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06/06/07 09:31 AM
Send to Auction - Enhancement  

I would like to suggest a enhancement to AW2000 to allow us to send items in our ebay store to a auction. I often list items in my ebay store for a few months, and if they don't sell, or if there is one of the ebay low price listing days, I'd like to send all the high value items to auction when I can do it for 20 cents each. I can send them to a fixed price auction from my ebay, Update AW2000 so the store listings are closed, then change the profile to Auction, and then cut and paste the new auction number into AW2000. This is painful if you do it for a couple hundred items.

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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Send to Auction - Enhancement  scalesusa06/06/07 09:31 AM
.*Re: Send to Auction - Enhancement  bluepennylady06/06/07 12:30 PM
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