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11/07/07 02:50 PM
Listing Frame  

Is anyone else having an issue with the listing frame for your eBay store not being complete on your listings?

Wanted to know if it was just me. Anyone know if it is me, eBay or AW2k?

I did check to make sure that the settings had not changed within eBay prefs. and they hadn't. Also reapplied and nothing changed. Tried to contact eBay about it and nothing yet, as usual!

Any help would be appreciated!


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11/07/07 05:27 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


Are you talking about your AW2K listing template? Or the eBAy store listing frame?


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11/07/07 06:01 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  

If you are talking about your store info wrapping around top and left side of your auction page then I've checked mine and so far it seems OK.

I do know that I've seen differences in my own pages when viewing with IE and Firefox. But nothing missing. What appears most of the time is that the very bottom of my material in the listing (that part that I've done in AW2K) is shorter in Firefox than it is in IE. But as far as missing right now - nothing seems to be missing.

I know that this sounds a bit foolish but try clearing your cache in your web browser and see if that helps.


11/07/07 06:04 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

The eBAy store listing frame.
Sorry for not being clearer.
It is present on my listings but doesn't show all the catagories from the store. Just shows one after, "store home", And then none of the regular stuff that follows, store policy, etc.

Thanks for checking into this!

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11/07/07 06:17 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  

I am veiwing them in IE but have looked from two separate machines and have the same results. I will however give the cache clearing a shot and see if there is any changes.
And I will give them a look with Firefox too.

I will let you know what I find.
Thanks for looking!

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11/07/07 06:23 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


First if my typing is bad it is because I am bumping along down the highway, traveling back from Topeka :o)

categories that have no listings in them will not appear until something is listed in them. Do you have Auction lots listed in all your Store categories?


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11/07/07 06:30 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  

Tried the suggestions no change. Same in Firefox as IE and cache clearing didn't change anything!

I would like to know what is going on but I am not to worried about it, I am going to list some stuff tomorrow and will look to see if things change with my first listing. Maybe it was some glitch with this batch.

But if you all figure it out that would be good too!

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11/07/07 06:35 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

Not all but more than just one!
That's what I thought may have happened that every thing got placed into the one catagory. But not the case, because in my store the listing are in different cats.
I don't know just a weird glitch I guess!

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11/07/07 07:43 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  

You're right. Once you said something about store policy I realized that wasn't there on mine too. So I went back double checked 6 different auctions and 6 store items and all are the same. The top part of the left frame is there - the store categories however shipping and policy aren't there. Could this be another one of eBay's tremendous "improvements" or is it just another in a long list of glitches that seem to take forever to fix. You have very sharp eyes. I looked at it first and saw the top and left frame and said to myself - all's ok. Then after reading your second post ...

I'll keep watch also on other auctions and see if it is the same or if it comes back.


11/07/07 07:59 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  

Do you know how much better I am going to sleep tonight!
Thought it was just me! I was starting to get a complex!

I too will keep us abreast on any changes!

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11/07/07 08:14 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


Nope, not just you at all. At first I was too quick to think all was OK. So sleep well.


11/07/07 08:19 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


Home. can type much easier

Okay, now are you guys talking about when you go to your Store's home page that the Store payment policy and custom pages are not appearing.

Or do you mean when you open individual auction listings the store payment policies, etc are gone?

Well, my payment policy and custom page are not appearing on individual auctions either. I know those were showing a couple of days ago. hummmm, wonder what's up.


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11/08/07 07:02 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

It's on the individual auctions that it is not showing up.
And as you can see we all have come to the conclusion that this is the case. So must be some "improvement" in process on eBays side.
If you figure it out you be sure to let us know!

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11/08/07 07:35 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


If I have a spare minute today I may contact Live Help and see if they can shed some insight.

I'll let you all know.


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11/08/07 07:41 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

Great sounds good!

If you have more than one spare minute can you send them my way?!?

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11/08/07 07:56 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


Nope I don't have any spare minutes. But I am working on a way to manufacture spare time. If I ever figure it out, I may be a wealthy woman. Probably won't ever get it figured out though


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11/09/07 05:34 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  

Marty & Judy:

After waiting a few days for the problem to clear up I spoke with Live Help on eBay (last evening) and asked them about the listing frame problems. Their answer was this is the first they have heard of any problems. However, if I would be willing to wait a minute they would check it out. After waiting a very long time they came back and told me they had checked several of my listings and saw no problems with the listings. They told me also that the counters aren't always accurate right down to the exact number of people who have viewed the auction. HUH? After explaining to them that I wasn't concerned about the counter but the "store frame" wrapped around the auction I was waiting again while they "checked out my auctions". Coming back they again reported that there were no problems that they could see with any of the auction pages and that the store frame was there. Was I SURE that I was looking at MY AUCTIONS! I put my smart mouth on hold - and reported that yes I had looked at my auctions not some random persons pages. The customer service person then told me they were glad they were able to help me and was there anything else they could do.

