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04/27/07 06:46 PM
Private Sales  

Is there a way to remove the Auction ID column heading and the auction ID number from a Customized Invoice (using Reports > Printed Invoices > Standard Reports > Invoices > Customize)? All I want to do is keep that one column from printing.

By the way, did I mention that the Report Designer is beyond my comprehension, and that only on days when I've squirted WD-40 in through that little hole in my head am I able to make it do a single thing I want?

Thanks, Sue (on a day when my synapses need lubrication)

(old hand)
04/27/07 07:15 PM
Re: Private Sales new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


You are hilarious Now that I have wiped the tears from my eyes------ Yes you can remove the Auction id field from the report.

Let me work on it for a bit and I will get back to you shortly.


(old hand)
04/27/07 07:21 PM
Re: Private Sales new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


When you choose the Customize option, look along the bottom of the report. You will see two different sections displayed.
One is "Main Invoice"
The second right next to it is "Sub-Report:Invoice Items"

click the "Sub-report:Invoice Items" little tab on the bottom. That opens up the portion of the report which is displaying the Auction id you want to remove.

click on the
Auction Id label so it ihas arrows on all four sides, you can then delete that label.

You will also want to click on the field that displays the actual Auction id number so it is also outlined with arrows. Then delete it. You should Preview the results in the Preview pane to be sure it is how you want it. You can re-arrange each little label or database calculation field by dragging them where you want and dropping them anywhere within the report band.

Does that help? Should I send more WD-40???


04/28/07 10:11 AM
Re: Private Sales new [re: bluepennylady]  

I never even saw those tabs at the bottom. Typical, huh?

Ok, perfect instructions, and I got rid of the unwanted fields and then rearranged them like I needed, but......

I have yet to figure out how to do a SAVE AS. I don't want to open a new Report and start from scratch. How do I save my changes as a new Printed Invoice with a new file name?

I've read and reread the AW Help Files on this topic, but I'm still just lost. This Report Designer must be based on some program that's available separate from AW (yes?), so maybe there are guides written for old, gummed-up brains like mine. Does anyone know? And if not, I nominate Judy to write one and start selling it on eBay.

Thanks, Sue

(old hand)
04/28/07 03:36 PM
Re: Private Sales new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


In order to customize any report, the report is automatically saved as "copy of" in the "Custom Reports" tab right next to the "Standard Reports" tab. There is a "Rename" option.

click on the copy of x report in the Custom Report, then Rename it whatever you want.

Does that make sense?


04/30/07 11:59 AM
Re: Private Sales new [re: bluepennylady]  

Not ignoring you. Just busy. Hope to fiddle with this tonight. Thank you Judy.


(old hand)
04/30/07 12:03 PM
Re: Private Sales new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I didn't think you were ignoring me at all. I am busy as well.


05/09/07 11:04 AM
Re: Private Sales new [re: bluepennylady]  

Finally got a moment to try this.

Judy wrote: "the report is automatically saved as "copy of" in the "Custom Reports" tab"

I made the changes I wanted, closed the custom report (it's my regular package insert; Report Types: Printed Invoices), said YES to save changes, but found it had saved the changes to the original, one-and-only report. There was no "copy of" on the list. Luckily, before making the changes, I had saved a copy as an ARD file, so I was able to open that and undo the changes. After re-editing and resaving that one, both the customized invoices appeared in the Reports list, and I was able to rename the one I use every day. Maybe I misunderstood what was happening, but it sure looks like if you edit a customized Report and say YES to saving it, it saves the changes to the original, not to a copy (while the Report is open, its name at the top of the window isn't "copy of"). To test this, I reopened my new customized report (the one NOT saved as an ARD file), removed one letter from the title block, clicked File > Close, and got the box "Confirm Save changes to report?" I clicked Yes, got returned to the Reports list, and saw there was no "copy of" in the list on the Custom Reports tab. When I re-open it now, that letter is, of course, still missing. Do these custom Reports open as "copy of" only if they've been saved as ARD files first?

Anyway, now I need to know how to select an invoice for printing. Is it just a matter of moving them up and down in the Reports list --whichever one is on top is the default? Actually, I just tested this theory, and that's not it. And now, I apparently have my "missing-letter" invoice as the default. Help!

Thanks, Sue

P.S. It occurs to me it would be a LOT easier to just use some correction tape to cover up the eBay auction ID number when I need a non-eBay printed invoice. That would take about 3 seconds, whereas I've spent about two hours trying to figure out how to make the invoice print with just that one, little change. What lengths we will go to to make our programs do our bidding!

05/09/07 11:15 AM
Re: Private Sales new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  

I'm sure Judy will have a better way to select the invoice but here is what I do:

BEFORE printing the invoice (obviously) and while on the invoice tab click on

TOOLS/ Customize Printed Invoices

you get a box with all of your custom invoices. Click on the one you want to use and click on OK

The very next invoice you print will use that custom template. And every invoice after that will also use the same form. So if you use this method don't forget to go back and make the change to your ususal invoice after printing the one "different" one.

Hope this helps


05/09/07 11:36 AM
Re: Private Sales new [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I'm sorry if I have to ask a few questions to clarify the problem.

Did you go to Tools | Reports | Printed Invoices?
Enter in the Invoice for which you are going to print an Invoice for.
Use the Customize button.
AW2000 will tell you you cannot customize a Standard report and will make a copy. Do you want to proceed? And you click OK.
The report that opens in the Designer Window should be the "Copy Of" whatever report you are attempting to customize. The changes you save when in the "Copy Of" are saved to that particular copy.

Am I on the right scenario? That you used


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