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08/28/08 07:58 PM
EBay: Shipping Dictator  

I'm only partially aware of the new rules (I hate, hate, HATE them, by the way), so maybe I'm just uninformed, but I tried to relist an item tonight and got two errors -- must enter insurance fee and must select shipping options.

This is a pair of lamps that I indicate will be shipped Fedex or picked up free. This was fine when they were first listed in July; tonight it wouldn't fly. I used my template for local pick-up and Do Not Specify Shipping Costs which has worked fine multiple times.

So eBay has now totally locked out Fedex or DHL or any other carrier? What about things that need to go by truck? We still have the Do Not Specify Shipping Costs button (or are we waiting for an update on this?), but we can't use it??? We ought to be able to indicate Local Pickup OR something else for people who need it shipped.


08/28/08 08:22 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


How are you doing girl! Missed seeing you around.

Here is the Timeline for all the changes from eBay

By August 25th:
For all Sellers:
--Specify the following in the "Shipping and handling" section:
a. Shipping cost
b. Shipping carrier(s)
Books, DVDs and Movies, Music and Video Game Listings:
. Describe your item with our new item condition options (Brand New, Like New, VEry Good, Good or acceptable)

By October 5th:
For all Sellers:
-Revise your shipping costs so they're below our maximum shipping costs, or use our shipping calculator to determine shipping costs based on your buyer's location.

By Late October:
For all Sellers:
--Remove checks and money orders from the "Payment details" section
--Specify the following listing fields (previously optional)
a. Return Policy
b. Handling time

SOOO as of Monday, August 25, 2008 you must specify the shipping carrier. Local pickup can still be used. There is still some issues with offering FedEx and DHL.. I am going to listen to the webinar again, because I don't remember exactly so don't hold my feet in the fire... BUT if memory serves me correctly, if you are going to use FedEx or DHL, you can offer Standard delivery then specify in the Listing you are sending FedEx or DHL..

Here is the link to the webinar about all the changes

It was pretty interesting.

anyway,,you have to specify a shipping option and be sure your insurance field is selected to "not offered". If it is set to "Optional" then you will have to enter in a value.

now there are some really good things coming down the road.

From Oct 1 to Dec 31, if you offer Free Shipping in any of the Auction formats be it Fixed price, Auction, store, whatever,,, you will get double Final Value fees back when the item sells. AND if it is a Store listing which qualifies for Store Referral credit, you get the Store referral credit first, then the double Final value fee discount. Sale starts Oct 1, ..

You can use the Freight Quote calculations for truck.. But it isn't compatible with AW2K yet.... I wish it was too as I have big stuff I could list if it was...I could list it and then immediately revise the auction I guess. But Freight Quote has a realy cool widget to insert into your auctions...


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08/28/08 10:02 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  

Judy wrote:
How are you doing girl! Missed seeing you around.

SUE: Oh, I'm still floatin' around.... Thanks for missing me!

JUDY: Here is the Timeline for all the changes from eBay
By August 25th:
For all Sellers:
--Specify the following in the "Shipping and handling" section:
a. Shipping cost
b. Shipping carrier(s)
SOOO as of Monday, August 25, 2008 you must specify the shipping carrier. Local pickup can still be used. There is still some issues with offering FedEx and DHL.... BUT if memory serves me correctly, if you are going to use FedEx or DHL, you can offer Standard delivery then specify in the Listing you are sending FedEx or DHL.

SUE: Under Specify Flat Rate, there's "Other (see description)", but that requires you to type in a cost.

Under Specify Calculated, I'd have to select Custom Weight and one of the Oversize options which, from experience, will show a very inflated cost. I don't see anything called Standard Delivery. Where is that? The only options other than USPS are UPS, UPS, and more UPS. EBay must be getting a nice chunk of income from UPS for forcing sellers to go that route. I have checked many times and I KNOW for sure Fedex (assuming a Fedex-staffed location) is cheaper than UPS. I wish Fedex would sue eBay for restricting their business.

JUDY: and be sure your insurance field is selected to "not offered". If it is set to "Optional" then you will have to enter in a value.

SUE: Whenever I see Not Offered, I think it sounds like the seller is saying they don't personally offer insurance (aka "self-insure"), and that if you want to add insurance, you're outta luck.

JUDY: now there are some really good things coming down the road.

SUE: [use Cary Grant accent] Judy, Judy, Judy, there are no good things coming down the road. We're talking about eBay, not Santa Claus. I was just telling my daughters that I'd pretty much run out of eBay stuff -- things I'd acquired over the decades that were designated for resale. I'm now going around the house looking in cupboards and in the attic, plumbing the depths in boxes labeled FOR THE GIRLS SOMEDAY or NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME. These new shipping and no-checks policies are going to be the last straw, so it's probably a good time for my inventory to be drying up. There is going to be an exodus from eBay back to mall shops, which is just the ticket for the antiques industry, I suppose. There used to be easily 3 or 4 dozen big antique malls in San Diego county; now there are maybe 5 or 6 that are barely staying open.