I'm so sorry, and very ashamed of myself, for even thinking I could get any information from them to help out with the problem. I have decided that my punishment will be placing myself on Time-Out and standing in the corner for the rest of the day. Right now I'm looking for a sunny quiet corner where I can go and quietly cry to myself.

I tried - I guess I didnt ask the right questions of eBay. Maybe if we wait long enough someone in eBay IT will see what is happening and try to fix the problem.

I'm off to the corner.


11/09/07 06:26 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  


They actually asked you if you were looking at your own auctions! Well now, that spurs me on. I will make enough time this morning to contact Live Help and ask about the Listing frame as well.

so don't go to the corner yet. I may need to join in shortly.


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11/09/07 06:45 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  


Yep, asked me if I was sure i was looking at my items on eBay. I guess they have to weed out the twits early on in the discussion just in case they end up with a fool trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

I really don't know why I was surprised lately help has not really been help at all but just a typing test.

Good luck with your attempt to solve this with eBay Live Help! Just in case you need it - I picked out a good corner - there is room for more than one.


11/09/07 07:25 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  


I'll let you know if you need to add a chair later on this morning. Right now, I have to go climb up on the ladder to change the exterior light bulbs on the front of the store. Since the time change and we leave when it is dark, I noticed they bulbs were out. It is really dark up front at night.


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11/25/07 05:44 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

Just thought I would add an updated observation:
I noticed that on my listings today that the catagories were shown on the side but still no policy or custom pages.
Maybe eBay is fixing it a step at a time or it is just returning in small increments all by itself since they said that it wasn't an issue!

Just thought you might want to know!

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11/25/07 09:21 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  

That is strange. My categories have been there all along. It is all of the other stuff underneath them that has been missing. It sounds as if they have several problems going on at the same time. Too bad they can't figure out frames. Really too bad that their CS doesn't have a clue on how to answer the question. I'll keep checking my listings - and if I have the fortitude maybe I'll go back to Live Help and speak with another CS person to see what they say this time. I'll make sure they know that I'm looking at my auction also.


11/25/07 10:31 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  

My listings only had the option to go to my "store home" no catagories. Then with this last group other catagories came up but never has the policies, custom pages, etc made it back into the picture.
Well when you get the chance you just go ahead and contact Live and see what is going on. I won't be having the time here in the next day or so because my main office pc crashed over the weekend! I hope that it will be an easy fix but we all know that the chances of that are slim but I have my fingers and toes crossed for a good day at the office tomorrow, or later today I guess.
You all can prepare for questions for reinstallation and data recovery because I am sure I will be shooting them your way!
Let us know what you find out, you know even if they begin to admit that there is something wrong. You know that silly question regarding looking at your own auctions has always made me think. Would it be ok if the error was just on everyone elses listings?
Catch you all later!

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11/25/07 10:52 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


YIKES! Been there done that and didn't like it! Hope recovering the data goes well.

My Store categories have been there all along as well. It is the Custom store pages which have disappeared. I am glad your store categories decided to re-appear. At least that will help buyers instead of nothing being there at all.

Keep us posted about your computer progress. Brace yourself with two strong cups of coffee I think coffee fixes everything


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11/26/07 02:23 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: moonstruck22]  


My sympathies are with you as you delve into the crashed office PC. I can understand what you are going through as it has happened to me a few times in the past. It can be an easy reinstall of Windows (a non-destructive reinstall) and you're up and ready to go. I hope it doesn't even get to that stage and it is something simpler. But then again there is the time where sweat beads up on your brow and you have to install everything all over. If you have a new or spare hard drive it may help to reinstall on it and keep the current drive as a second drive so that maybe you can get items off from it even though it won't boot. It's worth a try. If we can help in any way let us know.

I agree on Judy's recommendation of coffee - it often can fix you up but sadly it won't get the 'puter running. However, with enough coffee you can fix anything.

Tomorrow morning I'll brace myself go to Live Help and stay with it until they either pull the plug on me or give me some kind of answer. I have a sneaky feeling it won't be a sensible answer but who knows. It really all depends on the person that you get - I have had one or two occasions where I've actually had help so let's cross our fingers that I get a knowledgeable and helpful person tomorrow.

I like the way you think on the everyone else having messed up listings - that is almost what they were saying.


