give this a try. She's two hours ahead of us, so I'll probably hear back from her tomorrow.
Thanks, Sue
AuctionWizard (Auction Wizard Team)
04/13/07 08:53 AM
Please contact technical support at info@auctionwizard2000.com
-- The Auction Wizard Team
bluepennylady (old hand)
04/14/07 09:42 AM
Let us all know what was wrong with the print thing
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
04/14/07 10:46 AM
Hi Judy,
She sent the inquiry to Thom late Friday so probably won't hear back till Monday.
She wrote that she, "...sent the email to Thom describing all the error messages, what I did, and I attached the txt file."
I also had her run the Windows Error Checking utility, then a Rebuild. She's getting the message that there is one error (all tables are rebuilding ok, though) and to contact Support.
I'll let you know.