mouse (stranger
08/04/07 09:21 AM
flat rate shipping
I have quite a few auctions that have flat rate shipping. I charge about $1 over for a fee. Where do I make that change? On the invoice? After it's paid? Would I be better off just always using calculated shipping, then I suppose AW2000 keeps track of what I made on shipping? Thanks again!
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/04/07 11:34 AM
Sorry I am slow in responding today. I am at my granddaughter's State Swim meet!! She bombed her free style and did Best Time on Back Stroke. Pretty exciting meet!!!
Anyway. You can use Flat rate shipping. You select whether you are using Calculated or Flat rate on the Shipping options tab.
When you create your Stock Inventory Item, Click on the Category, Item specifics and Shipping options tab. Click "Define Shipping options" Choose " Sepecify Flate Rate Shipping costs" In the field where you put the Flat rate cost, enter in the cost you will charge the buyer for the Flat rate service. So if you are going to charge $4.60 plus a $1.00 handling fee for a total of $5.60, then enter in $5.60.
The next field is what you will charge for each additional item shipped for Flat rate service. so if you charge $1.00 for each additional item shipped or $2.00 or .50 whatever, it is, enter that cost into that field.
You have to select which service you will use for the Flat Rate. Click the drop down and all the available services are displayed. Just choose what you will offer to the buyer.
Aw2000 will keep track of the shipping costs as long as you enter in the value on each Invoice. I'll show you how when you are ready.
If you have Auction lots that you need to have Flat rate service instead of calculated, then just go to the Shipping Options tab and choose "Specify Flat Rate shipping cost". Make the changes on the Auction lot. The next time you list, the options will be displayed to your buyers.
Does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/04/07 01:47 PM
Thanks Judy! That helped! Sounds like you had an exciting day! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/04/07 06:11 PM
Well I have had an exciting day indeed! We thought our granddaughter had bombed her freestyle. Well come to find out when we pulled her time, she had shaved 3 seconds off her time but came in fifth in her heat. Which made no sense at all. Come to find out, she ahd been accidentally placed into an A time heat and she is a B time swimmer. So she really did quite well.
She just finished her IM and did Wonderful! And because I was videoing the event, I actually caught on tape what is wrong with her form in her freestyle. So now we can fix it. I can't help it. Her grandma was a swim team coach for years and years. When I get at a swim meet, the coach comes out in me 
anyway, I am glad that helped you out.
mouse (stranger
08/05/07 07:10 AM
I'm getting a couple things ready to ship. I went to the invoice grid & sorted by status. How can I tell what is supposed to be shipped (I guess I need to see a picture of the item)! I know you said in one of your posts about a world you click on to see the auction--I don't see that here though. Thanks for anyone's help! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/05/07 10:37 AM
I'm sorry. I didn't think about you wanting to see the actual picture of the item. That is not how we sort our items.
In the Grid view, click on the Invoice that you would like to see the item. Then click Invoice Items button.
Right above the Invoice items listed on the Invoice, you will see the blue world. If you click it, you will go to the listing page where you can see the image.
You can also click the red hammer next to the blue world which will take you back to the Auction lot and you can see the image.
Or you can click the blue tags which will take you back to the Inventory Items where you can see the image.
There is another way of identifying items without having to rely on simply an Image when getting ready to pull and package.
Use the Stock INventory Item number created by AW2000 and auction title line. Then assign the item a storage location. then you can print packing slips which will have the Auction id number, Auction title line, Stock INventory number and storage location. So you know exactly what goes inside the buyers box. We look at the images if we need to clarify what was shown in the Auction. But for the most part, the packing slips are all that is needed to get something ready to package for shipping.
