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01/04/07 01:08 PM
Report filter  

Is there any way to filter out Inventory Items with a custom report. I just want to show inventory items for "Off Lline and "never listed" item. The report that iam generating shows the above and "Sold & Shipped" & "On line" Items. I want to filter out the last two

(old hand)
01/04/07 01:41 PM
Re: Report filter new [re: Two_Knight]  


Are you using Stock Inventory Items? Or are all your Inventory Items Non Stock? Stock Inventory Items never display the Auction status. Only Non Stock display the status.

You can sort by Status. Go to Tools | Reports. Select Inventory Reports for the Report Type. Select Inventory List in the Standard Reports. For the record Selection options, choose Non Stock. And Sort by Status. See if that will work.

If it isn't what you want, let me know. I have other report ideas that might


01/04/07 02:08 PM
Re: Report filter new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi again Judy.. Hope you had a nice New Year
Yes item are all Non Stock item and I went through the selection process and sorted by status and non-stock items amd iam still showing "on Line & sold and shipped " items

(old hand)
01/04/07 02:56 PM
Re: Report filter new [re: Two_Knight]  


I did have a nice New Year. Thank you for asking. I hope yours was nice as well.

Instead of trying to customize the Inventory list, customize an Auction lot report. If you are using just Non Stock Inventory Items, then a customized Auction lot report will do the trick. As those can also be sorted by status as well.

You can choose for the REcord selection options to sort by Status only. Select Offline and then select Never listed.

Will that work?


01/05/07 12:04 PM
Re: Report filter new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy
I customized the Auction lot report with the same outcome, therefore it includes "Sold & Shipped and Offline" item. It appears there is no way you can filter out items in custom reports. Question how do you control inventory on hundreds of items of just the inventory in stock, without creating a Auction Item of each item

(old hand)
01/05/07 12:07 PM
Re: Report filter new [re: Two_Knight]  


I don't want you to think I am ignoring you. I will get back to you after the day's shipping is out. I have a whole raft of staff gone again today with the flu.


(old hand)
01/06/07 09:54 AM
Re: Report filter new [re: bluepennylady]  


First, very seldom do I create a Non Stock Inventory Item. I use Stock Inventory Items for my product. I run a "Stock Item qty" report for Active Stock items to tell me if I need to create auction lots for items I have missed when duplicating Sold Auction lots.. I write down which Stock Inventory Items I need to create auction lots for. I rarely print the report as it can be over 100 pages.

I also duplicate auction lots to keep items listed. (eBay Store Auction lots cannot be duplicated) Here is the process I use. Others will use a different process at the conclusion of Auctions.

Update Auction lots
Generate Invoices
Be sure Show/Hide records is set to Show All auction profiles.
Start at the newest invoice and click the "Go to Inventory Item" icon on toolbar directly above Invoice item(s). I work backwards until I get to the day before Invoices. I don't need to go past those Invoices as I duplicated those the day before.

If there is another Stock Inventory Item available, I will go to the Sold Not Shipped Auction lot and hit the duplicate button on the toolbar. Another Auction lot is created.

I can duplicate Auction lots in just a few minutes. And I duplicate everyday so I always have Auction lots ready to go at a moment's notice.

When all of a Stock Inventory Item have Sold, I will uncheck the "Active" checkbox. Then that particular Stock Inventory Item will not show up all of the time in the report. But if I find more of that item, I can re-check the "Active" checkbox, add qty in stock and be good to go.

I also archive records about once every 3 months or so as I have a huge database. When archiving there is an option in the Advanced setting to remove Inactive Inventory Items which keeps your database under control.

Does that help at all? If not let me know and I will try again.


(old hand)
01/07/07 06:21 AM
Re: Report filter new [re: Two_Knight]  


There aer other things you can do to manage Inventory Items.

I use the "Inv Category" to categorize and sub-categorize product. For example, Christmas items. The Inv Category can be done as:


Etc. Then all I do is search by Inv Category and create Auction lots.

And remember, Auction lots can be created in groups in the grid view. Select with contiguous or non-contiguous rows, right click, select Create auction lot from the pop-up menu. Then I duplicate all Sold Auction lots until a particular Inventory Item is gone.

Does that help??


01/07/07 06:25 AM
Re: Report filter new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy
What you say makes a lot of sense. i will give it a try

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