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06/28/06 06:53 AM
Relisting is not working  

I am unable to relist any auctions. When I try, the page returned by eBay wants me to put in the shipping, but I am using calculated shipping. Anyone else having this problem? Any ideas on a fix? I did email Thom, but have not recieved an answer yet. Is he on vacation? (-: Thanks for any help you can offer. Marlya

06/28/06 09:19 AM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: Marlya]  


If you are using Calculated shipping options, the first thing to check is the Postal services offered for Domestic and International are allowable for the weights you have used.

Be sure you do not have 2 of the same choices on Domestic and International. e.g. 2 First class choices or 2 Parcel choices, etc.

Next be sure you have selected the countries to which you will ship on all offered services. \

eBay is not allowing Airmail Letter Post for a great deal of packages. So if you have offered AirMail Letter Post as an option, you probably will need to select another service in its place.

Try that and see if it works better.


06/28/06 09:37 AM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: bluepennylady]  

Oh yes,

Thom is not on vacation. I don't think the man ever leaves his computer. I am convinced he must have his pillow and blanket at the monitor screen :o)

He is in a different time zone


06/28/06 09:43 AM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: bluepennylady]  


I just submitted 30 relists to be sure eBay had not made changes. Those are submitting fine.

Also be sure you are running the newest version of AW2000. There was a program update released yesterday morning. Although, it corrected an updating change, you should still download the update before you do anything else. That is if you haven't already downloaded and installed the update :o)


06/29/06 02:12 PM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: bluepennylady]  

Thanks everyone. These were relists with the same info and they listed fine the first time around. I'll check all the shipping again and make sure nothings changed. My pc did a major crash within 2 hours after I first noticed the relist problem, so that could have something to do with it too. Although I thought it would fine now as everything else is. I'll report back with my findings and/or troubles....Marlya

06/29/06 02:23 PM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: Marlya]  


Bless your heart. Computer crash is never fun. I hope you had a backup of your database??

Please do let us know how the next attempt goes. Good, bad or indifferent :o)


06/30/06 11:08 AM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: bluepennylady]  

Yes, I had a back up, thank you. However, I have the lastest release, checked my shipping etc...and am still unable to relist any ended auctions. What next? Marlya

06/30/06 11:28 AM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: Marlya]  


If you offer International shipping, check the Airmail Letter post. eBay is kicking back AirMail letter post as an option sometimes.

Did you say you are using Flat rate? Or calculated?

If you are using Flat rate, try entering a value into the Addti'l item shipped field. Even if it is 0.

Calculated shipping. You indicated you checked the shipping options. Be sure none of the options have accidentally changed in the crash. e.g. First class appears when the package weighs 3 lbs and all countries to which you ship are still selected.

Have you tried to list new auctions? If you have not, try listing a new auction lot and see if that will submit.

If a new auction lot will not submit, be sure to check your eBay profile and make sure your credit card information is current.

Ask me how I know what happens if you allow your credit card on file at eBay to expire :o) You can't list :o)

If you are unable to list a new auction and your credit card on file is up to date. I suggest that you contact Thom at AW2000 generates logs that will allow him to tell you how to correct the problem.

In either case, let us all know what was wrong and how you fixed it.


06/30/06 12:20 PM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: bluepennylady]  

New listings work fine, actually, all the relists that I wanted to do....I just took out the item number and they listed fine. So it's definately the relist auctions that are giving me fits. I'll email Thom again, I've never had to email him more than once, but this will be the third time for this issue. I know he is usually very prompt in answering, that's why I thought maybe he was on vac because he never replied back. Thanks again Judy.

06/30/06 12:29 PM
Re: Relisting is not working [re: Marlya]  


Do you mind emailing me directly at

I would like to see your listing log.


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