Does that help? If not, I will try again.
mouse (stranger
08/05/07 04:37 PM
Another question! Guess I better start reading the tutorial. I got a notification that a buyer paid for 2 items. But on the bottom part of page (invoice) only one item shows up. Do I just click on the green $ sign & change what was paid? Why isn't the other item showing up? Thanks again! Mickey
mouse (stranger
08/05/07 04:39 PM
Another question! Guess I better start reading the tutorial. I got a notification that a buyer paid for 2 items. But on the bottom part of page (invoice) only one item shows up. Do I just click on the green $ sign & change what was paid? Why isn't the other item showing up? Thanks again! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/05/07 08:17 PM
No worries. I don't mind answering your questions.
Goodie! You get to use one of the really cool features of AW2000, "Merging Invoices"" I love it.
what's happened is the buyer has won another auction after your last update. So update your auctions again. And generate invoices.
Go to the Invoice that you have for the buyer that just paid. On the menu, go to "Invoice" On the drop down, select "Merge Invoices.
A dialog box will appear. And the other Invoice you just generated will be there. Status should be "Buyer not contacted" Click on the Invoice displayed in the Merge Invoice box. Then click OK. Aw2000 will group the auction lots together onto a single Invoice for you.
Now when you record the payment, both items and everything are together onto a single Invoice for you.
Does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/06/07 08:36 AM
Thanks! That worked! I tried to print shipping labels today. When I went to "print labels" there were about 14 (I was missing 6). Don't know what I did, but I was going to try & add the ones that were missing. I closed "print labels" & when I went back to it, none were there!! I don't know what I did, do you? I had to copy & paste from ebay. Would any of this have to do with me unchecking the box that says something about sending an email to the buyer that their item is shipped? I just didn't want anyone getting double emails from me. I'm working on the emails today. Thanks! Mickey
mouse (stranger
08/06/07 08:37 AM
I should have changed the subject line on that last message!
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/06/07 08:53 AM
Go to one of the Invoices that was in the Print Shipping labels and invoices dialog box originally. Tell me what the Status of the Invoice is.
Did you go back to Tools | print shipping labels and invoices Then enter in today's date. And the shipping dialog box is blank?
mouse (stranger
08/06/07 09:34 AM
Oh Geez, you won't believe this! I was going to "tasks" instead of tools! I'm going to see why not all are there (at least I think they're not all there)! If any are missing, I must have the "status" wrong. Thanks for your help! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/06/07 09:42 AM
No worries. We have all done those type of things before. Been in the incorrect spot.
If an Invoice is missing from the shipping dialog box, check the Shipping date as well. If when recording the payment, the ship date was set for yesterday, it will not appear. Or if the ship date is tomorrow it will not appear. Unless you change the date ranges in "Print Shipping Labels for unshipped invoices" Starting date and End date.
Because you were in the incorrect place, then most likely the Invoices are still there. If you need to get back out of the shipping dialog box, you can always just hit "Cancel" and everything will remain intact.
If you have an Invoice that needs to ship and you have not yet recorded the payment in AW2000, you can do one of two things, 1. Just manually change the status to "Waiting to ship" and put today's date in the Ship date field. Keep in mind, that you will have no record of the payment for future reports.
2. Record the payment even though you received the payment prior to using AW2000. The Record Payment box first field allows you to accurately record the date of payment receipt. So if it was last week when the payment arrived, you can change that date to the correct date. And then you can record today's date as the ship date.
I hope that makes sense. Let me know if this helps or not
mouse (stranger
08/06/07 07:01 PM
Another question! I go to invoices, click on "show & hide" then click on items "sold not shipped". How can I tell which ones are paid? Am I supposed to use a different status when something is sold but not paid? I've been using sold not shipped whenever something sells, whether the buyer has paid or not. i tried using the stock inventory # like you said, but wasn't sure how to do it. Go to inventory? I couldn't figure out what ones were paid or not! It only showed active items. When I tried to click on inactive, the screen didn''t show any items. Thanks! Mickey
mouse (stranger
08/06/07 07:04 PM
Please disregard the first part of my last message! I have checked what is paid! I'm starting to get tired I guess! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/06/07 07:44 PM
You can't get the status "Sold not shipped" in the Invoice Show/Hide records filter. That option is in the auction lots tab/window instead of Invoices.