JUDY: You can use the Freight Quote calculations for truck.. But it isn't compatible with AW2K yet.

SUE: Well, that's good to know, but what I need is simple: I need to offer free local pick-up AND Fedex where the bidder can just email their zip for an estimate. The only motivation eBay could have had for eliminating this flexible and realistic option is that UPS put the screws to them. Money has to be the motivator of everything they do, not that I blame them. I just think they've made some idiotic choices lately.

I'm going to take my lamps to my shop and eBay be damned! I'll price them about three times what they were on eBay, and eventually someone will buy them. I've been such a cheerleader for eBay to my fellow antique dealers over the years, telling them they could get so much more for this and that on eBay, and not have to fork over $350 a month for rent, but no more! If anyone asks, I'll have to say, nope, can't recommend eBay -- it's just way too much trouble now.


08/29/08 02:28 AM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Well I am glad to see you.... I am sorry these changes have made it difficult for you....

I suppose I am hopelessly optimistic I am one of those the glass is half full kind of gals... Some of the changes are not especially my favorites however, with my ever optimistic outlooks, we have just started cleaning house, redoing our business model to make it more eBay friendly.. Taking time but the results are looking better.

For us, we actually have been overdue about a year in redoing policy, revamping auctions and how we list.. The changes just forced us to do things we should have done months ago... Well more like a year ago...

The "Optional" insurance has always worked that way=== with AW2K and on eBay ..Are you saying you offered Insurance in a different manner? Or the error literally stated you had to offer insurance. I think maybe I have misunderstood what you said. There hasn't been any changes to the "Insurance" fields. So if you are getting an Insurance error, can you send me the text of the error message so I can look at it.

How have you been offering FedEx in the past? It has never been offered before. Or not that I am aware of.. So how have you been offering the service.. "see item description"????

I have the ear of team members from the webinar because we have been working on something else that was not addressed in the webinar. So I have already emailed asking for clarification on the FedEx and DHL shipping service issue. I will let you know what they say.


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08/29/08 12:19 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

I didn't mean to be such a dark cloud yesterday, but yes, I'm the opposite -- glass half full, glass covered with ugly water spots, glass chipped and lipstick-stained. I wish I had your enthusiasm.

==JUDY: The "Optional" insurance has always worked that way=== with AW2K and on eBay ..Are you saying you offered Insurance in a different manner?

No. I always simply checked the Optional button and left the amount blank. My congrats email includes the USPS insur costs and invites the buyer to add it. I won't have a problem with switching to Insurance Not Offered; I was just commenting that that phrasing always sounds kinda like you're telling the buyer they cannot add insurance.

==JUDY: Or the error literally stated you had to offer insurance.

With Do Not Specify Shipping Costs checked, attempting to list this Lot generates this error:

The Auction Lot was NOT listed. 2 errors were returned by eBay:
API Error Code 10005: You must enter a valid insurance fee.
API Error Code 311: You must select a shipping payment.

==JUDY: How have you been offering FedEx in the past? It has never been offered before. Or not that I am aware of.. So how have you been offering the service.. "see item description"????

I would select Do Not Specify Shipping Costs and include something like this in the description: Will be shipped via Fedex for best price; email for estimate or check Fedex site for 20 pounds from 92007, box approx 15" x 15" x 20"; example $46 from coast to coast.

==JUDY: I have the ear of team members from the webinar because we have been working on something else that was not addressed in the webinar. So I have already emailed asking for clarification on the FedEx and DHL shipping service issue. I will let you know what they say.

Well, I suppose they already know how many sellers are fed up, so no need to convey that message, although clubbing Meg on the head with a smart stick would be satisfying. Maybe the solution to this one issue would be for them to secure some sort of discount for eBay sellers to use with UPS. I have no particular loyalty to Fedex, and really the UPS station is closer for me. I just go for the cheapest carrier to save my customers a few dollars.


P.S. My camera for eBay pics broke yesterday (the zoom button is floppy, not responsive), so I'm off to the Nikon repair place. 7 to 10 days with no macro capabilities. Aarrrghhh! Can take distance shots with my other camera, but nothing close up. Guess it's time to relist EVERYTHING.

08/29/08 01:16 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Send me your listinglog.txt file please so we can see what is going on...


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08/29/08 01:34 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I guess I didn't do well as I didn't answer a single thing did I.. Geez my brain must be mush today.. Sorry

eBay has made an agreement with UPS to offer discounts.. You need to apply for them. Here is the link to the special pricing for eBay sellers

I applied back in June even though I already got a discount, the eBay seller's discount was even more.. So you might want to check it out.

