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01/26/07 08:29 AM
User Fields  

Iam trying to use "User Field 5 & 6" in a customized consignment report to charge for "Packageing Cost"
User field do not show up in field drop down box.
Is this the right way to approach this

(old hand)
01/26/07 10:46 AM
Re: User Fields new [re: Two_Knight]  


Do you mean you are trying to add the Packaging cost soit will total up at the bottom of your report?


01/26/07 01:01 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy
Yes I would want it to show cost for "Misc charges therefore packaging etc. I thought i could use theses 2 usrer defined fields for that purpose?

(old hand)
01/26/07 01:57 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: Two_Knight]  


YOu can certainly record those fees into User defined fields. But unless I am missing something, User defined fields are not available in Consignment reports.

Is your packaging fee the same for all product? Or does it vary from item to item? And is the packaging fee something the consignor needs to be aware of? Or is that for your own purposes?


01/26/07 02:34 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: bluepennylady]  

The packaging fee vary on cost of item. I would like the consignor to know these cost instead of including them in say shipping cost etc
Where do these "User Defined " fields show up in reports?
It seem to me that this type of field should be avalable in all reports so the end user can use as needed

(old hand)
01/26/07 03:52 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: Two_Knight]  


Uer defined fields 5 and 6 are an option in Invoice reports. All the user fields are an option in the Auction lots reports. I didn't recall seing User defined field options in any Consignor reports. And unless I am completely overlooking it, those fields are not available in the Consignor reports.

Are you using all the fee fields on the Invoices? Like the Actual shipping cost and insurance cost?

What you might try to see if there are fields you are not using that would work is to look at every option available in the customization? Use the Databasetext instead of DBcal. Then hit the drop down on the menu and see what fields are available that you might be able to plug in the handling charge.

The other option is you might consider standarizing your handling fee so it is easier to track.

I will look into customizing the reports tomorrow and see if I can come up with something that is workable with the User fields. I just don't see a way to do it using the Consignor reports. That is add the User fields as those options are not available.


(old hand)
01/27/07 12:39 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: Two_Knight]  


I didn't want you to think I had forgotten you. Because I haven't I did some work in the reports earlier today. Using an User defined fields within a Consignor report will not work. That option is simply not available.

But all is not lost. I believe one of the Invoice reports will work for providing the handling/packaging charge. It will mean running 2 different reports but it is doable. When I finish with the customizing, I will let you know about it.

I am thinking of using this little report I am working on for one of my own purposes. Your question got me to thinking about an issue I have. And I think this will solve one of my new dilemmas I have.

So I will keep you "posted" on how it comes along. (I know, I know that was a really bad pun)


01/27/07 05:54 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: bluepennylady]  

Thanks Judy
Your right user define field are not avaible in the Consignor customize report. is seem to me that if you can enter user fields in Auction lots, you should be able access them in a Consignor report.
Maybe Thom could expand on the reasons

I would be interest in what you come up with.
Email me at

(old hand)
01/28/07 05:07 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: Two_Knight]  


I did not want you to think I was not working on a solution for your report needs. I have been offline all weekend building new computers for my home network. Great Fun but time consuming in-between grandkids that want to "help"

I'll get back to you tomorrow.


(old hand)
01/29/07 12:53 PM
Re: User Fields new [re: bluepennylady]  


Here is what I come up with.

You can customize an Invoice Report | Invoice Summary by Item Detail. You can delete all the fields you do not need. Add the User defined fields as well as the Consignor field.

The report will display the User field. Which for you will be the handling fee. In order to access the Consignor field you nned to use DBText+Invoice Items.

User defined fields 1 thru 6 are available for Invoice Items entries. User defined fields 5 and 6 are available only for Invoices.

See if that will work for you. It will be necessary to run two reports. But I think you will be better able to distinguish between consignor charges and your handling charges using the Invoice Summary by details.

let me know if this helps at all.


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