11/26/07 05:10 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  


Okay you can do it! You can do it!! contact Live Help and see if they are "alive and helpful". Then you can let us know. Be sure to drink two cups of coffee and have a fresh cup on your desk when speaking with Live Help. Then when they say something stupid, you take a swig of the hot coffee, it burns the roof of your mouth, you forget about the stupid thing they just said which infruriated you so you can type back a rational message to the irrational "Help" people


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11/27/07 11:01 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  

Marty & Judy:

I'm back from a long and winding tour into the depths of the Twilight Zone. I've burnt my mouth and sharp tongue with hot scalding coffee. I've listened to gibberish instead of "I don't know". I've wandered through the mind of Live Help and found it not there or not operative.

When I logged into Live Help it took a while for them to finally get to me. When they did the person seemed as if he was ready to deal with a problem. I explained what had happened including approximate dates of when it was first noticed. Next I explained I was first talking about my auctions, and then as an addendum two other sellers auctions. I felt that in case of a chat gone bad I wouldn't give the name of the other "two sellers" or examples. After he asked well what's wrong it all looks fine to me (he was looking at one of my auctions) I explained the way a left side bar was advertised by eBay to look and what it was to contain also what it contained at one time. His reply to me was this is the first he has heard of any problem and was I sure that it had changed. Also after checking with his other best buddies at live help no one else had ever heard of the problem. He offered to investigate it further if I wished. I asked him to do so.

I didn't open the subject that I think the frame has changed by design. By that I mean last evening I went to my Store Management area and looked at the frame section. The stuff that is missing or that used to be on the left side is no longer offered as a check box. As far as I can remember when the frames were set up there were more check boxes to select different parts such as shipping and payment policies etc.

Sorry that I didn't get any kind of answer or help. I suppose that I can try again in a few days and see what the next random live help person has to say. I sometimes wish you could go back to the same person on a continuing problem in live help and that way you don't have to explain yourself over again.

I tried and failed miserably. Maybe my next venture into the spiral staircase called live help will result in better answers.


11/27/07 11:09 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  


The available options for the Listing Frame has changed. IN fact, look at your notes from the first couple of "Seller's Outreach" phone calls. They actually told us to enable those pages down the left side of the Listing Frame. You and I talked about the features they told us to enable and wondered if it would help or not. I had enabled all of the features including the Store custom pages being displayed down the left side on every auction listing.

You didn't fail at all. You have confirmed what we suspected. No one is keeping track of the Live Help sessions and actually recording when something is reported. Otherwise, they would have remembered the last time you contacted them concerning the issue. I have had similar experiences with them. The last time I contacted them, I kept the entire notepad document. And when they told me nothing had ever been previously reported, I pasted the notepad session and session number into the Live Help. Took a few message boxes to get it all in. But I didn't care Finally the rep indicated I had sent adequate information, apologized for overlooking the report and said he would see what he could do.

So THANK YOU! for burning your mouth and sitting patiently while they gave you absolutely no information or Live help


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11/27/07 11:28 AM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

You're welcome - and I did have fun. I had to restrain myself a couple of times because if I typed what I was thinking it would have probably been counter productive. Nothing nasty but just the obvious. At any rate it was worth a try. I just feel that they may not be given the script for the latest changes to the frames.

I agree with you on the original information from them on initiating frames. There were a whole lot of options and you're right we enabled them all - figuring any tiny bit of sales help is worth it.

I think though that in a couple of days I will go back and try one more time - this time I'll let out a bit of background and see what they say. It can't hurt. I don't know why this has happened - why they changed the frames. It could be something as simple as too much in terms of hits on the servers. Who knows. It just would have been helpful to all sellers if they had notified us of what was happening and maybe even why.

Good for you feeding the rep the whole previous discussion. I don't know why they just don't take the time to read the notes they have of your past conversations. If the seller didn't keep records it would be far more difficult than it is now.


11/27/07 05:05 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  


Well if you get brave and go back to Live Help,,, you will have to let us all know how it goes.

Perhaps if we all gang up on them,,,,standing in line to contact them one right after the other,,,maybe there would be a response.


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11/27/07 05:44 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: bluepennylady]  

Good idea. I'll let you know - later this week is probably when I'll do it. I'll have to bring in extra coffee first. Ganging up on them might help too.


11/27/07 06:47 PM
Re: Listing Frame new [re: AquilaStamps]  


I like the "gang up" idea. can you just imagine if we all time it so we are online with them one right after the other. Or all at the same time... you would think they might get the idea that we just want to know what is going on.

nosey little boogers aren't we


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