ah64ace (Unregistered)
03/26/02 03:41 AM
Petetion for eBay motors support
Reply with your user name to sign the petition and let Thom know who needs eBay Motors support with AW2K.
Anonymous (Unregistered)
03/29/02 09:53 AM
I sell mostly all automotive parts and am looking into purchasing the Auction Wizard Software but after seeing that it does not support ebay motors I am reluctant. If your software ever incorperate ebay motors I would be happy to purchase. Please email me if this ever happens. Beckie2327@msn.com
jwilliams (stranger
03/30/02 07:07 PM
Would be nice
swampy (Unregistered)
04/01/02 04:39 PM
I would sure use it ... I sell service manuals and they will only go under books now on ebaY. So to link them to Automobiles, I need the ebaY Motors Thanks, Rick
Skip (Unregistered)
04/01/02 05:08 PM
Need the ebay motors support! And scheduling ability. Thanks
Anonymous (Unregistered)
04/20/02 10:26 AM
Need e-bay Motors support!!!!
Anonymous (Unregistered)
04/30/02 08:23 AM
I am a registered Auction Wizard 2000 user who was a channeladvisor subscriber. I love this program and see much of the functionality of the online management services plus some extras that channeladvisor did not have. Like being able to see your ebay fees.
But ebay Motors support is missing. I have a large group of vintage auto parts from an estate. I would like to list them with AW but will have to use Mister Lister for those auctions and track them on My Ebay.
So add me to the list of AW users who need Ebay motors added to this wonderful program. Scheduling would also be nice. Donny, junebugbooks
sldolan (stranger
06/08/02 07:43 AM
Yes! PLEASE add this capability - I've got my first ebay motors-related consignment with cars and cycles waiting in the wings.
eversley (stranger
06/28/02 03:13 AM
We need eBay motors support please.
archimedes (stranger
06/28/02 07:02 PM
I'm signing on. eBay Motors support is one for Thom to put on the front burner.