actually the picture guidelines do not apply to aw2K users as long as they are using the AW2K templates that the images are within the description field
The guidelines are found here
[ur]http://pages.ebay.com/sellerinformation/news/newlistingrequirements.html[/end url]
The detail that applies to AW2K users is found here
Does the minimum picture size apply to pictures in the Item Description?No. Self-hosted pictures in the description are exempt from these policies.
In general, sellers are highly encouraged to move self-hosted pictures from the item description to eBay picture hosting services. eBay picture hosting services displays pictures “above the fold” on the Item page and buyers won’t have to scroll down to see them. By making this change, sellers can really begin optimizing for mobile customers.
eBAy WANTS you to use their picture hosting service. But since AW2K host their own images and the images are within the description field, the new picture guidelines do not apply.
Judy Oglesby Judy/blue bluepennylady
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