tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
05/08/08 08:25 PM
Can't update/weird warning
Anyone else getting update errors tonight? I also got a weird Information Warning when I posted a new Lot about an hour ago (and this was after posting several other Lots individually with no warnings) -- "Paypal will release the hold when you receive positive feedback or after 21 days without a buyer dispute, claim, chargeback or other action." Sounds like eBay thinks I'm a newbie seller. Doesn't seem to be any problem with my Paypal or my auctions. Maybe the API isn't recognizing my log-in???
I restarted my computer and tried again to update tonight's auctions, but the update just stalls or results in errors.
AquilaStamps (addict)
05/08/08 09:05 PM
I'm getting the same error. Everything worked just fine from maybe about 8:00 PM (eastern time) until about 11:15 or so. All of my auctions that closed about 8:30 updated and did all the things that were supposed to happen - and no problems as usual. Then I had a BIN auction close (thanks to the 50 cent sale ) so went to update it at about 11:15 and I got "UPDATE FAILED: API ERROR CODE 10007: INTERNAL ERROR TO THE APPLICATION". It appears that eBay changed their API and that means maybe that the program will need an update. I too did all the usual things just in case: restarted AW2K, shut down the 'puter and restarted it and then reran AW2K, checked my drive etc. But I'm pretty sure eBay changed something that now requires an update to the program. So I'm going to forget it for tonight and see what happens tomorrow.
AquilaStamps (addict)
05/08/08 09:16 PM
I've looked up error code 10007 and it may very well mean that eBay has a problem. What I found was that 10007 can mean: an error on the eBay server side, not an error in the application.
At any rate I'm planning on just checking in the morning. If it means an update of AW2K it will come - and if it means eBay has to fix something - we can hope they fix it by morning.
tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
05/08/08 09:55 PM
Well, it's great to know it's not just my AW.
I've got buyers requesting invoices, and a few have already paid. Hah! I'm on vacation.
AquilaStamps (addict)
05/08/08 09:57 PM
Sue: Nope, it wasn't only you. It is working now. So it was an eBay server side error/problem. About 12:30 eastern time It started to work again.
tictictic_OnEbay (addict)
05/08/08 10:10 PM
Hey, it's 10pm on the west coast, and I'm pretty sure the problem is fixed. I just updated and it went fine. Sheesh! 3-hour vacation!
bluepennylady (Pooh-Bah)
05/09/08 09:58 AM
The error message is a problem on eBay's side.. Not an AW2000 error... Something is haywire with the eBay server... I have been having the same error message randomly this morning. Right now everything is working okay. About 10 minutes ago it was not 
Don't you know the eBay techs are scrambling!
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moonstruck22 (member)
05/09/08 10:56 AM
All, FYI
Had the same issue earlier this AM. Just updated and no problems, no sales either !!
Marty Visit my eBay Store! Moonstruck Antiques and More Visit my webpage! Moonstruckacres.biz