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08/09/07 07:17 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy!
I'm going to work on the emails today. Maybe I didn't save them?? That's something I could do! Too much going on here! My ebay stuff is taking over the we're building a garage (that will be my office & work area)! Alot of things to decide on! Which brings me to another question! I'll have a computer in the garage and in the house.....can I have just one AW2000 or do I have to have one for each computer? I'd be the only one using the program.

I did have 2 PayPal addresses, then I eliminated one, but I still got emails at AOL telling me to claim my money (buyers had paid through that again). I'm not sure where that is coming from!

08/09/07 08:05 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


Since you are still receiving emails asking you to "Claim funds at Paypal" your buyers must have your old AOL address. Just ignore those claim your funds emails and contact the buyers who have submitted the :Claim fund" telling them they need to re-submit payment to your email address and cancel the other one.

Congratulations on the expansion. How exciting!

what you might considering doing as far as the garage, is running internet to the garage and hook up your computer. Install AW2000 on whichever computer is going to be the primary computer and use to access it from the other one when needed. Works like a charm. I can go home and work on my company network and AW2000 from my home office. Easy as pie and it is fast.

You might consider using a router to get the Internet to your garage so you are only paying for one Internet line.

The basic version of is completely free. No cost or hidden costs. My daughter in law uses it to run two jobs she has. One is for my father in law. She works for him managing auctions wiht AW20000 and accesses his network from her home via

Here at work I do not have internet at the front cash register. I have internet on the warehouse and office side. But I have a wireless hub. So if I have to work the front counter, I can take my laptop, go wireless and access my office computer via and keep right on working in AW2000, answering emails etc. No sweat at all.

And since you are moving to the garage, you can use the "Storage Location" field in the Inventory Items. Building some shelves or get lateral file cabinets, etc You will really like it a lot.


08/09/07 02:59 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  

Thanks for all your patience Judy! Don't know how you do it! My emails are OK now (I must not have saved them)! Duh!
I printed out what you said about a router, etc. so when the time comes my husband can do that!
I'm not getting as much listed as I would like to since I'm learning this & answering a million questions )(about're the one answering my million questions)! Good thing I'm not building a new house!

08/09/07 03:19 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


Of course building something new is always fun! Picking out everything and building it the way you want it. Nerve racking but fun!

There are all kinds of routers. I like Linksys equipment. And Belkin is good too. Or I should say at least in my opinion. Others have different preferences.

You and your husband can even run the cabling. If the distance is quite a ways, you can always have a local installer make you up a cable the correct length since they have all the RJ45 ends and the crimping tools for making the cabling.

That is good news about your email templates. All of us have done things like that. Close without saving or something. Just happens.

Now is a good time of the year to learn new stuff and get everything ready for the Holidays. Buyers will start shopping in earnest here in a few weeks. Because if they get paid on the 1st and 15th of every month, at September 1 they only have 8 paychecks until Christmas including September 1. So you should be in good shape as far as listing.

Let me know if you need any more help.


08/09/07 07:12 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi again Judy!
I have 3 auctions that show "waiting for shipment" on ebay (selling manager). So I updated auctions, generated invoices. I got the message that all auctions had been invoiced. I got my emails & the 3 auctions had payment emails. Every email I tried clicking on buyer user ID, etc, I got the message "no records found" or something like that. What would cause this? I even did a "search" on all the auctions for the auction ID or a word in the title & I can't find a thing. Any ideas?

08/09/07 07:17 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


Try importing all your auctions. It is possible the auctions which just sold were listed using Seller Manager instead of Aw2000 especially since you just started using AW2000 exclusively.

To import your auctions go to the Auctions tab/window.

On the menu, go to "Auction Site | Import Auctions> for the appropriate Auction profile.

Allow Aw2000 to work.

At the conclusion of the import, on the menu, go to
Tasks | Generate Invoices.

See if any Invoices generate.

let me know if that solves the problem or not.


