Two_Knight (newbie)
12/05/06 10:43 AM
Auction Lot Items
Is there a report or can I do a custom report that has Auction Lot and all Inventory items associated with that lot# .I can't seem to find the right fields to do this Thanks Bob
bluepennylady (addict)
12/05/06 12:59 PM
Are you wanting a report for grouped Auction lots like what I helped you with?? That you created out of Non Stock Inventory Items?
Two_Knight (newbie)
12/05/06 01:02 PM
Hi Judy Yes i would like a report that shows the Lot # and also the Inventory items associated with that lot.
bluepennylady (addict)
12/05/06 01:05 PM
I am in the middle of shipping. Give me a bit and I will get back to you shortly.
Good thing we use AW2K or there isn't a way in the world we could keep up
bluepennylady (addict)
12/05/06 03:43 PM
I apologize for the delay. I will have to work on it later tonight. I don't see Non stock Inventory Items in the DBcal or DBtext customizing. It does not mean there isn't a way. And someone else may jump in that has already done it. I have not customized a report with that option before. But I love to play with the reports so I will see what can be done,
Two_Knight (newbie)
12/05/06 04:07 PM
Thanks Judy
bluepennylady (addict)
12/05/06 07:15 PM
Yes you can customize a report showing only Non Stock Inventory items and the auction lots to which they are assigned. I just love to mess with the reports.
Go to Tools | Reports. Select Inventory list. Use the following record selection options. Item #'s x to x Stock Type > Non Stock
Sort by Item #
click Customize. You will receive a prompt that AW2K must make a copy of this report. click Ok
Now go to the customize tab and click on the copy. Click the Customize button and allow the report to open
In the band where all the fields are displayed, drag the bottom line down a little bit so you have a tad more room to add one more field.
If there is anything displayed you don't want or need, click on it and black boxes will outline it, then hit "delete"on your keyboard and it is gone.
Click in the band, and on the toolbar, find the DBText tool. It is the A over a sheet of paper. About 11 icons over from the left. click it and the click your mouse in the band and it will appear.
In the "Data Field" box, find LotNumber in the drop down list and click on it. Go to File and Save. Hit Preview and you can see the Auction Lot Number appear right where you put the DBText box. If you don't like where it is displayed, then drag it where you want it.
See if that works for you.
Two_Knight (newbie)
12/06/06 12:46 PM
Hi Judy Thank you so much. It works just the way I want it. Now I have to change layout and play with the report format Thanks Bob
bluepennylady (addict)
12/06/06 12:55 PM
All the fields that you do not need can be deleted. And the other fields are draggable to somewhere else inside the band. You can also increase the font size if you so choose.