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05/30/08 12:52 PM
Missing payment notices from Paypal  

I've had five invoices in the last week or so where the buyer paid right away via Paypal, but I received no email notification. In one case, over a week passed & I was about to send a payment reminder. I went to the auction page to check the buyer's FB rating and saw the note saying he had paid the same day the auction ended. I've had to send several apologies for failing to acknowledge payments and for shipping delays.

I'm also still getting duplicate payments (and no, Judy, they aren't just email notifications; they are real payments that show up in my account balance). I've started sending these payers a note asking them if they can tell me what prompted them to pay again. Paypal doesn't care about this "problem" -- just more fees for them. If this is widespread, it needs to be investigated by law enforcement. I've collected hundreds of dollars extra this month without a single payer writing and saying Oops, please issue a refund. I could have kept it all, and no one would have been the wiser.

Paypal is a mess. Now, when you call customer service (other than being disconnected frequently; having to deal with people who barely speak English; long, long times on hold; poorly trained and clueless reps), you have to punch in a 6-digit customer code that changes each time you log in and isn't easy to find.

Rant over............for now.


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/30/08 12:52 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  AquilaStamps05/30/08 02:58 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/31/08 01:08 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/31/08 01:19 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  mouse06/04/08 08:15 AM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady06/04/08 08:27 AM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay06/01/08 04:38 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady06/01/08 05:31 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  Tradeguy05/31/08 06:57 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/31/08 07:04 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/30/08 12:55 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/30/08 01:18 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/30/08 01:22 PM
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