windquest (stranger
10/14/06 07:25 AM
Inventory total
Which inventory report can I use to get the total value of my inventory and if it has to be modified how do I do that.
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 08:14 AM
Customize the Inventory list report. Use the selection fields"Item #'s x to x " Add the DBcal of ItemCost. Now the total does not appear in decimal value. It is an integer value. But it does give you a total value of the Qty in Stock x the Item cost.
See if that works for you.
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 08:46 AM
Worked like a charm.
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 09:00 AM
I spoke too soon. I got a total but it doesn't take into consideration the quantity." Use the selection fields "Item #'s x to x " . I don't totally understand that.
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 09:29 AM
I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Let me try again.
When the Customized Inventory List report window opens. on the right hand side are all the report filters. Try using Item 1 to 50 or whatever Inventory Item numbers you wish to pull a report for.
In order for a total to display, the Item cost field must contain a value. The DBCal you used is the qty in stock x the ItemCost.
You can also display the qty committed to an auction lot x the start price, if you want. Just add the DBCal of StartPrice. Or BuyPrice. Does that make better sense?
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 09:51 AM
Well I don't see any report filters on the right side, am I overlooking something?
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 09:58 AM
humm, Perhaps I am not explaining what you need to do correctly. I will try again 
When you go to Tools | Reports | Report Type>Inventory Reports. When you click on the Inventory Report the Inventory Report all the available Standard reports will display below. If you select Inventory list, then all the report filters become visible on the right hand side. It actually reads "Report Selection Options" intead of filters. But in reality it is a filter.
If you use Item x to Item x instead of all the other report options, if I understand what you are wanting, you will get the correct report.
Is that clearer?
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 10:41 AM
Hi I wanted to use the inventory report "stock item qty" and at the end of the last page I wanted a grand total cost of all my inventory items . I guess any of the inventory reports would be ok for this.
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 10:46 AM
Yes that report will work. You might try the Inventory list report and add the DBCal for ItemCost. The you can select the records from the very first Inventory Item to the last. There are more Record selection options with that report than the Stock Item Qty report. That is why I suggested to try it.
Just a thought. But you are right as far as the reports.
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 10:50 AM
I will say the Stock Item Qty report requires less paper to print as it is a line item only report whereas the Inventory List displays lots of information.
And you can customize the Stock Item qty report to also total up the qty in stock x the start price as well as the qty in stock x ItemCost.
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 10:59 AM
Ok I used "Inventory list report" and used Total Value and that's exactly the results I wanted. These reports are cool.
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 11:06 AM
Yes That line item is why I was looking at it. I will play around with it some.
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 11:07 AM
I am so glad. That is great! I thought perhaps you might be happier with that report than the other one.
Happy reporting!!!!
windquest (newbie)
10/14/06 11:18 AM
Well I went back and got the other one working also so now I can use the single line item or the expanded one depending.
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 11:22 AM
That's cool!
bluepennylady (addict)
10/14/06 02:19 PM
The Inventory List report can be customized so it is more Line Item as you like. You just delete all the fields that you don't want. Then move theDBcal sum up closer to the "header" . Click on the little "Up" caret next to "Details" and drag the band upwards. Then that report will display more like the Stock Item Qty report with not as much information displaying.