The Invoice status will change automatically to the appropriate status in the process if you use AW2000 as it is designed.
When you first generate invoices, the Invoice status will be "Buyer not Contacted"
When you notify buyers using Tasks | Notify winning bidders and are waiting for a buyer response, the Invoice status will be "Waiting buyer reply"
When the buyer replies to any email sent from their invoice and the subject line contains the Invoice number, the Status will be "Waiting for payment"
When you record the payment, the Status changes to Waiting to Ship
When you ship, the status will be Feedback not left.
When you submit feedback, the status will the change to Closed.
The Auction lots or Stock Inventory Items will not be what you use to track who has paid and who has not. Inventory Items is for managing your Inventory instead of what is paid or not.
Auction lots window/tab is for managing auction lots. what is listed for what profile and where it is listed. Your fees are also tracked in the Auction lots window.
To track all the back end, after the auction ends activity, stay in the Invoices tab/window. That is where you track all of your buyers, who has paid, who is ready to ship, etc.
In the Invoices window/tab, you can click on the Grid View, Sort the Grid by the dark bold header "Status" All the Invoice status' will sort together.
You can then easily see who has not paid and who has not.
When you sort the Invoice Grid view by Status, the Invoices line up in the following order:
buyer Not contacted Waiting buyer Reply Second notice Waiting for Payment Waiting to Ship, Feedback not Left Closed Closed-Refunded Closed N.P.B. Hold
So it is easy to see who has paid, etc.
Does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/07/07 11:24 AM
That helped me ALOT Judy! Thanks! Is the Invoice the same as the Packing Slip? I usually don't put a packing slip in the do you do it? If i printed out the invoice though, I would know what to pack & who it goes to....that's probably what you do! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 11:41 AM
I am glad that helped.
Yes we print out packing slips as well as the Paypal payment. We insert the packing slip and a Thank you card into every package.
I use the reports for my packing slip. There are several options in the reports. You can check them out by going to Tools | Reports | Printed Invoices.
You will find Standard Reports. Each one can be customized so you can add other text or fields. I use the customized option because I wanted my email address, website and other information. And I didn't want all the cost displayed. That is because lots of businesses buy online and the packages are sent to their shipping departments or other departments within the company. Many business owners do not like the cost of the item on the packing slip. So I removed that information. But you can do whatever suits your needs.
You will see in the Printed Invoices | Standard reports | Invoices, on the right are two options. So you can print Invoices for an entire range of Invoices, Or by date.
I personally use the "Invoices from Invoice # x to x" option. So if I need a packing slip for INvoice number 26531 , I will enter in 26531 to 26531 , hit Go and the Packing slip appears. Then you can print from that window.
You asked how I tell what item needs to be packed, well I customized my Printed Invoice to show the Stock Inventory Item number as well as the Storage location. (We abbreviate storage locations. i.e. Pallet rack 1-B is shortened to PR1-B. Or Lateral Drawer 1 is LD1)
If you look at the Printed INvoices | Standard reports | Invoice, I removed the Reference ID as well as the Sale Price and Item Total fields and left the Qty as well as the Auction title line and Auction ID.
I added the Stock Inventory Item and the Storage location. So whoever is pulling orders knows how many, what it is and where to look for the item. When the staff enters all the information into the Inventory Items in AW2000, they will attach a label to the product which has the Stock Inventory Item number (that is found in the upper left hand corner of the Inventory Items tab), The auction title line. And the Storage location (just in case someone accidentally puts it in the wrong place)
That way pulling product isn't hard at all. If we need clarification about a particular item, we can always look at the image in the Inventory Items tab. But for the most part, we do not have to look at the images because every item is labeled before it is ever placed into the Storage location.
