bigcitycorvettes (stranger
02/08/11 02:43 PM
Printing an inventory tag
I have beed trying to design a custom lable 2X4 inches that can be our inventory tag. I am having a very difficult time designing a custom report or lable that will work. It also seems that I only have the fields from the Auction Lots page avaliable for the lable. I do need some of the data from the Inventory items page as well. Can anyone that has done this help? Thanks Paul
The only easy day was yesterday!!
bluepennylady (Carpal Tunnel)
02/08/11 09:48 PM
We personally use Avery's custom label maker to print our our inventory tags.. WE designed a template in the avery maker software and then paste the information from Aw2K into the fields. Takes about 15 seconds to do it, literally and then hit print.
We opted to use the avery label maker designer just because it was easier than flipping back/forth between the inventory item and a report.
If you will send me the report you are using I will see if I can fix it for you
Judy Oglesby Judy/blue bluepennylady
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bigcitycorvettes (stranger
02/09/11 09:47 AM
Judy, thanks for your response. Our report needs to have the following information Title Reference ID eBay # Auction Lot # Inventory Item # Storage location ( We use one of the user ID for this) At the bottom we add Wt Dim (manually)
This is need to fit on a 2"X4" Lable. We are using a Dymo Lable printer with a roll of lables not sheets. I have tried in both reports and lable design to make somehing work but you only have access to the Auction lot variables. One of the issues with the report generator and the lable designer is that they both seem to assume lables or reports on a sheet not to lables on a roll, one at a time. We ar really enjoying the software and it is providing us with capabilities that you normally only see in a very expensive ERP software package. Thanks Paul
The only easy day was yesterday!!
bluepennylady (Carpal Tunnel)
02/10/11 06:29 PM
I am traveling and wont be back to the office until Monday.. Let me see what I can do..
If you do not hear from me by Monday afternoon, ping me again.. This brain sometimes forgets 
Judy Oglesby Judy/blue bluepennylady
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bigcitycorvettes (stranger
02/15/11 10:10 AM
Just a note to tell you that we opted for the same solution that you did. We are using a Dymo Lable printer and although it is manual entries it does seem to go pretty quickly and the lables really work well. Thanks for the help. Paul
The only easy day was yesterday!!
bluepennylady (Carpal Tunnel)
02/15/11 10:46 AM
Are you using Endicia to print labels??
If so, no manual entry..
Just click the address box where the buyers shipping address is to appear,
Go to the Paypal address and highlight all the buyer shipping info, name and address
Use Ctrl+C.. And the address will auto-paste into the shipping label address field. 
Works slick..
This does not work for international labels though.. you have to paste the information into the correct fields on the international label.But for US shipments really fast to paste the address using Ctrl+C
Judy Oglesby Judy/blue bluepennylady
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bigcitycorvettes (stranger
02/24/11 11:40 AM
We are not using that label printing software. I will look into it. Got another quick question, Can you make sub catagories in the inventory screen? I cannot find a way to do it through the help menu. Thanks Paul
The only easy day was yesterday!!
bluepennylady (Carpal Tunnel)
02/25/11 09:31 AM
The inventory items window does not allow for sub-categories.
I am not sure what your goal is.. Can you tell me and perhaps we can come up with a way to help?
Judy Oglesby Judy/blue bluepennylady
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bigcitycorvettes (stranger
02/25/11 03:09 PM
Judy, sorry for the dumb question. We do not need sub catagories. I must have had a brain ........... Things are moving fast and I slowed down long enough to get run over. Have a glorious weekend!! Paul
The only easy day was yesterday!!