tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
05/09/07 11:46 AM
This is what I was looking for (had thought it was in File:Program Options). I think it might be the way, as in the only way to select which invoice to use. Thanks Garry.
AquilaStamps (enthusiast)
05/09/07 11:49 AM
Sue: You're welcome Glad I was able to help. I remember the first time I had to do that - I too went to Program Options and searched it until the letters wore off the screen.
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
05/09/07 11:58 AM
Don't apologize. I expected to need to clarify some things. It's not easy to communicate this way. Chatting in the same room while both peering at the same screen would be a whole lot easier, wouldn't it? :)
I went to Tools | Reports | Printed Invoices | Custom Reports tab.
I selected the Invoice I wanted to edit and clicked the Customize button.
AW2000 does not tell me I cannot customize it because it's already a Custom Report.
The report that opens in the Designer Window isn't "copy of" -- it's named as I named it. I think the "copy of" editing is available only in Standard Reports. I think you assumed I was starting there, but I already had a Customized Report that I wanted to tweak just a bit. I can't see a way to do that without first doing a Save To File, or starting "from scratch" with a Standard Report and trying to duplicate all your previous customizations.
bluepennylady (veteran)
05/09/07 12:02 PM
Got it. Yes I presumed you were starting from a new Standard report and not an existing customized report.
You can further change your report if you want. I edit and save mine all of the time. However, I do often make another copy just in case I really screw up something I have messed up the new "copy of" instead of the actual one we use all of the time. After I am sure I like the changes, I will re-do the original customized report.
Looks like Garry got you going in the right direction.
You should be good to go????
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
05/09/07 12:04 PM
Garry wrote: "...until the letters wore off the screen."
I like that! I can picture you sitting there and getting bleary-eye while the letters start stretching and sliding off your monitor. I know that feeling -- like if you just open your eyes bigger and blink a few times, some button or drop-down box will appear from out of that field of gray fog.
AquilaStamps (enthusiast)
05/09/07 12:05 PM
I think that "copy of" only works with one of the original templates that come with AW2K. If you edit one of your customized reports it does not do copy of. I may be wrong but that's the way I've see it work in the past. Not only in AW2K but in other programs I make it a standard practice that before editing anything I save as the same file name with an X at the end. That way when (notice I didn't say if) I mess up I still have the original. Then when I'm done and happy I delete the "x" file - umm no pun intended. Or I delete the x and type original if I wish to keep it. Long and involved huh?
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
05/09/07 12:16 PM
Not so fast, missy! 
Judy wrote: "I edit and save mine all of the time. However, I do often make another copy just in case I really screw up something I have messed up the new "copy of" instead of the actual one we use all of the time."
HOW?? From this window:
...how do you make a just-in-case copy? How do you make a copy of one of your already-customized Reports?
bluepennylady (veteran)
05/09/07 12:25 PM
Okay, okay, okay. so I won't slide outta of here 
First, I will create another customized copy by Saving the original to a file, then reloading it back from the same file. That makes another exact copy so I can mess with it. After I have edited the exact copy that I saved to a file and then Load from file, I can do one of two things.
I can elect to Save the copy I was just messing around with and edited to a File and then Load to file again and rename it the same name, delete the old one.
Or I can go into the original report and make the same changes.
From the window you sent the link to, IF you are wanting to use the "Save to File" as the method to make another exact copy, then use "Save to File". Then load from file will make a copy of "non-eBay Invoice (1)" So you can edit that one. You have to highlight the "non-ebay Invoice (1) and click "Customize" in order to access the Report Designer Window. Make the changes you want and save the changes.
Does that make sense?
tictictic_OnEbay (enthusiast)
05/09/07 12:52 PM
That's it! I did the Save to File, then reloaded that one, and it shows on the list with a (1) next to its name. Perfect!
Thanks a bunch, Judy.
bluepennylady (veteran)
05/09/07 01:07 PM
Cool! You'll love being able to do that. Works like a charm.