tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
05/30/08 12:52 PM
Missing payment notices from Paypal
I've had five invoices in the last week or so where the buyer paid right away via Paypal, but I received no email notification. In one case, over a week passed & I was about to send a payment reminder. I went to the auction page to check the buyer's FB rating and saw the note saying he had paid the same day the auction ended. I've had to send several apologies for failing to acknowledge payments and for shipping delays.
I'm also still getting duplicate payments (and no, Judy, they aren't just email notifications; they are real payments that show up in my account balance). I've started sending these payers a note asking them if they can tell me what prompted them to pay again. Paypal doesn't care about this "problem" -- just more fees for them. If this is widespread, it needs to be investigated by law enforcement. I've collected hundreds of dollars extra this month without a single payer writing and saying Oops, please issue a refund. I could have kept it all, and no one would have been the wiser.
Paypal is a mess. Now, when you call customer service (other than being disconnected frequently; having to deal with people who barely speak English; long, long times on hold; poorly trained and clueless reps), you have to punch in a 6-digit customer code that changes each time you log in and isn't easy to find.
Rant over............for now.
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
05/30/08 12:55 PM
Me too
Me too
Me too
Me too
I have been ranting in my office this past week.. Same thing. I had several buyers that paid too and we were not notified. And worse yet, is the search at Paypal is not working correctly. I checked my paypal account every single day for a solid week. no payment. Finally last day I checked, buyer's payment was there and it was dated the day the buyer won the auction.
Yep me too, me too, me too
Move on over girl, I wanna share the soap box with ya! 
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store Visit our website too! http://www.pennyworthsales.com
tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
05/30/08 01:18 PM
Wow. Well, if there are two of us, it's safe to say there are hundreds, if not thousands, of sellers having the same problems.
It's not as if Paypal were some insignificant company where no one would notice. It's like Washington Mutual going all haywire and screwing up people's accounts en masse. That would make the news. If we called our local stations, they'd just think, Oh, these eBay people -- they're all a little bonkers.
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
05/30/08 01:22 PM
I know of several other sellers who are experiencing the exact same problem.
I have also refunded I can't remember how much money in the past few weeks. Ridiculous in my opinion...
And you are right , the buyer has no idea whatsoever.
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store Visit our website too! http://www.pennyworthsales.com
AquilaStamps (addict)
05/30/08 02:58 PM
Rant away, and I'll join you and Judy on the soapbox. It turns out that I have to check PayPay every single day morning, afternoon, and again in the evening. Most of the notices never show up in my mailbox - exactly the same problem you are talking about.
I'm thinking of living in the Bahamas on the overpaid PayPal money. It's unbelieveable that this is happening and the buyer has no idea that they have double paid. I end up refunding a lot of payments and even have a "form letter" that I paste into the refund explaining what is happening. PayPal is not any help as you said, in fact they actually deny there is any problem.
I'm not sure what can be done about it other than keeping a vigilant eye on the PayPal page and forgetting email notification. I know this is a pain but for now it is the only way I know to keep payments and shipments current and most importantly returning to our customers their double payment.
Calling PayPal on any time other than Monday through Friday is useless so I'll try again Monday and see if there is someone there that will listen. I don't hold out a lot of hope though.
Keep us informed Sue.
tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
05/31/08 01:08 PM
About sending the payment notifications, I think Paypal would just say it's a courtesy service, and if we don't get them, tough. They make the info available on the web site, so sellers can go fly a kite.
Duplicate payments are also not Paypal's problem. Buyers will be buyers. If they want to pay 2 or 3 times, that's fine by Paypal.
What I want to know is:
-- Is eBay or Paypal sending something or doing something to trigger the duplicate payments? If they're sending unwarranted reminders or doing anything that causes buyers to be confused, even if it's not deliberate, that means legal trouble.
-- Why doesn't Paypal notify buyers when they detect a second, identical payment for the same auction ID?
-- Why hasn't Paypal made it possible to search payment history by payer ID or email address?
When I called PP Customer Service to ask about my Hong Kong buyer who paid at least 4 times (that I can determine), they would not even tell me if they could detect other payments from her. They said it was a privacy issue. The only thing a seller can do is filter for payments received and scroll down the list page by page, looking for the buyer's name.
