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08/16/06 01:41 PM
Need Report of Ended Store Lots  

Ok, right off the bat, you should know I'm clueless about Reports. I can't get them to do what I want, I can't make a Custom Report (can't even find the Report Designer Window, and even if I could, apparently, it involves software and drivers I don't have), and I get very angry that I can't even tell Reports NOT to print the descriptions, for example. Trying to breathe deeply and stay calm.......

In anticipation of the upcoming increases in Store Inventory fees & commissions (breathing becoming erratic again), I've just ended 60 of my Store items. Now, I need to locate each of these items and remove them from my inventory.

I have a list of the auction IDs and titles (from the page on eBay where you confirm you want to end them all at once), but I need the list to include the AW Lot numbers.

I updated all Lots for my Store Profile. In Reports, I chose Auction Lot Reports/Standard Reports/Auction Lot List, and I opted for Status=Off Line; Auction Profile=my store profile; Close Date from 08-15-06 to 08-16-06; Sort By Lot #. However, this generates a list of only 16 Lots. Where are the other forty or so Lots??

And is there a way to tell Reports to display/print only the Lot number and Title for each item? I don't need the descriptions, and it wastes paper & ink to print what I don't need.

All this would be obviated if Ctrl-C worked in Grid View AND if the Close Date reflected the actual date I ended the auction rather than the "original" or expected Close Date (the 30th day of the GTC period, evidently). That would be the perfect solution. Just filter for Store Profile and Status Off Line, sort Grid View by Close Date (the REAL date), highlight the ones I need, and copy-paste-print.

Any ideas/tips on this?

Thanks, Sue (tictictic on eBay)

P.S. Apologies if this has already been asked and answered; read some of the posts but didn't see this particular topic.

08/16/06 01:56 PM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  

By the way, I was able to get the list I needed by using a screen capture program I have (ScreenHunter). I've got all 60 ended Lots printed on one page with just the Lot numbers and the Titles. It's exactly what I needed, but to get it, I had to "take a picture" of the list and use an image editor to print it out.

And again, maybe there IS a way to do this in AW, and I'm just unaware of it.


08/16/06 02:16 PM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


You are so funny!! I always get to laughing when I read your posts. And today, I need a good laugh.

Don't hyper ventilate. Yes you can customize the reports. You can even get rid of the descriptions so they won't be there in the Auction lot reports. You do have to customize the report though. And you don't need other software or drivers to do so. Take heart,,,if I can do it anyone can. I am not that bright

Instead of making one really long post, I am going to break it up into bit size pieces. At least if that is okay with you??

First in order to customize a report you have to make a copy of the report you wish to customize. So go to Tools | Reports. Then find the particular report you want to use. Set all the filters to what you want. I realize you are missing some information. We can fix that in a bit. Once you have the particular report you want to use and the filters are all set, select the Customize button.

A prompt will appear stating something along the lines that Standard reports cannot be customized. You have to make a copy of the report and then customize in the Report designer. Do you want to proceed?

Well of course you do! Take another deep breathe

After the report is saved, you will be automatically switched to "Custom report" and then the report designer, which is where you want to be.

Once you get a copy made, let me know and we'll go on.


08/16/06 03:21 PM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: bluepennylady]  

Gotta run to the post office and then make dinner. Will follow your instructions tonight and be back for the next step (probably you'll be asleep by then, so will be looking for you tomorrow or whenever you have a chance to check the Board again).

Thanks for your help.


08/16/06 03:29 PM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


Maybe not. I have been pulling terribly long hours. Often until 2 or 3 am. So I may be up. If I am, I always have a computer running and am logged in. Isn't that pitiful

Talk to you later


08/16/06 11:31 PM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi from one night owl to another.

Like the headstrong student that I am, I plunged ahead. Mostly because of your enthusiasm and encouragement, I was able to configure this Report so that it shows only what I need (I've attempted to make a customized invoice at least 3 or 4 other times, but I've always given up in frustration -- for one thing, I think it's criminal to create a program without an Undo button).

Anyway, I've got the horizontal bar moved up (couldn't find how to do that on previous excursions), and I've got it renamed, and I think it's ready for prime time.

Here's what it looks like:

All I need now is some help with getting all 60 Lots included. What's the trick?

Thanks, Sue

08/17/06 05:19 AM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I am sorry I didn't get back to you last night. In all honesty, I ended up coming home early as I just didn't feel well. But I am running on all 8 cylinders this morning.

Wow, That report looks good. KUDOs to you!!! In fact, you know, I think I will change one of my auction lot reports and lose the description. My staff uses the Auction lots reports everyday to keep track of the ratio between new listings and relists. And they will re-read the description one more time prior to listing for proofing purposes. But I don't need to see the description etc. I like the way that looks!

Change the ending date on your filters to 30 days from now. Since that date has not yet arrived, there will not be anything offline for your Store except the Auction lots you ended yesterday. So if the date ranges are specified from 8-15-06 to 9-25-06 or somewhere around that time frame, the Store Auction lots will appear in the report.

Give that a whirl and see if it helps.


08/17/06 10:32 AM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy,

Glad to hear you aren't coming down with the flu or something. What would this forum do without you?!!!

The date trick worked. I actually sat here and compared my screen-capture list (from the Update results window) against the Reports list, and every single one was there, just in a different order.

Funny that this is something I've needed for years, but I'd get so frustrated trying to work with the Report design program that I'd just give up and muddle on. Thanks again for your help. This will make finding all the deadwood so much easier. Out with the old, in with the new!


08/17/06 12:26 PM
Re: Need Report of Ended Store Lots new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  

Hi, Sue,

Nope not the flu. Just maybe overworked the past 2 weeks. With hubby gone, I have all the responsibility around here for Store, Internet, farm, Quik Lube, Construction company plus all the paperwork. It always seems when he leaves town, that everything breaks, Fences down, pump went out, A/c unit at the construction company office down again. Water leaks etc, This has been a long week.

I am so glad you are able to customize a report to fit your needs. How cool! You'll be a Report wizard in no time at all. Next thing I know, you'll have so many customized reports to match all your Listing templates

Something else, I recall you said the font was too small a while back. Just in case you haven't found the option--- You can change Font and Font size. Just click on each field and the Font and Font size selector becomes active on the Toolbar. Change the Font and the size. You need to change each field individually which is great as your Titles can be really large and other important info while other info can remain much smaller. Thought I might mention it.

And there is an "Undo" "Redo" and "undelete" option available to you in the Edit menu. "Undo" is context sensitive meaning it depends on what you are doing if the option is active or not. Does that make sense?

The Report will place the Auction lots in Auction lot numeric order instead of Date order, I believe any. I would have to double check it but it seems like the report is in numeric order. I'll check on that for you.

Well, it sounds like you are good to go. Let me know if you need any more help.


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