I hope that makes sense.
Edited by bluepennylady on 08/07/07 12:16 PM (server time).
mouse (stranger
08/07/07 03:26 PM
Hi! I'm working on my emails now. I've already made an invoice with my email address. When I try to send the email I made for winning bidder, I get this message "One or more of the email template fields referenced missing data". What does that mean?? Thanks again! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 03:34 PM
That message simply tells you that some of the field tags are not completed. If you are sending a winning bidder notification to yourself, you probably don't have an Auction id number, or the user id is missing because when you created the Invoice you can't enter in your own user id.
If you open up the winning bidder email in the email reader or go to the Invoice. Click on the envelope on the toolbar and a drop down will show all the email templates you have. Choose your winning bidder email and it will open.
Look to see if the User id is missing. Or the Auction id number. Maybe the Auction title line. Any one of those fields will cause the error message. It isn't a big deal if you are emailing yourself to see how the emails look. Just remember that if that error message appears, to always check the email before sending it to see what is missing. Then complete the missing fields and you are good to go.
Does that make sense? And more important does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/07/07 03:36 PM
I just wanted to tell you know that I get that error message on every email I made except for "Your item has Shipped". There must be certain fields that have to be in every email. I know I have the invoice # in every one. I'll have to check them over. Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 03:49 PM
A field value is missing. If it is your payment received email, is the Shipping date and ship via included.
If it is a Follow up with Total amount due, have you edited the email template to include where payment should be sent if the buyer is mailing payment. Those fields are in the second section down at the bottom. You may need to scroll down to see the brackets where you insert your business name and mailing address.
The field tags are included in the email templates. It is missing field tag values that cause the error message. Missing User id, Auction id number, Ship date or Ship via value. A missing business name and mailing address could also cause the error on the Follow up with Total amount due. Try this. Open up one of the emails that had the error message by going to Tools | Email template manager. When the email opens, you can print it out. The you can see the field tags and what they should be.
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/07/07 09:28 PM
Just to be sure I am not misleading you, ----- on any of the email templates that have the brackets where you enter in your name and your mailing address, ----if you omit entering in your name and mailing address that will not produce the error of missing information. All the viewer will see are the brackets and the text telling you what to enter in. The information inside the brackets are not field tags.
I hope that makes sense.
mouse (stranger
08/08/07 07:11 AM
Hi Judy! I think I"m giving up on the emails for today! I printed out a copy, like you said, but it printed out just what I had on the screen. I did have another question though......I was trying to create an invoie without someone winning an auction. Someone wants to buy something from me that ended with no bids & I haven't relisted it yet. She paid & I have all her info....but I can't seem to do an invoice (well, I did an invoice, but when I "search" for it, I get the message "no matches found".
mouse (stranger
08/08/07 07:39 AM
I have another question already! Just would like to see how you do things. I'm about to list a swimsuit that is the same as another one I sold recently, just a different color & size. What do you do first? Search through inventory or auction lots?? You don't start out with a new auction do you? I just don't want to re do all that info when I only have to make a few changes! Thanks! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:02 AM
No worries. We'll work on the emails here shortly.
As far as the Invoice. It is absolutely completely doable. We do it here every day. You are certain you created an Invoice for the buyer?
To do so you go to the Invoice tab/window, Click on the "+" sign on the toolbar. OR you can go to Record \ New Invoice on the menu. OR you can simply hit the "Insert" key on your keyboard. Any one of those will work fine.
The "Select Buyer and Auction Profile for New Invoice" dialog box will open.
I am presuming this is a buyer who has not won anything from you so their information is not in AW2000. SO___ Right about the "Cancel" button you will see "Add Buyer" Click that button and the "Add New Buyer" window opens. If all you have is the buyer's email address you can create an Invoice with just that information. If you have their name and address, then you can complete the entire buyer box. Click OK Then you click which Auction profile you want to use. IF you only have 1 Profile there isn't a need to use the drop down menu. But if you have more than one, then you will need to select which Auction Profile you want to use for creating the Invoice. After that is done, Click OK.
