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(stranger )
08/06/07 08:37 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

I should have changed the subject line on that last message!

08/06/07 08:53 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


Go to one of the Invoices that was in the Print Shipping labels and invoices dialog box originally. Tell me what the Status of the Invoice is.

Did you go back to Tools | print shipping labels and invoices
Then enter in today's date. And the shipping dialog box is blank?


(stranger )
08/06/07 09:34 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Oh Geez, you won't believe this! I was going to "tasks" instead of tools! I'm going to see why not all are there (at least I think they're not all there)! If any are missing, I must have the "status" wrong.
Thanks for your help!

08/06/07 09:42 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


No worries. We have all done those type of things before. Been in the incorrect spot.

If an Invoice is missing from the shipping dialog box, check the Shipping date as well. If when recording the payment, the ship date was set for yesterday, it will not appear. Or if the ship date is tomorrow it will not appear. Unless you change the date ranges in "Print Shipping Labels for unshipped invoices" Starting date and End date.

Because you were in the incorrect place, then most likely the Invoices are still there. If you need to get back out of the shipping dialog box, you can always just hit "Cancel" and everything will remain intact.

If you have an Invoice that needs to ship and you have not yet recorded the payment in AW2000, you can do one of two things,
1. Just manually change the status to "Waiting to ship" and put today's date in the Ship date field. Keep in mind, that you will have no record of the payment for future reports.

2. Record the payment even though you received the payment prior to using AW2000. The Record Payment box first field allows you to accurately record the date of payment receipt. So if it was last week when the payment arrived, you can change that date to the correct date. And then you can record today's date as the ship date.

I hope that makes sense. Let me know if this helps or not


(stranger )
08/06/07 07:01 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Another question! I go to invoices, click on "show & hide" then click on items "sold not shipped". How can I tell which ones are paid? Am I supposed to use a different status when something is sold but not paid? I've been using sold not shipped whenever something sells, whether the buyer has paid or not.
i tried using the stock inventory # like you said, but wasn't sure how to do it. Go to inventory? I couldn't figure out what ones were paid or not! It only showed active items. When I tried to click on inactive, the screen didn''t show any items.

(stranger )
08/06/07 07:04 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Please disregard the first part of my last message! I have checked what is paid! I'm starting to get tired I guess!

08/06/07 07:44 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


You can't get the status "Sold not shipped" in the Invoice Show/Hide records filter. That option is in the auction lots tab/window instead of Invoices.

The Invoice status will change automatically to the appropriate status in the process if you use AW2000 as it is designed.

When you first generate invoices, the Invoice status will be "Buyer not Contacted"

When you notify buyers using Tasks | Notify winning bidders and are waiting for a buyer response, the Invoice status will be "Waiting buyer reply"

When the buyer replies to any email sent from their invoice and the subject line contains the Invoice number, the Status will be "Waiting for payment"

When you record the payment, the Status changes to Waiting to Ship

When you ship, the status will be Feedback not left.

When you submit feedback, the status will the change to Closed.

The Auction lots or Stock Inventory Items will not be what you use to track who has paid and who has not. Inventory Items is for managing your Inventory instead of what is paid or not.

Auction lots window/tab is for managing auction lots. what is listed for what profile and where it is listed. Your fees are also tracked in the Auction lots window.

To track all the back end, after the auction ends activity, stay in the Invoices tab/window. That is where you track all of your buyers, who has paid, who is ready to ship, etc.

In the Invoices window/tab, you can click on the Grid View,
Sort the Grid by the dark bold header "Status"
All the Invoice status' will sort together.

You can then easily see who has not paid and who has not.

When you sort the Invoice Grid view by Status, the Invoices line up in the following order:

buyer Not contacted
Waiting buyer Reply
Second notice
Waiting for Payment
Waiting to Ship,
Feedback not Left
Closed N.P.B.

So it is easy to see who has paid, etc.

Does that help?


(stranger )
08/07/07 11:24 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

That helped me ALOT Judy! Thanks!
Is the Invoice the same as the Packing Slip? I usually don't put a packing slip in the do you do it? If i printed out the invoice though, I would know what to pack & who it goes to....that's probably what you do!

08/07/07 11:41 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


I am glad that helped.

Yes we print out packing slips as well as the Paypal payment. We insert the packing slip and a Thank you card into every package.

I use the reports for my packing slip. There are several options in the reports. You can check them out by going to
Tools | Reports | Printed Invoices.

You will find Standard Reports. Each one can be customized so you can add other text or fields. I use the customized option because I wanted my email address, website and other information. And I didn't want all the cost displayed. That is because lots of businesses buy online and the packages are sent to their shipping departments or other departments within the company. Many business owners do not like the cost of the item on the packing slip. So I removed that information. But you can do whatever suits your needs.

You will see in the Printed Invoices | Standard reports | Invoices, on the right are two options. So you can print Invoices for an entire range of Invoices, Or by date.

I personally use the "Invoices from Invoice # x to x" option. So if I need a packing slip for INvoice number 26531 , I will enter in 26531 to 26531 , hit Go and the Packing slip appears. Then you can print from that window.

You asked how I tell what item needs to be packed, well I customized my Printed Invoice to show the Stock Inventory Item number as well as the Storage location. (We abbreviate storage locations. i.e. Pallet rack 1-B is shortened to PR1-B. Or Lateral Drawer 1 is LD1)

If you look at the Printed INvoices | Standard reports | Invoice, I removed the Reference ID as well as the Sale Price and Item Total fields and left the Qty as well as the Auction title line and Auction ID.

I added the Stock Inventory Item and the Storage location. So whoever is pulling orders knows how many, what it is and where to look for the item. When the staff enters all the information into the Inventory Items in AW2000, they will attach a label to the product which has the Stock Inventory Item number (that is found in the upper left hand corner of the Inventory Items tab),
The auction title line.
And the
Storage location (just in case someone accidentally puts it in the wrong place)

That way pulling product isn't hard at all. If we need clarification about a particular item, we can always look at the image in the Inventory Items tab. But for the most part, we do not have to look at the images because every item is labeled before it is ever placed into the Storage location.

I hope that makes sense.


Edited by bluepennylady on 08/07/07 12:16 PM (server time).

(stranger )
08/07/07 03:26 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

I'm working on my emails now. I've already made an invoice with my email address. When I try to send the email I made for winning bidder, I get this message "One or more of the email template fields referenced missing data". What does that mean??
Thanks again!

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