Built a custom HTML template for our auction listings. There is some javascript code that loops through all the images for the auction to create 72 x 72 thumb views of the images. This way there is a default large image for the auction and the remaining images for the auction are shown as thumb views, when an image is click on it will pull the image from my image server and display it as the main image. It is dynamic in that the amount of images from 1 - X have the HTML code built automatically for every image along with the required element for mouse function to support this. Right now I have coded the template to use: #BeginImages Javascript #EndImages This is working great, except for the default image of the auction. The code above the three lines listed utilizes the #ImageFilename, #ImageWidth, and #ImageHeight. With this being called before the looping through the images it would be logically that the first picture for the lot would become the default image for the auction. But that is not the case the last image for the lot is always the default image. There does not appear to be a way to specify a variable that will always return the first image in the lot, the 2nd image in the lot, and etc. Is this granular detail available? If not, is there a way to suggest a "request for enhancement" to the program?