tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
10/08/07 10:23 AM
Click-N-Ship to Latvia et al
Just a head's up on Click-N-Ship for international labels.
I had a buyer in Latvia. Package was lightweight but too large for First Class International, so I had to go with Priority. I checked the online rate calculator and was shown both prices -- paid at the counter (full price) and paid online (discounted). I used the paid-online price to figure the total due because I planned to use Click-N-Ship. Customer paid a few minutes later via Paypal, and I went to Click-N-Ship to purchase and print my label. Got an error saying I would need to pay for the shipping at a post office (no discount). I called and learned there are about 20 countries that are on temporary suspension from Click-N-Ship services (I'm still waiting for an explanation of why paying online versus paying in person somehow changes the threat the USPS feels from foreign strife or corruption or whatever), but they don't tell you that when you are viewing the rates for that country. So here's the list (nowhere to be found at the USPS site, as far as I'm aware): Russia, Ukraine, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Kampuchea (Cambodia), Kampuchea, Latvia, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Armenia, Belarus, Lithuania, Benin, Serbia-Montenegro, Ghana, and South-West Africa. You will not be able to create a label to any of these countries, with or without postage.
This is a form of bait and switch -- offer a discount to business people, then withdraw it. Dirty pool. I'm sending a written complaint with copies to all the usual suspects.
AquilaStamps (addict)
10/08/07 12:39 PM
Sue: Here is another wrinkle on the problem you mentioned. I use the USPS Shipping Assistant and then apply my own postage stamps to the label. Remember I'm shipping to stamp collectors and they frown on the barcode postage. Anyway, I too have a customer in Latvia and it refuses to print the label. It's just a label no postage no USPS commnitment. When it happened the first time I asked the clerk about it. I was told that it had to do with Customs. The labels printed either through click and ship or shipping assistant have a customs barcode. So that may part of the reason for them not allowing you to print postage.
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
10/08/07 12:40 PM
Thank you for taking the time to research the countries and sharing the info with all of us.
That is the pits about you already getting paid and now you can't ship the package. Let me know how you get it resolved. That could be valuable information.
I just wonder how we are suppose to mail packages to those countries to our service men and women. I wonder if APO boxes go through. Hummm, may need to check that out.
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
10/08/07 12:55 PM
oops! Sniped you or you sniped me 
You know, customs could be an issue. With all the paperwork they require, one feels as if you are writing a short novel when completing it. How did you finally get the label to print for your Latvia customer?
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
10/08/07 04:31 PM
Well, I suppose it could be a customs issue, like their system can't handle the barcodes, but they told me they suspected it was political and that countries are added to the suspended list when there is strife or a revolution. I checked, and the only newsworthy item that came up regarding Latvia was some rock group had "broken out" of their domestic rut or something. LOL
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
10/08/07 04:35 PM
Well you know how these rock stars are. Breaking out, breaking free, break dancing, breaking the rules. Who knows! 
Perhaps the "revolution" will be in tomorrow evening's news!
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
10/08/07 04:47 PM
Well, I can't take credit for any research -- it was a list in the almost instant email reply I got after posting my complaint at the Click-N-Ship web site (from the FAQ page).
I got a phone message from someone at the local USPS Business Relations Office today saying someone had told her that "it had been taken off the web site." Not sure what it was, but I assumed she meant the display of the Online Postage cost for these bad-boy countries. But it is not gone at all, so I'll have to talk to her again tomorrow.
And I was able to ship the package, just didn't get the Click-N-Ship discount. Had to take it to the PO and pay full price. My handling fee for international sales covered the difference, so it was no big deal. But if it had been a heavier package, I wouldn't have gotten paid enough and I'd have been in that uncomfortable position of needing to go back to my customer for more money. I can only assume there are loads of sellers who get stuck in this situation. Check the price at USPS, notify buyer of total due, get paid, then find out the discount, which could be several dollars, is unavailable.
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
10/08/07 04:53 PM
Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. You could use this list to plan -- or cancel! -- your investments or your travel itinerary. They said it sometimes changes on a day-to-day basis.
I'm with you. The U.S. is the only place to be. We rock!
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
10/08/07 05:25 PM
You know that stinks you have to wait until AFTER the auction closes to find out you can't ship to a particular country. I do know my International sell through rate has dropped significantly in the last few months. Due to the postage increase. But the eBay calculator hasn't helped one bit either with all its problems.
Visit my eBay store!  http://stores.ebay.com/bluepennylady?refid=store
AquilaStamps (addict)
10/08/07 07:08 PM
I haven't had problems sending to those "special" countries - but the Clerks at the post office have to visually check the package and apply the postage (or a Zero label) themselves. They also have to double check all customs declarations.
Other than it taking forever for all of the checking there hasn't been any problems for me. As far as the APO's etc. that isn't a problem as that material never leaves the custody of the United States Postal Service. APO's are handled by the Post Office and special Postal empowered Military Personnel. At least for now APO material goes through with no problems at all. Yes, they have been known to misplace a package but that happens sending something across town.
Hope this helps
AquilaStamps (addict)
10/08/07 07:16 PM
Yea, someone sniped someone but what's a snipe now and then among AW2K users.
I didn't really get the label to print at all. However, when ever I print a label I print to Adobe Acrobat and then print the label from Acrobat. That document gets attached to the Acrobat version of the customer's AW2K invoice. That make sense? Sooooo - I opened a previous label and .. Deleted the customs barcode, Changed The Address and printed it out. When I went to the Post Office I had applied a Green Customs Label where the printed barcode one should have been.
It was a work around but it was accepted by the Post Office. And because I apply stamps to my packages the postage wasn't a problem. If you need the postage on the label the only thing I can think of that I would do is print the label and then print out postage separatly.