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08/08/07 09:46 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

I bet I have you totally confused! The one I made that I printed out had all the brackets, etc. with what should be in them <#BidDate f=d2> etc. The only thing it did fill in where brackets were is my name & address.
Am I supposed to fill these in?? I wouldn't think so, since each email would be different (except for my name).
In the subject line I did add the invoice #.

08/08/07 09:49 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


You are correct. All the text with brackets and weird characters are field tags. AW2000 will automatically fill-in all those field tags based on the information in each Invoice.

So if the email was having the missing data error on an Invoice that didn't have an Auction id, then there isn't a problem. Or the new Invoice you just created, if the buyer's name was not already in the INvoice name field. you would get the error because there isn't a name or a user id to complete the field tag.

Does that make more sense?


08/08/07 09:59 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Yes, that makes perfect sense! That's why I was getting the error! I made an invoice up for myself & didn't have everything filled in!

08/08/07 10:06 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


The Auction id field in the Invoice Items can be edited. So you can click your mouse in it and just put in 11112222333 or whatever you want.

If you and a buyer reach an agreement to reduce the price of something after the auction has been won and the INvoice is generated, you can click in the Sale price field down in the Invoice Items part and edit the Sale price.

The Qty field is the same way. So if a buyer emails and asks you for 2 more, then you can simply change the qty in the "Qty" field in the Invoice Items from 1 to 3.

Pretty cool!


08/08/07 01:48 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Me again!
I remember you saying that PayPal or eBay can sometimes be a couple days behind in sending emails of payment (did I get that right)? That's the only way to get the info into AW2000 isn't it (from the emails)?

08/08/07 02:21 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


There are days Paypal can run hours behind in sending payment notifications out. And there have also been instances where the payment notification was never sent.

You can however, search your Paypal account for the payment. And you can print the payment from Paypal as well.

If we have an instance where Paypal does not send us the payment notification, we simply copy and paste the buyers name and address into the appropriate fields while the payment detail is opened at Paypal. We even record the Shipping cost, insurance cost as well as the Ship via. Takes a tad longer but there isn't anything else to do when Paypal does not send the email notification.

If you are simply looking for the buyer's name and address, you can also use the End of Auction notifications.

Hope that helps.


08/08/07 03:44 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

You've been a big help Judy! I have all my email templates done!
I do have another question! I had a packlage that I shipped out today. When I check my invoices for items "waiting to ship" that item is there. Why? I checked all the right boxes, I thought. I did check the box that says to send an email to buyer that item has shipped (even though the email didn't go out yet). Could that be the problem?

08/08/07 03:50 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


Congratulations! That is excellent news on the email templates! And remember if you discover you need other email templates for other reasons, we can easily duplicate one and edit it. Or create a new email template from scratch. The AW2000 tech team has thought of it all. Field tags for each portion of the email templates are already on the menu. All you have to do is choose what you want from the drop down. Super easy!

Have you checked the Sent mail to be sure an email was generated?

You also have to mark the option to Mark Invoice as Shipped. So run back through the "Print shipping labels and Invoices" process again using today's date. Check all your settings again as the status should have changed.

Le me know what you find. I have to leave for church here in about half hour or so. I'll be back around 9:30 CST so I can help you if you can't get the Status to change. NO worries!


08/08/07 06:08 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

I just checked the emails that were waiting to be sent (my templates about your item has shipped). They only have one sentence on each of them! Wonder what's wrong?
Another question. Some of my PayPal payments have been going to my AOL email address. This has been happening for a few months now (not sure why)! I just forward them to my email address. Would that cause any problems?

08/08/07 08:18 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


Have you edited the shipping notice email template? If so, when you edited the template did you hit the "Save" in the upper left hand corner before closing it down? The "Save" button looks like a 3-1/2 floppy disk.

Forwarding payments should not cause a problem if you have the forwarding email address configured in AW2000. When you retrieve email, they will load. And you can associate the emails with the correct Invoices as well.

Do you have two Paypal payment email addresses? You might check your Paypal account. As well as seeing what email address was presented to the buyer for submitting Paypal payments.

Since you are now using AW2000 to list, that problem should be eliminated as long as you use the same Paypal email address on the Lister window for each Auction profile.

Let me know about the editing the email templates.


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