YOu should not have to search for the INvoice. As soon as you hit OK, AW2000 will automatically direct you to the newly created Invoice. So are you certain you created the Invoice.?
As soon as you have created the Invoice let me know and I'll show you how to add Invoice Items to it for your buyer.
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:10 AM
What do you mean it only printed what was on the screen? The entire email template did not print when you accessed the template by going to "Tools | Email template Manager" and selecting the email template you were working on??
mouse (stranger
08/08/07 08:18 AM
Ok, I made an invoice. I did another one & it seemed to work. The last one I put check marks in some of the boxes, maybe I shouldn't have done that? OK, how do I add an item? Thanks again! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:35 AM
If you want to see if you created a new Invoice the first time, you can always sort your Invoices in the Grid view by "Status'. The newly created Invoice status will be "Buyer Not Contacted" So if there is an extra Invoice you can just delete the one you don't need.
If you want to delete an Invoice, go to the Invoice. Then you delete by using the "-" (minus) button on the tool bar. Or by going to "Record | Delete Invoice".....on the menu.
Anyway, to add the swimsuit to the buyer's invoice, Find the Auction lot. You might want to write down the Lot number. The Auction lot number is located in the far upper left hand side.
Return to your Invoice, On the center divider bar, where the words "Invoice", "Email" Grid" are located right above the white space. you will see another "+" sign. When you place your mouse cursor on it, the tool tip "Add Invoice Item" appears. Click it.
A dialog box opens up. In the top part you will see two options. Add an Invoice item from Inventory Items or Auction lots.
Click Auction lots.
Click "Find" which is located in the lower left hand corner of the "Add Invoice Item" dialog box. Use search by Lot # as the filter. Enter in the Auction lot number for the swimsuit.
Once AW2000 finds the swim suit, it will be highlighted in blue.
Click OK.
Enter in the price you agreed to sell it for Enter in the qty (which will probably be 1 but if you had 3 and the buyer wanted all 3, you could enter in 3 or whatever)
Click OK
And the swimsuit is added to the buyers' invoice.
Now you can send the "Follow up with Total amount due" email if you are sending the buyer an Invoice. Or if the buyer has already paid, record the payment and follow the same steps as any other Invoice.
Record the payment, method of shipping, ship date and send payment received email.
Does that help?
mouse (newbie)
08/08/07 09:46 AM
I bet I have you totally confused! The one I made that I printed out had all the brackets, etc. with what should be in them <#BidDate f=d2> etc. The only thing it did fill in where brackets were is my name & address. Am I supposed to fill these in?? I wouldn't think so, since each email would be different (except for my name). In the subject line I did add the invoice #. Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 09:49 AM
You are correct. All the text with brackets and weird characters are field tags. AW2000 will automatically fill-in all those field tags based on the information in each Invoice.
So if the email was having the missing data error on an Invoice that didn't have an Auction id, then there isn't a problem. Or the new Invoice you just created, if the buyer's name was not already in the INvoice name field. you would get the error because there isn't a name or a user id to complete the field tag.
Does that make more sense?
mouse (newbie)
08/08/07 09:59 AM
Yes, that makes perfect sense! That's why I was getting the error! I made an invoice up for myself & didn't have everything filled in! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 10:06 AM
The Auction id field in the Invoice Items can be edited. So you can click your mouse in it and just put in 11112222333 or whatever you want.
If you and a buyer reach an agreement to reduce the price of something after the auction has been won and the INvoice is generated, you can click in the Sale price field down in the Invoice Items part and edit the Sale price.
The Qty field is the same way. So if a buyer emails and asks you for 2 more, then you can simply change the qty in the "Qty" field in the Invoice Items from 1 to 3.
