bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 03:34 PM
That message simply tells you that some of the field tags are not completed. If you are sending a winning bidder notification to yourself, you probably don't have an Auction id number, or the user id is missing because when you created the Invoice you can't enter in your own user id.
If you open up the winning bidder email in the email reader or go to the Invoice. Click on the envelope on the toolbar and a drop down will show all the email templates you have. Choose your winning bidder email and it will open.
Look to see if the User id is missing. Or the Auction id number. Maybe the Auction title line. Any one of those fields will cause the error message. It isn't a big deal if you are emailing yourself to see how the emails look. Just remember that if that error message appears, to always check the email before sending it to see what is missing. Then complete the missing fields and you are good to go.
Does that make sense? And more important does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/07/07 03:36 PM
I just wanted to tell you know that I get that error message on every email I made except for "Your item has Shipped". There must be certain fields that have to be in every email. I know I have the invoice # in every one. I'll have to check them over. Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 03:49 PM
A field value is missing. If it is your payment received email, is the Shipping date and ship via included.
If it is a Follow up with Total amount due, have you edited the email template to include where payment should be sent if the buyer is mailing payment. Those fields are in the second section down at the bottom. You may need to scroll down to see the brackets where you insert your business name and mailing address.
The field tags are included in the email templates. It is missing field tag values that cause the error message. Missing User id, Auction id number, Ship date or Ship via value. A missing business name and mailing address could also cause the error on the Follow up with Total amount due. Try this. Open up one of the emails that had the error message by going to Tools | Email template manager. When the email opens, you can print it out. The you can see the field tags and what they should be.
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 09:28 PM
Just to be sure I am not misleading you, ----- on any of the email templates that have the brackets where you enter in your name and your mailing address, ----if you omit entering in your name and mailing address that will not produce the error of missing information. All the viewer will see are the brackets and the text telling you what to enter in. The information inside the brackets are not field tags.
I hope that makes sense.
mouse (stranger
08/08/07 07:11 AM
Hi Judy! I think I"m giving up on the emails for today! I printed out a copy, like you said, but it printed out just what I had on the screen. I did have another question though......I was trying to create an invoie without someone winning an auction. Someone wants to buy something from me that ended with no bids & I haven't relisted it yet. She paid & I have all her info....but I can't seem to do an invoice (well, I did an invoice, but when I "search" for it, I get the message "no matches found".
mouse (stranger
08/08/07 07:39 AM
I have another question already! Just would like to see how you do things. I'm about to list a swimsuit that is the same as another one I sold recently, just a different color & size. What do you do first? Search through inventory or auction lots?? You don't start out with a new auction do you? I just don't want to re do all that info when I only have to make a few changes! Thanks! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:02 AM
No worries. We'll work on the emails here shortly.
As far as the Invoice. It is absolutely completely doable. We do it here every day. You are certain you created an Invoice for the buyer?
To do so you go to the Invoice tab/window, Click on the "+" sign on the toolbar. OR you can go to Record \ New Invoice on the menu. OR you can simply hit the "Insert" key on your keyboard. Any one of those will work fine.
The "Select Buyer and Auction Profile for New Invoice" dialog box will open.
I am presuming this is a buyer who has not won anything from you so their information is not in AW2000. SO___ Right about the "Cancel" button you will see "Add Buyer" Click that button and the "Add New Buyer" window opens. If all you have is the buyer's email address you can create an Invoice with just that information. If you have their name and address, then you can complete the entire buyer box. Click OK Then you click which Auction profile you want to use. IF you only have 1 Profile there isn't a need to use the drop down menu. But if you have more than one, then you will need to select which Auction Profile you want to use for creating the Invoice. After that is done, Click OK.
YOu should not have to search for the INvoice. As soon as you hit OK, AW2000 will automatically direct you to the newly created Invoice. So are you certain you created the Invoice.?
As soon as you have created the Invoice let me know and I'll show you how to add Invoice Items to it for your buyer.
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:10 AM
What do you mean it only printed what was on the screen? The entire email template did not print when you accessed the template by going to "Tools | Email template Manager" and selecting the email template you were working on??
mouse (stranger
08/08/07 08:18 AM
Ok, I made an invoice. I did another one & it seemed to work. The last one I put check marks in some of the boxes, maybe I shouldn't have done that? OK, how do I add an item? Thanks again! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:35 AM
If you want to see if you created a new Invoice the first time, you can always sort your Invoices in the Grid view by "Status'. The newly created Invoice status will be "Buyer Not Contacted" So if there is an extra Invoice you can just delete the one you don't need.
If you want to delete an Invoice, go to the Invoice. Then you delete by using the "-" (minus) button on the tool bar. Or by going to "Record | Delete Invoice".....on the menu.
Anyway, to add the swimsuit to the buyer's invoice, Find the Auction lot. You might want to write down the Lot number. The Auction lot number is located in the far upper left hand side.
Return to your Invoice, On the center divider bar, where the words "Invoice", "Email" Grid" are located right above the white space. you will see another "+" sign. When you place your mouse cursor on it, the tool tip "Add Invoice Item" appears. Click it.
A dialog box opens up. In the top part you will see two options. Add an Invoice item from Inventory Items or Auction lots.
Click Auction lots.
Click "Find" which is located in the lower left hand corner of the "Add Invoice Item" dialog box. Use search by Lot # as the filter. Enter in the Auction lot number for the swimsuit.
Once AW2000 finds the swim suit, it will be highlighted in blue.
Click OK.
Enter in the price you agreed to sell it for Enter in the qty (which will probably be 1 but if you had 3 and the buyer wanted all 3, you could enter in 3 or whatever)
Click OK
And the swimsuit is added to the buyers' invoice.
Now you can send the "Follow up with Total amount due" email if you are sending the buyer an Invoice. Or if the buyer has already paid, record the payment and follow the same steps as any other Invoice.
Record the payment, method of shipping, ship date and send payment received email.
Does that help?