mouse (stranger
08/04/07 09:21 AM
flat rate shipping
I have quite a few auctions that have flat rate shipping. I charge about $1 over for a fee. Where do I make that change? On the invoice? After it's paid? Would I be better off just always using calculated shipping, then I suppose AW2000 keeps track of what I made on shipping? Thanks again!
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/04/07 11:34 AM
Sorry I am slow in responding today. I am at my granddaughter's State Swim meet!! She bombed her free style and did Best Time on Back Stroke. Pretty exciting meet!!!
Anyway. You can use Flat rate shipping. You select whether you are using Calculated or Flat rate on the Shipping options tab.
When you create your Stock Inventory Item, Click on the Category, Item specifics and Shipping options tab. Click "Define Shipping options" Choose " Sepecify Flate Rate Shipping costs" In the field where you put the Flat rate cost, enter in the cost you will charge the buyer for the Flat rate service. So if you are going to charge $4.60 plus a $1.00 handling fee for a total of $5.60, then enter in $5.60.
The next field is what you will charge for each additional item shipped for Flat rate service. so if you charge $1.00 for each additional item shipped or $2.00 or .50 whatever, it is, enter that cost into that field.
You have to select which service you will use for the Flat Rate. Click the drop down and all the available services are displayed. Just choose what you will offer to the buyer.
Aw2000 will keep track of the shipping costs as long as you enter in the value on each Invoice. I'll show you how when you are ready.
If you have Auction lots that you need to have Flat rate service instead of calculated, then just go to the Shipping Options tab and choose "Specify Flat Rate shipping cost". Make the changes on the Auction lot. The next time you list, the options will be displayed to your buyers.
Does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/04/07 01:47 PM
Thanks Judy! That helped! Sounds like you had an exciting day! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/04/07 06:11 PM
Well I have had an exciting day indeed! We thought our granddaughter had bombed her freestyle. Well come to find out when we pulled her time, she had shaved 3 seconds off her time but came in fifth in her heat. Which made no sense at all. Come to find out, she ahd been accidentally placed into an A time heat and she is a B time swimmer. So she really did quite well.
She just finished her IM and did Wonderful! And because I was videoing the event, I actually caught on tape what is wrong with her form in her freestyle. So now we can fix it. I can't help it. Her grandma was a swim team coach for years and years. When I get at a swim meet, the coach comes out in me 
anyway, I am glad that helped you out.
mouse (stranger
08/05/07 07:10 AM
I'm getting a couple things ready to ship. I went to the invoice grid & sorted by status. How can I tell what is supposed to be shipped (I guess I need to see a picture of the item)! I know you said in one of your posts about a world you click on to see the auction--I don't see that here though. Thanks for anyone's help! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/05/07 10:37 AM
I'm sorry. I didn't think about you wanting to see the actual picture of the item. That is not how we sort our items.
In the Grid view, click on the Invoice that you would like to see the item. Then click Invoice Items button.
Right above the Invoice items listed on the Invoice, you will see the blue world. If you click it, you will go to the listing page where you can see the image.
You can also click the red hammer next to the blue world which will take you back to the Auction lot and you can see the image.
Or you can click the blue tags which will take you back to the Inventory Items where you can see the image.
There is another way of identifying items without having to rely on simply an Image when getting ready to pull and package.
Use the Stock INventory Item number created by AW2000 and auction title line. Then assign the item a storage location. then you can print packing slips which will have the Auction id number, Auction title line, Stock INventory number and storage location. So you know exactly what goes inside the buyers box. We look at the images if we need to clarify what was shown in the Auction. But for the most part, the packing slips are all that is needed to get something ready to package for shipping.
Does that help? If not, I will try again.
mouse (stranger
08/05/07 04:37 PM
Another question! Guess I better start reading the tutorial. I got a notification that a buyer paid for 2 items. But on the bottom part of page (invoice) only one item shows up. Do I just click on the green $ sign & change what was paid? Why isn't the other item showing up? Thanks again! Mickey
mouse (stranger
08/05/07 04:39 PM
Another question! Guess I better start reading the tutorial. I got a notification that a buyer paid for 2 items. But on the bottom part of page (invoice) only one item shows up. Do I just click on the green $ sign & change what was paid? Why isn't the other item showing up? Thanks again! Mickey
bluepennylady (veteran)
08/05/07 08:17 PM
No worries. I don't mind answering your questions.
Goodie! You get to use one of the really cool features of AW2000, "Merging Invoices"" I love it.
what's happened is the buyer has won another auction after your last update. So update your auctions again. And generate invoices.
Go to the Invoice that you have for the buyer that just paid. On the menu, go to "Invoice" On the drop down, select "Merge Invoices.
A dialog box will appear. And the other Invoice you just generated will be there. Status should be "Buyer not contacted" Click on the Invoice displayed in the Merge Invoice box. Then click OK. Aw2000 will group the auction lots together onto a single Invoice for you.
Now when you record the payment, both items and everything are together onto a single Invoice for you.
Does that help?
mouse (stranger
08/06/07 08:36 AM
Thanks! That worked! I tried to print shipping labels today. When I went to "print labels" there were about 14 (I was missing 6). Don't know what I did, but I was going to try & add the ones that were missing. I closed "print labels" & when I went back to it, none were there!! I don't know what I did, do you? I had to copy & paste from ebay. Would any of this have to do with me unchecking the box that says something about sending an email to the buyer that their item is shipped? I just didn't want anyone getting double emails from me. I'm working on the emails today. Thanks! Mickey