Pretty cool!
mouse (newbie)
08/08/07 01:48 PM
Me again! I remember you saying that PayPal or eBay can sometimes be a couple days behind in sending emails of payment (did I get that right)? That's the only way to get the info into AW2000 isn't it (from the emails)? Thanks! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 02:21 PM
There are days Paypal can run hours behind in sending payment notifications out. And there have also been instances where the payment notification was never sent.
You can however, search your Paypal account for the payment. And you can print the payment from Paypal as well.
If we have an instance where Paypal does not send us the payment notification, we simply copy and paste the buyers name and address into the appropriate fields while the payment detail is opened at Paypal. We even record the Shipping cost, insurance cost as well as the Ship via. Takes a tad longer but there isn't anything else to do when Paypal does not send the email notification.
If you are simply looking for the buyer's name and address, you can also use the End of Auction notifications.
Hope that helps.
mouse (newbie)
08/08/07 03:44 PM
You've been a big help Judy! I have all my email templates done! I do have another question! I had a packlage that I shipped out today. When I check my invoices for items "waiting to ship" that item is there. Why? I checked all the right boxes, I thought. I did check the box that says to send an email to buyer that item has shipped (even though the email didn't go out yet). Could that be the problem? Thanks! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 03:50 PM
Congratulations! That is excellent news on the email templates! And remember if you discover you need other email templates for other reasons, we can easily duplicate one and edit it. Or create a new email template from scratch. The AW2000 tech team has thought of it all. Field tags for each portion of the email templates are already on the menu. All you have to do is choose what you want from the drop down. Super easy!
Have you checked the Sent mail to be sure an email was generated?
You also have to mark the option to Mark Invoice as Shipped. So run back through the "Print shipping labels and Invoices" process again using today's date. Check all your settings again as the status should have changed.
Le me know what you find. I have to leave for church here in about half hour or so. I'll be back around 9:30 CST so I can help you if you can't get the Status to change. NO worries!
mouse (newbie)
08/08/07 06:08 PM
I just checked the emails that were waiting to be sent (my templates about your item has shipped). They only have one sentence on each of them! Wonder what's wrong? Another question. Some of my PayPal payments have been going to my AOL email address. This has been happening for a few months now (not sure why)! I just forward them to my email address. Would that cause any problems? Thanks! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/08/07 08:18 PM
Have you edited the shipping notice email template? If so, when you edited the template did you hit the "Save" in the upper left hand corner before closing it down? The "Save" button looks like a 3-1/2 floppy disk.
Forwarding payments should not cause a problem if you have the forwarding email address configured in AW2000. When you retrieve email, they will load. And you can associate the emails with the correct Invoices as well.
Do you have two Paypal payment email addresses? You might check your Paypal account. As well as seeing what email address was presented to the buyer for submitting Paypal payments.
Since you are now using AW2000 to list, that problem should be eliminated as long as you use the same Paypal email address on the Lister window for each Auction profile.
Let me know about the editing the email templates.
mouse (newbie)
08/09/07 07:17 AM
Hi Judy! I'm going to work on the emails today. Maybe I didn't save them?? That's something I could do! Too much going on here! My ebay stuff is taking over the we're building a garage (that will be my office & work area)! Alot of things to decide on! Which brings me to another question! I'll have a computer in the garage and in the house.....can I have just one AW2000 or do I have to have one for each computer? I'd be the only one using the program.
I did have 2 PayPal addresses, then I eliminated one, but I still got emails at AOL telling me to claim my money (buyers had paid through that again). I'm not sure where that is coming from!
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/09/07 08:05 AM
Since you are still receiving emails asking you to "Claim funds at Paypal" your buyers must have your old AOL address. Just ignore those claim your funds emails and contact the buyers who have submitted the :Claim fund" telling them they need to re-submit payment to your email address and cancel the other one.
