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05/11/08 04:20 PM
invoice did not generate?  

I don't know what happened but i got an email saying a item in my store was sold and ran the update auction and did the generate invoices but the invoice wasn't created. When i looked at the item in my inventory it was set to 0,0,0 as if i had never listed it. Really confused. I am trying to create an invoice but i don't know how to enter in the cost of the item. Can anyone help. Thanks.

05/11/08 05:16 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: mayapur]  


Not to worry,,, Creating an Invoice is easy and can be done. But let's see if we can correct the Auction lot issue first.

So you do not even have an Auction lot for the Item which has sold??? Or is the Auction lot there and just didn't update??

If the Auction lot is there but the status just changed to Offlne,, Then eBay didn't return the buyer information. so you manually change the status back to "Online" and update that auction lot again. Then go to "tasks | Generate invoices"

If there is not an Auction lot --- As long as you have the inventory, we can correct the whole thing.

Change the qty in stock from "0" to "1"... Create an Auction lot for your Store. Paste the Auction id into the Auction number field. Change the Auction lot status from "Never Listed" to "Online".. Update the auction lot and generate invoices. You will be good to go.

Let me know if that helps or not..


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05/11/08 05:31 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: bluepennylady]  

Very cool. I did your second method since auction lot was not even created and it went fine. But why did this happen in the first place?


05/11/08 05:40 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: mayapur]  


Have you deleted any records from the Auction lot tab/window cleaning up stuff?

If you have not deleted anything, the second most common thing to happen is aborting the listing process when there is no time delays in-between listing submission... If you do not use time delays when listing and were to abort the listing process,, eBay might not have returned the auction id via the API so AW2000 would not know the Auction lot where the abortion occurred was listed and could possibly list another Auction lot. So only one Auction lot is actually in the database when in reality two Auctions submitted. Two of the same item.. I hope that makes a bit of sense. If not, let me know and I'll try to explain better.


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05/11/08 05:49 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: bluepennylady]  

Yes i think i get it so should i do time delays. How can i arrange that? Or is this a rare occurance. Still i may have deleted the auction lot by mistake but then i would think that my inventory would go bakc to 1 but it didn't. Anyways hopefully it won't happen again and if it does i know how to sort it. Thanks so much


05/11/08 05:56 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: mayapur]  


You can set the time delays on the Lister window. In the upper right hand corner in the Basics Options, Start Time..There is a setting for "Wait" x minutes and x seconds between listing submissions...

Once you select a setting for the time delay, just hit the "Save options" in the lower right hand corner to save the setting. YOu can change it anytime you want prior to beginning the listing process.

I hope that helps.

Deleting an Auction lot will generally recommitt inventory back to Stock Inventory items. There are some circumstances when it will not. But my guess is you aborted the listing process.... Have you sold this particular item before?? I mean in the recent past??


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05/11/08 06:00 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: bluepennylady]  

ok thanks for that

No i don't recall listing this item before and aborting the process.

Not too sure what happened sorry.

Thanks for your help.

If it happens again i will try to look deeper.

thanks so mcuh

05/11/08 06:05 PM
Re: invoice did not generate? new [re: mayapur]  


No worries... It has happened to all of us before Stuff like this just happens... Not to worry.

I am glad you got it all fixed up!


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