08/09/07 08:35 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

THanks Judy....that worked! When I clicked on things in the emails, 2 of my items status was "Buyer not contacted" & one was "Queued for listing". Good thing I found that! As soon as my auctions get over, should I send out a winner's email? Is that why I'm getting the "Buyer Not Contacted"?
It might be because I'm switching back & forth between the 2 programs!. I'm just worried I'm going to miss sending someone their goods!
You're a lifesaver!

08/09/07 08:55 PM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: mouse]  


I am glad that worked.

The first Status of an Invoice is always, "Buyer Not Contacted"
As soon as some communication has been sent, it changes to "Waiting Buyer Reply"
If a payment has been recorded, the Status will be "Waiting to Ship"
If the buyer has responded to an email you sent to them from AW2000, the status will change from "Waiting Buyer reply" to "Waiting for Payment"

The order of status is:
Buyer Not contacted.
Waiting Buyer reply
Waiting for payment
Waiting to ship
Feedback not left

The status "Waiting Buyer reply" and "Waiting for Payment" can be skipped if the buyer simply uses the shipping calculator and submits payment before you send out the Winning bidder email. When you record the payment as soon as Invoices are generated, the Status changes from "Buyer Not Contacted" to "Waiting to Ship" . So two Status changes are skipped in that instance.

Do you mean "Queued for Listing" status is the Auction lot? not the invoice. An Invoice status cannot be "Queued for Listing".

However, the Invoice status can be "Buyer Not Contacted". Which means there has been no communication with the buyer. This first set of Invoices and Auctions is because you were using two program to manage your auctions. Which is why it is best to use one instead of two. Using two can lead to errors.

Since you have stopped listing with Sellers Manager and you have just imported your Auctions, you will be able to begin complete management with AW2000. Inventory, Auction lots, Invoices, the whole nine yards.

You might do a once through the Invoices to be sure there isn't an Invoice whose status is "Buyer Not Contacted" that has already not been contacted. Maybe even paid and shipped already.

Here's what happens---Auction Wizard can only track the auctions that is in its database. So anything you listed with Seller Manager, AW2000 doesn't know about until you import. So anything that sold two weeks ago that was listed with Sellers Manager, and you just imported, you could have an Invoice for it and that item could already be paid and shipped. so check through all the Invoices. You won't need to do it again since you are not using Sellers Manager now. You can just update your Auctions everyday when product sells.

If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try to do a better job of explaining it.

As far as sending out "Winning bidder emails" ----You can do what suits your workflow. but here is what we do.

AS soon as the Auctions end, we update and generate Invoices. Usually as fast as the End of Auctions are coming in so are the Paypal payments.

After generating Invoices we will load email into AW2000,
Associate Paypal payments, print packing slips, record payment and send out payment received email.

After we have associated and recorded the Paypal payments that have arrived, we will then go to
Tools | Notify Winning Bidders
And notify the bidders that have not yet paid.

Some days everyone pays before we have generated Invoices. Other days almost no one pays. Just depends on the time of day auctions close, etc.

Every day auctions are updated first thing in the morning for all Auction profiles. And again as soon as the auctions end. Of course, the Buy It Now auctions that come off during the day are updated and Invoices generated. But at the end of the day, we always update all Auction profiles one more time just to be sure something hasn't sold that eBay has failed to send an End of Auction for. Doesn't happen often but it has happened before. That way at least we aren't hours and hours before we find the auction has sold. But you'll have to develop a method that works for you.

I would suggest though that you make a habit of updating all Auction lots every single day sometime during the course of the day.

Now that I have written you a short novel, does that make sense?


08/10/07 07:25 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Me again!
I was reading through my notes & was going to try & use the stock inventory item # & auction title line to find items. How do I assign them a storage location. Can I only do that right at the beginning, when I make an auction?

08/10/07 07:40 AM
Re: flat rate shipping new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy
I hope you don't mind, but I'm sending a couple of my email templates to you! One is payment received & the other is item shipped (I'm pretty sure). Just want to make sure there's more than one sentence in the email!

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