Here's an interesting post at eBay UK (a slightly different issue, but still very pertinent to this discussion): http://reviews.ebay.co.uk/Paypal-Allow-Duplicate-payments-WHY-Then-don-apos-t-help_W0QQugidZ10000000003639772
Here's something from a year ago on Yahoo Answers: I made a payment for something from Ebay the other day in the amount of $44. When I checked my account this morning I noticed that they had taken two payments of $44. I called my bank and they told me that several others had called about this this morning too, but I would have to contact Paypal because it was their glitch. I called Pay pal and was told that they could only see one payment withdrawal from their end and it must be my bank's problem. I called the bank again and was told by another customer service rep that many others had called about this too this morning, she informed me on what to do, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem and if this is something usual for Pay Pal?
And this eBay discussion board: http://forums.ebay.com/db1/thread.jspa?tstart=80&threadID=2000576056&mod=1212074512875&anticache=1212264389768
Here's a Google search: http://snipurl.com/2bsjz [www_google_com]
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
05/31/08 01:19 PM
The duplicate payment issue happened with one of my long time repeat buyers. So I asked what prompted them to pay two more times (total of three payments) They told me their "Won" items was not marked as Paid. Consequently they kept receiving emails from eBay (Not me) stating they needed to pay for their item. A total of three payment before the won item changed to Paid.
As far as the search, Paypal's search function has been on the fritz for weeks..... I hate it... It makes me look like a total bafoon to buyer's because I keep sending notices requesting payment and they have already paid. days before.. And searching by Auction id, email address, nothing produces the payment in my account. I just wonder if this is part of the "Paypal will hold funds" Instead of notifying you they are holding funds, the payment simply doesn't appear until Paypal believes it is okay.
I don't know but it is maddening that is for sure...
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store Visit our website too! http://www.pennyworthsales.com
Tradeguy (enthusiast)
05/31/08 06:57 PM
I've been cross referencing every single paypal payment from the paypal "payment recieved" history screen about twice a day. I look at the names of the payments, and I match them to the AW2K ledger screen. If I find a payment I can't match, I look at the details and get an auction ID. So far I've caught 2 in the last 3 days this way.
So tonight I'm doing the same thing....and I find that the 2 last payments made about 2 hours ago are not recorded in AW2K. I look them up, and also find that AW2K hasn't recorded those auction ID's as sold yet. Why is that? Well, Ebay has yet to send me sales notifications AND paypal has yet to send me payment notifications.
Ran an Aw2K update and recorded the payments...but ARGH!
and UGH!
Edited by tradeguy on 05/31/08 06:58 PM (server time).
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
05/31/08 07:04 PM
Ebay only releases (or is suppose to release) End of Auction or auction changes ever few minutes. I think it is ever two or three minutes. I'll have to look on that one.
Anyway, It would appear eBay is not releasing the information lately as it should be. I am not getting the notifications either, that is all of the time. From eBay or Paypal...
It has to be all the changes at eBay. All the site changes they keep implementing then pulling down and then implementing again. The last three days the system announcement board has been one tech issue after another...
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store Visit our website too! http://www.pennyworthsales.com
tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
06/01/08 04:38 PM
Heard back from one of my buyers today:
"Thank you for the refund, I did not catch the double payment. I wish I could be of more help but am not sure why this happened. I can only guess it is because ebay showed it not paid and I am not on ebay every day."
Not very helpful, but you can hear the confusion in his "voice".
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
06/01/08 05:31 PM
I am glad you heard back from at least one buyer. I haven't heard from a single soul yet. It is like they don't even notice there is money back in their Paypal account. I am waiting until some of them get their credit card statements and see two payments to me. This could get real confusing if they don't fix it soon
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store Visit our website too! http://www.pennyworthsales.com
mouse (member)
06/04/08 08:15 AM
I'm glad you said that Judy....about looking like a bafoon!! That's just how I felt! I haven't been getting all the PayPal notifications of payments & buyers are wondering what's going on.....I have to go to PayPal all the time now to make sure I've got everyone's items shipped!
Thanks! Mickey
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/mickey6590?refid=store
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
06/04/08 08:27 AM
Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal
[re: mouse]
We had more payments go AWOL yesterday. One payment was from a long time repeat buyer. I am so glad I double checked my Paypal account prior to shipping. I just happened to see his name at the bottom of the page at Paypal. I wish they would get it fixed!
But I am glad I am not the only one.
The good thing,, eBay finally posted an announcement on the system board concerning the issue so we can at least tell our buyer's the issue is on the tech board at eBay. Maybe that will help and our buyer's will know we are not jerking them around.
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store Visit our website too! http://www.pennyworthsales.com