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09/17/08 11:19 AM
Local Pickup AGAIN!  

Maybe I just haven't been paying attention (but I have!), but.....

Why can't I list large items with Local Pick-Up only???? ! ! !

I'm trying to relist a very large stained-glass window (listed 9 times already! aaarrrrghhhh!). I've got Shipping Options set for Specify flat rate shipping costs, Local Pickup, and I've got zeros in the cost and Addit'l Item boxes, with Insurance set to Not Offered.

But I keep getting this error:

API 21915469: At least one domestic shipping service must be specified when listing in the 1940-Now category.

What am I doing wrong?

So sorry to be such a dunce on this.

Thanks, Sue

09/17/08 12:54 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Have you changed the category? It appears from the error message "Local pickup" only cannot be offered for that particular category.

I don't recall exactly where I read or heard it, maybe the webinar I took, but some categories eBay was not going to allow "Local Pickup" because of the fraud rate was high. So try changing to a different appropriate category and see if that helps.

Also, I believe you must offer at least one shipping service regardless. Let me check on that one and get back to you.


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09/17/08 01:41 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: bluepennylady]  

Well, yes and no....... The former category was the same (Antiques: Architectural & Garden: Stained Glass Windows: 1900-1940), but when it wouldn't list (the same error), I changed it to 1940-Now just to see if that would fly. I don't think the category can possibly be the problem, but I did get that error either way. I don't think there is a single other category that would be more appropriate, but I'll try right now...........................

Ok, no go. I changed to the Other category for Architectural & Garden and got the same error. I'd think easily half the Architectural & Garden category needs Local Pickup.

Maybe eBay is having a glitch.

Ok, so now I'll go back to the correct category and add a shipping service which will be outrageous. The thing weighs, who knows?, maybe 150 pounds and is 8' long.

Ok, I was going to try this, but it's not gonna happen. I cannot have the shipping displayed as UPS for hundreds of dollars and not even be able to have it show that local pick-up is an option -- the only option, in reality, and I can't enter a handling fee because I will not pack this (it takes two people to just carry it). I can't believe the insensitivity and idiocy of eBay to not allow Local Pickup for this category, and in general to not allow us to show both options -- Local Pickup AND some other service. And where's the option for something that needs to be crated or travel by truck? I give up!

But as always, I do appreciate your help, Judy.


09/17/08 01:46 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Okay, just got offline with eBay.

Local pickup is not restricted to any category. And i just listed an Auction lot using Local pickup without any errors at all.

I used "Define Flat rate shipping"
Selected "Local pickup"
Fields have "0"

No insurance is offered nor a handling time.
I did not check the box for Making this item elgible for discounts. Nor did I offer any International services.

Check your field values against what I have and see how it lines up.


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09/17/08 02:05 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: bluepennylady]  

Well, that's good to know....that it's not a category restriction.

I don't have anything called "Define Flat rate shipping", at least I don't think I do. Here's what my shipping options look like for this Lot:


09/17/08 02:08 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


add a value to the insurance field even if it is $0.00 and see if that helps.

I am sorry, I always say "Define" and I should say "Specifiy" I am very sorry.


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09/17/08 04:13 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: bluepennylady]  

Nope. Still can't list it.

You don't need to apologize. Ordinarily, I would have assumed you meant "specify", but we were grasping at straws and splitting hairs, so I thought maybe my version of AW was somehow out of synch or something.

This must be some kind of eBay glitch. The only other thing I'm going to try is duplicating this Lot and starting "from scratch".


09/17/08 04:15 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


You did install the new program update?

Send me your HTTPLog.txt and listinglog.txt files. I'll look and see if I can spot the error. If not, I'll send them on to Thom.


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09/17/08 04:17 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: bluepennylady]  

Well, I thought I'd figured out what the problem was. I checked the Profile (created just for large Store items), and noticed it had "do not specify shipping cost" as the default. So I changed it to Flat Rate-Local Pickup, and tried again full of hope...... Ha Ha. Still can't list. Ok, now I'll try the duplicate Lot thing.


09/17/08 04:40 PM
Re: Local Pickup AGAIN! new [re: bluepennylady]  

Yes. Installed it yesterday. Version 2.3 (build 267) Update Level 1414.

I'll send the log files to you in a while -- gotta run out just now.

Thanks, Sue

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