flpackrats (stranger)
09/27/12 04:58 PM
Error Code 82 with Fixed Price Listing
[re: ]
Tried to list several lots tonight as Fixed Price. It's been an age since I've done a fixed price listing so I reviewed the directions. These were lots that were created some time ago and I wanted to make sure they were updated. I changed the Listing Type to Fixed Price. I moved the starting price to the reserved price so it would be easy to move back if the lot didn't sell. I thought that allow an easy parking place for the starting price if I later wanted to list the item in an auction. The AW2K directions state:
Fixed Price Listing eBay fixed price listings let you sell items at a fixed price. There is no bidding.
* Quantity - Enter the number of items you want to sell in this field. Fixed price listings can be used to sell single or multiple items. * Starting Bid - Must be blank for Fixed Price Listings. * Reserve - Not applicable. If you enter a reserve price, it will be ignored. * Buy Price - Enter the price you will sell the item(s) for in this field.
So I now have the original starting price in the reserve field, have added a Buy Price, deleted the Starting Bid and changed the Listing Type to Fixed Price. When attempting to list the lots, the following error was received. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- API Error Code 82: A Dutch auction, Buy It Now, Best Offer Only, Classified Ad, or Fixed-Price item cannot have a reserve price. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Has the API changed? Do the directions need to be updated? The reserved field is grayed and I'm unable to make any change. I've had to change the Listing Type back to Auction, go into every lot and remove the reserve information, change the listing Type back to Fixed Price before I could list.
dizman67 (stranger
12/08/12 02:19 AM
For FP listings, remove the starting bid. Due to it having an amount in starting did, eBay will see the listing as a Dutch Auction.
flpackrats (stranger)
12/08/12 09:56 AM
Thank you for your reply, but it did not answer my question. The starting bid was blank. I had moved the starting bid to the reserve spot since the directions say, "Not applicable. If you enter a reservice price, it will be ignored." I wanted to have the original starting bid available in case it didn't sell and I wanted to later list as an auction. However, with the starting bid blank and the reserve bid completed, the software did not ignore the reserve price when Fixed Price Listing was selected, it generated an error.
It appears the directions are incorrect. I moved the starting bid to the notes leaving BOTH the starting bid AND the reserve bid blank which allowed me to list as Fixed Price.
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