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(stranger )
08/11/06 09:15 AM
Consignment Report  

I'm trying to print a consignor's report. I have four items for one consignee but the report only shows two items. I've tried rebuilding the database, restarting the program, removing consignors and readding them but it just doesn't seem to get it right. How can I fix this, please?

08/11/06 03:55 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: rollasos]  


Which report are you using? And how are the filters configured?


(stranger )
08/12/06 12:00 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

I've actually tried all the reports with every possible configuration of the filters. When I mark paid, unpaid or paid and unpaid, I still get the same results. If I specify a Consignor, I only get that consignee's auction listings but not all of them and sometimes none for a consignee I know I have in my database.

Help! This is critical to my using AW as I'm opening an eBay drop off store and expect lots of consignees (it wouldn't be much of a drop off store without



08/12/06 12:38 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: rollasos]  


I understand. I use the consignor reports myself almost everyday to track inventory and sales. Let me see if can assist you.

Are you creating Inventory Items for each Item you have? Or are you simply creating Auction lots?


(stranger )
08/12/06 02:06 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: bluepennylady]  

I'm simply creating Auction Lots

08/12/06 02:11 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: rollasos]  


Okay. I will be happy to help you. But I am closing down my computer system at work. I will be home in about 45 minutes or so. I will get back online so I can help you with the reports.

I'm sorry you have to wait a bit.


08/12/06 03:30 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi, Kathy,

Made it home. Delivered all the safety equipment to the construction office for next week. shoes off and ice water in hand. Ready to work on those reports

I noticed that you said you had deleted the consignors and re-created the same consignors. You'll need to check each auction lot. If you delete a Consignor once it is assigned to any Auction lot(s), the Consignor field will clear. Just for the deleted Consignor. Not all the Consignors. You will find the Consignor field in the Auction lots window | Additional fields tab. Located directly under the "Reference Id" field.

If the Consignor field is blank, hit the down arrow on the right side of the field. Then select the correct consignor. Be sure to Post changes so the new entry will save. You'll want to be sure the Auction lots Consignor fields are correct so the Consignor reports will work right when you generate invoices for Sold Auction lots.

The next thing you should check is your Invoice items. Go to the Invoices window. Check each Invoice Item on each Invoice. Be sure the Consignor field contains a Consignor. If the Consignor field is hidden and you have to scroll over to see it, you can move the Consignor column. Click on the Consignor header, hold down your mouse, then drag the Consignor field where you want it and let go of the mouse.

Let me know after you go through your invoices and check the Consignor fields. I'll help you try running a couple of reports and see if we can get it to work better for you.

I'll be around all evening. I am "Home Alone" Hubby is in Gulf Port working on hurricane clean up---again. I am not sure they will ever get that place cleaned up from Catrina.


Edited by bluepennylady on 08/12/06 03:40 PM (server time).

(stranger )
08/14/06 10:09 AM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

Thanks for trying to help. I checked all the invoices and made sure there were consignors on each invoice item. I'm still getting incorrect results for the consignment report. I find the invoicing process a bit confusing with the switching from the invoice screen to the item screen so maybe I'm missing something there.

That brings to mind another question though. If an item doesn't sell, can I do a report for an individual consignor showing the listing fees?

Sorry for the delay in responding, I took the day off yesterday and mowed grass, did the grocery shopping and all that type of fun stuff. I'm back in the office today and ready to figure out this report generating.



08/14/06 10:31 AM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: rollasos]  


No worries. I did the same "fun" stuff. I did the laundry, vacuumed and changed sheets yesterday. Mowing-- I did some this morning. But I only got the front yard mowed and the weed eating done at the front of our house. I have almost 4 acres to mow. So it takes a while. I understand completely :o)

It's a Monday :o) And of course, half my staff did not come to work today. So I will be online all day. I am more than happy to help you. If you and I can't figure out the problem, we'll holler for Thom to help. He is a genius at figuring out what is wrong.

Let me be sure I understand. You have 4 consignors. And only 2 of the 4 consignors are appearing on the reports?

Are there sold Auction lots that have invoices for all 4 consignors? What I mean is, have you sold items for all 4 consignors and generated invoices for all the Sold Auction lots?

The answer to your question about the listing fees. Yes you can. Go to "Auction Lot Reports | Standard Reports | Auction Lot by Consignor. You can customize the report to better meet your needs including a database calculation for fee sums. Which is what I have done. I can show you how later.

I am not quite sure I understand about "Switching back and forth" from the Invoice screen to the Item screen" Do you mean you are moving back and forth from the Invoice window to the Auction Lots Window?

If you need to find the exact Auction lot for some reason for an Invoice item, you can click on the "Red Hammer" on the Invoice window. Highlight the Invoice item by clicking on it. Directly above the Invoice items is a blue world, which will take you to the Auction listing at the Auction Site. There is the "red hammer" which will take you to the Auction lot in AW2K. And next to that is the Inventory Items icon. That icon will not be active as you are not using Inventory items.

I would recommend you try using the Inventory Items to control your inventory. Especially since you are working with consignors. There are reports that are not accessible if you do not use the Inventory Items. Just a thought.


(stranger )
08/14/06 12:08 PM
Re: Consignment Report new [re: bluepennylady]  


I have been trying to generate an accurate report for a single consignor with multiple auction lots. The one I was trying to generate last week was for a consignor that I sold 4 different items for. The report was only showing two...and still is only showing two for that matter. As far as I can tell, there are no differences in the item status, the consignor is showing on the auction lot screens and the invoicing screens too.

The switching thing I was talking about was going from the Invoice screen to the invoice item screen. Maybe screen isn't the right word, it's really just switching the tables on the same screen. I find it difficult to tell what invoice I'm on when I'm on the Invoice screen. Clicking back and forth to see the Item descriptions was awkward for me. As I was going through it this morning it made a tad bit more sense that it ever had before so maybe it's one of those things that gets easier with time.

On another note, since I have the resident AW wizard's attention, is there a way to modify an eBay listing after it's been posted using AW?

Thanks again for all your help,


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