As far as the "Do not Specify shipping costs" That changed August 25. Shipping costs and carrier must be specified.. I still have not heard back from the team leaders. I emailed them early this morning. They may already be out for the Labor Day holiday. Who knows..

Your camera broke! I am so sorry. That is pitiful. Well at least it is a Nikon, They offer great support and customer service..And it is fixable.. See all is not lost.. Who knows, the camera may come back even better than new..

AND since you can't take pictures, you are forced to deal with items for relisting. Which means you can edit Auction title lines using the "Researcher at


Bayestimator to see if you need to change the Auction title for better results.

Maybe you can use the time to freshen up the descriptions. Maybe even schedule a "sale" in the Markdown manager and clean up older inventory.

Why you will be so busy while waiting on your camera you won't even miss it...

Just leave it to me.. I can fill up your time with all sorts of "ideeesss ""


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08/29/08 06:44 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: bluepennylady]  

►eBay has made an agreement with UPS to offer discounts.. You need to apply for them. Here is the link...◄

Thanks. I'll check it out. I'm guessing I won't qualify due to low shipping volume, but there I go again being glass-half-fullish.

►As far as the "Do not Specify shipping costs" That changed August 25. Shipping costs and carrier must be specified.. I still have not heard back from the team leaders. I emailed them early this morning. They may already be out for the Labor Day holiday. Who knows.. ◄

And AW will be coming out with an update to eliminate that option soon?

►Your camera broke! I am so sorry. That is pitiful. Well at least it is a Nikon, They offer great support and customer service..And it is fixable.. See all is not lost.. Who knows, the camera may come back even better than new.. ◄

Well, it will probably come back cleaner, anyway. It's an old, clunky Nikon 4500 (discontinued; the strange one that twists). I like it because on macro setting, the minimum focal length is less than half an inch! It takes amazingly clear shots at that distance -- better for close-ups than anything else. Not many megapixels, but great for online pics. The repair place (long, gas-guzzling drive) will have it ready in about a week, and the cost will be only about $50. Lucked out.

►AND since you can't take pictures, you are forced to deal with items for relisting. Which means you can edit Auction title lines using the "Researcher at

Bayestimator to see if you need to change the Auction title for better results.
Maybe you can use the time to freshen up the descriptions. Maybe even schedule a "sale" in the Markdown manager and clean up older inventory.
Why you will be so busy while waiting on your camera you won't even miss it...
Just leave it to me.. I can fill up your time with all sorts of "ideeesss ""◄

Yup, forced to do AW housekeeping. LOL. Lots of interesting chores -- thanks for the tips. You have a knack for cheering up the grumpy.

Boo Hoo Sue

08/29/08 07:53 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  

Good Evening, Boo Hoo Sue

Now that is one hilarious name! Where in the world did you ever come up with that one.. How funny!

ANyway,,,, I don't know if AW2K will release an update to remove "Do not Specify shipping costs" or not.. My gut tells me not anytime soon. As it really isn't something that causes a program issue.. It's just none of us can use it anymore.. My best guess is, after all the smoke and dust settles at eBay so we all know what they are and are not going to actually implement, then AW2K tech will do a program update..

It really isn't difficult to click the checkbox for either Flat Rate or calculated Shipping options. I do understand about the large heavy items..

Have you used "bayestimator" before????? It is really pretty cool.. And I will say the thing does help... I don't use it on every single auction. But I will on product lines. For instance, Dale bought out an Italian Gift shop which had speciality Italian foods but also wine accessories.. Openers, corks, foil removers, picks all that type of stuff.

Now I am not a drinker and know just about one big fat zero about it. So I marched over to Bayestimator and Mpire to find out what words work the best.. You can even find out if upper case or lower case words work best.. If something that is a good item doesn't sell, I use them to help re-do the Auction title.. It really does help...

I am glad you are feelin' much better now! So I expect you are going to be one busy girl for a few days cleaning Auction lots. Be careful and don't get caught in any cobwebs for the stuff that has set too long


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09/03/08 12:20 PM
Re: EBay: Shipping Dictator new [re: bluepennylady]  

I was browsing auctions last night and wondering why I was seeing sellers with everything, even smallish items, set to Local Pickup Only. I think it's the new eBay restrictions on shipping options. People are being forced to select USPS or UPS or Local Pickup Only -- there's no possibility for Fedex or DHL. UPS is always a few dollars more than Fedex (assuming Fedex/UPS-staffed locations), and from experience, the eBay calculator for oversized packages is wacko. So here's my attempt to flout the new rules. I selected First Class shipping (Flat Rate) and typed in what I think it would cost, including handling, to ship this coast to coast via Fedex, then included a disclaimer in the description.

I so wish Fedex and DHL would gang up on eBay and sue the pants off them.


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