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09/10/06 06:41 AM
Re: eBay Payment Scammer [re: AquilaStamps]  


That is terrible about the lady. It is cool Bob that your son takes the time to provide information against scams. Thanks for sharing the scam,

Since I have my son and his wife's permission, I will share one of the reasons I think sharing hre on the boards about spoof and scams is so very important.

This last week, our oldest twin son and his wife were victims of a spoof email. The result is the scammers accessed their personal and business bank accounts, literally cleaning out 100% of the funds including their business credit line. And no one at the bank noticed the 49+ drafts being accessed from and sent to Spain.

They received an email that looks so much like it came from Paypal it isn't even funny. Telling them someone had attempted to access their Paypal account. And Paypal had secured the account but in order for them to gain access to their account again, they needed to fill out the web-form and return it to Paypal. Then Paypal would send them a new password, etc. Of course, it was a scam. And we all know the links are no longer valid as the scammers have already shut down the website where they were located.

It has been a hard week for our kids.


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/09/06 09:39 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/09/06 09:50 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/09/06 11:22 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/09/06 11:26 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/09/06 12:38 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/09/06 12:48 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  alsorts09/09/06 08:17 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/09/06 10:05 PM
..Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/10/06 06:41 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/10/06 07:12 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/10/06 11:05 AM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/10/06 12:14 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/10/06 01:51 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  substance29209/13/06 07:03 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/13/06 07:12 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  AquilaStamps09/13/06 11:05 PM
.*Re: eBay Payment Scammer  bluepennylady09/14/06 05:08 AM
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