Congratulations on the expansion. How exciting!
what you might considering doing as far as the garage, is running internet to the garage and hook up your computer. Install AW2000 on whichever computer is going to be the primary computer and use to access it from the other one when needed. Works like a charm. I can go home and work on my company network and AW2000 from my home office. Easy as pie and it is fast.
You might consider using a router to get the Internet to your garage so you are only paying for one Internet line.
The basic version of is completely free. No cost or hidden costs. My daughter in law uses it to run two jobs she has. One is for my father in law. She works for him managing auctions wiht AW20000 and accesses his network from her home via
Here at work I do not have internet at the front cash register. I have internet on the warehouse and office side. But I have a wireless hub. So if I have to work the front counter, I can take my laptop, go wireless and access my office computer via and keep right on working in AW2000, answering emails etc. No sweat at all.
And since you are moving to the garage, you can use the "Storage Location" field in the Inventory Items. Building some shelves or get lateral file cabinets, etc You will really like it a lot.
mouse (newbie)
08/09/07 02:59 PM
Thanks for all your patience Judy! Don't know how you do it! My emails are OK now (I must not have saved them)! Duh! I printed out what you said about a router, etc. so when the time comes my husband can do that! I'm not getting as much listed as I would like to since I'm learning this & answering a million questions )(about're the one answering my million questions)! Good thing I'm not building a new house!
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/09/07 03:19 PM
Of course building something new is always fun! Picking out everything and building it the way you want it. Nerve racking but fun!
There are all kinds of routers. I like Linksys equipment. And Belkin is good too. Or I should say at least in my opinion. Others have different preferences.
You and your husband can even run the cabling. If the distance is quite a ways, you can always have a local installer make you up a cable the correct length since they have all the RJ45 ends and the crimping tools for making the cabling.
That is good news about your email templates. All of us have done things like that. Close without saving or something. Just happens.
Now is a good time of the year to learn new stuff and get everything ready for the Holidays. Buyers will start shopping in earnest here in a few weeks. Because if they get paid on the 1st and 15th of every month, at September 1 they only have 8 paychecks until Christmas including September 1. So you should be in good shape as far as listing.
Let me know if you need any more help.
mouse (newbie)
08/09/07 07:12 PM
Hi again Judy! I have 3 auctions that show "waiting for shipment" on ebay (selling manager). So I updated auctions, generated invoices. I got the message that all auctions had been invoiced. I got my emails & the 3 auctions had payment emails. Every email I tried clicking on buyer user ID, etc, I got the message "no records found" or something like that. What would cause this? I even did a "search" on all the auctions for the auction ID or a word in the title & I can't find a thing. Any ideas? Thanks! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/09/07 07:17 PM
Try importing all your auctions. It is possible the auctions which just sold were listed using Seller Manager instead of Aw2000 especially since you just started using AW2000 exclusively.
To import your auctions go to the Auctions tab/window.
On the menu, go to "Auction Site | Import Auctions> for the appropriate Auction profile.
Allow Aw2000 to work.
At the conclusion of the import, on the menu, go to Tasks | Generate Invoices.
See if any Invoices generate.
let me know if that solves the problem or not.
mouse (newbie)
08/09/07 08:35 PM
THanks Judy....that worked! When I clicked on things in the emails, 2 of my items status was "Buyer not contacted" & one was "Queued for listing". Good thing I found that! As soon as my auctions get over, should I send out a winner's email? Is that why I'm getting the "Buyer Not Contacted"? It might be because I'm switching back & forth between the 2 programs!. I'm just worried I'm going to miss sending someone their goods! You're a lifesaver! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/09/07 08:55 PM
I am glad that worked.
The first Status of an Invoice is always, "Buyer Not Contacted" As soon as some communication has been sent, it changes to "Waiting Buyer Reply" If a payment has been recorded, the Status will be "Waiting to Ship" If the buyer has responded to an email you sent to them from AW2000, the status will change from "Waiting Buyer reply" to "Waiting for Payment"
The order of status is: Buyer Not contacted. Waiting Buyer reply Waiting for payment Waiting to ship Feedback not left Closed.
