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(old hand)
12/21/06 07:29 AM
Re: Fees [re: Two_Knight]  


Yes. The payment services fees are recorded when payments are recorded. You can record the payment by clicking on the green "$" on the toolbar. That opens up the "Add Invoice Income" dialog box. The 3rd field down is where you record the payment service fee.

The "Add Invoice Income" is also where you enter in the shipping date, Ship via, amount paid as well as the email notification sent. When setting up your Auction profile(s), you determined which default payment received email you wanted to send out. The "Email template" field displays that email template.

But let's say, a buyer pays today using a personal check and you hold all items paid with a personal check for 10 days. You enter in a ship date 10 days from today and then you can manually select the email template for "Check held". As you would not want to send out the payment received and we are going to ship today email. Does that make sense?


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Fees  Two_Knight12/20/06 04:28 PM
.*Re: Fees  bluepennylady12/20/06 04:42 PM
.*Re: Fees  Two_Knight12/21/06 07:21 AM
..Re: Fees  bluepennylady12/21/06 07:29 AM
.*Re: Fees  Two_Knight12/21/06 07:45 AM
.*Re: Fees  bluepennylady12/21/06 07:49 AM
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