No worries. We have all done those type of things before. Been in the incorrect spot.
If an Invoice is missing from the shipping dialog box, check the Shipping date as well. If when recording the payment, the ship date was set for yesterday, it will not appear. Or if the ship date is tomorrow it will not appear. Unless you change the date ranges in "Print Shipping Labels for unshipped invoices" Starting date and End date.
Because you were in the incorrect place, then most likely the Invoices are still there. If you need to get back out of the shipping dialog box, you can always just hit "Cancel" and everything will remain intact.
If you have an Invoice that needs to ship and you have not yet recorded the payment in AW2000, you can do one of two things, 1. Just manually change the status to "Waiting to ship" and put today's date in the Ship date field. Keep in mind, that you will have no record of the payment for future reports.
2. Record the payment even though you received the payment prior to using AW2000. The Record Payment box first field allows you to accurately record the date of payment receipt. So if it was last week when the payment arrived, you can change that date to the correct date. And then you can record today's date as the ship date.
I hope that makes sense. Let me know if this helps or not