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12/14/14 07:08 AM
AW won't load [re: ]  

Major help needed please!

I use Windows 8 (ugh). I have turned off the auto-updates but yesterday it did something and restarted my machine.

Then I could not start AW. The logo appears and starts loading but then the dialogue box appears: "Auction Wizard 2000 has stopped working"

Tried everything including uninstalling/re-installing. When I re-installed the program started! Hooray! However, all of my data was gone so I performed a "restore database". Then the program stopped working again.

Then I did a rebuild database but 100 tables rebuilt unsuccessfully.

Before I bother Thom, any suggestions?

Thank you so much for any help!

Entire thread
Subject  Posted byPosted on
.AW won't load  onlynancydrew12/14/14 07:08 AM
.*Re: AW won't load  alsorts12/14/14 02:46 PM
.*Re: AW won't load  onlynancydrew12/14/14 03:40 PM
.*Re: AW won't load  alsorts12/15/14 06:18 AM
.*Re: AW won't load  onlynancydrew12/15/14 06:37 AM
.*Re: AW won't load  alsorts12/15/14 08:37 AM
.*Re: AW won't load  Tradeguy12/15/14 09:50 AM
.*Re: AW won't load  onlynancydrew12/15/14 04:04 PM
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