Old discount tag Apply Shipping Discount cannot...
With every Fixed Price listing I submit, I get the following error (for the last several days):
Warning: Warning Code 21916949: Old discount tag ApplyShippingDiscount cannot be used with new discount. Use ShippingDiscountProfileID and/or InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID as required under ShippingDetails.
Yes I just do happen to know. And it is only by accident too
That warning will come and go for a while as eBay is implementing a different shipping discount configuration. Some days the warnings appear and then later they go away. it will probably be like that until it all gets in place. And when that is who knows.
Nothing we can do about them right now. So ignore away... I mean about half the time they are just experimenting with stuff and then completely drop the idea. Too bad they don't drop more ideas
Re: Old discount tag Apply Shipping Discount cannot...
[re: bluepennylady]
Thanks everyone for the info. I've been away from ebay for a while and just started listing again. I was going to post about the error and saw this thread.