The status "Waiting Buyer reply" and "Waiting for Payment" can be skipped if the buyer simply uses the shipping calculator and submits payment before you send out the Winning bidder email. When you record the payment as soon as Invoices are generated, the Status changes from "Buyer Not Contacted" to "Waiting to Ship" . So two Status changes are skipped in that instance.
Do you mean "Queued for Listing" status is the Auction lot? not the invoice. An Invoice status cannot be "Queued for Listing".
However, the Invoice status can be "Buyer Not Contacted". Which means there has been no communication with the buyer. This first set of Invoices and Auctions is because you were using two program to manage your auctions. Which is why it is best to use one instead of two. Using two can lead to errors.
Since you have stopped listing with Sellers Manager and you have just imported your Auctions, you will be able to begin complete management with AW2000. Inventory, Auction lots, Invoices, the whole nine yards.
You might do a once through the Invoices to be sure there isn't an Invoice whose status is "Buyer Not Contacted" that has already not been contacted. Maybe even paid and shipped already.
Here's what happens---Auction Wizard can only track the auctions that is in its database. So anything you listed with Seller Manager, AW2000 doesn't know about until you import. So anything that sold two weeks ago that was listed with Sellers Manager, and you just imported, you could have an Invoice for it and that item could already be paid and shipped. so check through all the Invoices. You won't need to do it again since you are not using Sellers Manager now. You can just update your Auctions everyday when product sells.
If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try to do a better job of explaining it.
As far as sending out "Winning bidder emails" ----You can do what suits your workflow. but here is what we do.
AS soon as the Auctions end, we update and generate Invoices. Usually as fast as the End of Auctions are coming in so are the Paypal payments.
After generating Invoices we will load email into AW2000, Associate Paypal payments, print packing slips, record payment and send out payment received email.
After we have associated and recorded the Paypal payments that have arrived, we will then go to Tools | Notify Winning Bidders And notify the bidders that have not yet paid.
Some days everyone pays before we have generated Invoices. Other days almost no one pays. Just depends on the time of day auctions close, etc.
Every day auctions are updated first thing in the morning for all Auction profiles. And again as soon as the auctions end. Of course, the Buy It Now auctions that come off during the day are updated and Invoices generated. But at the end of the day, we always update all Auction profiles one more time just to be sure something hasn't sold that eBay has failed to send an End of Auction for. Doesn't happen often but it has happened before. That way at least we aren't hours and hours before we find the auction has sold. But you'll have to develop a method that works for you.
I would suggest though that you make a habit of updating all Auction lots every single day sometime during the course of the day.
Now that I have written you a short novel, does that make sense?
mouse (newbie)
08/10/07 07:25 AM
Me again! I was reading through my notes & was going to try & use the stock inventory item # & auction title line to find items. How do I assign them a storage location. Can I only do that right at the beginning, when I make an auction? Thanks! Mickey
mouse (newbie)
08/10/07 07:40 AM
Hi Judy I hope you don't mind, but I'm sending a couple of my email templates to you! One is payment received & the other is item shipped (I'm pretty sure). Just want to make sure there's more than one sentence in the email! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/10/07 07:57 AM
No worries. Storage locations are user defined, Meaning you get to decide.
In the Inventory Items Tab/Window on every Inventory Item, you will see the "Storage Location" field. All you do is type in your storage location. Since you are just starting out, AW2000 will display a prompt telling you that Storage location does not exist, do you want to add it? Click OK and you are good to go.
The next time you want to use that same location, just click into the Storage location field and start typing, AW2000 will automatically find that particular storage location for you, hit 'Enter"on your keyboard and it is stored in the Storage location.
Does that help?
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/10/07 07:58 AM
Send it on girl. I'm a waitin'' 