mgale (stranger
03/23/02 10:59 PM
Customized Repoarts?
I know there are lots of different report options in AW2000 - but is it possible to customize my own reports ... or export the data into a database so that I can manipulated it as I want?
I'm thinking about consignor summaries and/or checks ... and having the reports be in "my" format.
LadySivitri (stranger
03/24/02 05:19 AM
Two things I would love to see on the report options (besides just making them customizeable) is the option to take the DESCRIPTION out of the reports so I don't have each item on a different page for so many of the reports that would otherwise be useful.
I really need some sort of "buyer" report listing email, shipping address, total amount collected (combining invoices), and the date of the last item bought. Maybe even a quick summary of titles of items purchased. This would make AW2K one of the best customer databases since it has most of my info already in it.
Edited by LadySivitri on 03/24/02 05:19 AM (server time).
AuctionWizard (Auction Wizard Team)
03/25/02 06:31 PM
The reports in Auction Wizard 2000 cannot be edited. If you want to create custom reports you can use any reporting tool that can read database tables in Paradox format. Paradox for Windows will obviously work, but you can also use MS Access as long as an ODBC driver for Paradox is installed on your system. MS Office used to include an ODBC driver for Paradox, but I don't know if the current version does or not.
Thom Withgott -- The Auction Wizard Team
mgale (stranger
03/28/02 09:06 AM
Thanks for the information. Can you give any advice on how to go about opening/viewing the database with Access?
flpackrats (stranger
03/28/02 09:01 PM
If you go over to Jacki's Ezboard there are real good instructions to importing data into Access or Excel. When you get to the board, click on General-Ledger, then look for the topic "query/import into excel/access". I think that will answer a lot of your questions.